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Claim Me Deeply Alpha

Claim Me Deeply Alpha



A relentless struggle for survival unfolded between humans and werewolves, with guns and fangs, shouts and howls being the weapons of choice. Witnessing his soldiers being slain, Alpha Damien observed their lifeless bodies collapsing before him, a trail of blood slowly descending from his wounded abdomen. A surge of adrenaline compelled him to hastily escape, fleeing for his life as the relentless human relentlessly pursued him. With a solemn oath, Alpha Damien vowed to avenge the massacre of his pack, inflict dire consequences upon the humans and their lineage, and employ any available method to ensure his own survival amidst the depths of the wilderness.

Chapter 1 The Hunt

In the radiant morning atmosphere of the Front Range, the enormous gray wolf's exhales created conspicuous puffs of vapor under the sunlight. As he observed the undulating hills in front of him, the early sunbeams glistened through the treetops.

Scattered across the frost-covered landscape were his intended victims, cows, initially gathered for warmth but starting to disperse for their daily sustenance. Today, he would have a satisfying meal.

The absence of humans for several days provided him with the opportunity to swiftly capture a prey and indulge before their return.

Damien had meticulously monitored their routine, as they rode their steeds along the periphery of their territory. Last night, they had loaded their horses onto a trailer and departed, leaving the cattle to roam freely on the hills.

He had to exercise caution when determining the number of cows to target, as excessively frequent visits to a single ranch would provoke human retaliation, leading to their demise.

This had occurred in the past when he had become too complacent in his own domain, arrogantly displaying his dominance over his smaller kin.

Ordinarily, the smaller wolves would not dare attempt to take down a full-size cow, opting instead for a few sheep whenever they could be found. Damien had grown tired of the usual fare of rabbits and field mice consumed by his relatives. Today, they would indulge in the taste of beef.

Already drooling with anticipation, Damien envisioned the satisfaction of sinking his snout into the tender abdomen of a plump cow, relishing the gush of blood to be eagerly lapped up. He trembled with excitement, experiencing a sensation akin to orgasm, then turned to address his pack.

They patiently awaited his command to initiate the chase. Not a muscle twitched without his authorization; they had all learned this from witnessing their former alpha male fall amidst a chaotic deluge of blood and gristle.

Assuming the role of the new alpha male surpassed any previous experience for the smaller wolves. Their ancestral recollections informed them that this giant and his brethren had once ruled over mountains and valleys, but such dominance belonged to the past.

What truly unsettled the pack, however, was the fact that the new alpha male had not claimed any of the females after overthrowing the former alpha.

Traditionally, this would occur with a new alpha assuming control, but this giant deflected the advances of the eager females, growling and nipping at them as they sought to secure a rank within the pack.

Alpha Damien took a final whiff of the morning breeze before signaling the others to commence the hunt.

With the alpha coyote leading the way, the pack dispersed gradually while trotting down the hillside. Moving at a much slower pace than the others, the alpha ensured that there was enough time for the rest of the pack to surround the herd of cattle. Seamlessly, they managed to slip under the unnoticed barbed wire fence, out of sight of the unsuspecting cows.

The alpha chose to stay low amidst the tall grass along the fence line, fully aware that his size and fur color would give away his position too soon. He decided not to give chase until the other coyotes had startled the herd, allowing the slowest one to be separated from the rest.

As the rest of the pack finally found their positions, the beta male made its move. Yet, before it could even take three steps, its head exploded in a violent spray of red and gray, the body convulsing with the force of the explosion.

The valley was then engulfed in the sound of gunfire, with three more coyotes meeting a similar fate, their bodies dropping to the ground with the unmistakable sound of rifle shots thundering through.

An intense surge of adrenaline coursed through the alpha's body, but he fought the urge to flee. If the bullets hadn't struck him yet, then the well-hidden humans couldn't possibly see him.

His muscles tensed under his fur, preparing for flight, but he knew that if he ran now, he would never reach the safety of the tree line before a high-powered rifle bullet would explode his own head.

The rest of the pack had already started their retreat towards the tree line, some of them narrowly avoiding the dirt bursts caused by the wild firing of the humans. Sadly, not all of the pack made it to the tree line, except for a couple.

After several minutes had elapsed, the humans began to emerge from their concealed positions. Damien observed as clumps of grass morphed into upright figures with legs. 'Those conniving individuals!', he thought.

He cautiously positioned himself even deeper into the thick brush along the fence line, ensuring not a single blade of grass would betray his hiding spot.

The sound of laughter grabbed his attention, originating from one of the walking grass heaps that had come within fifty yards of his concealed spot.

"We really showed those bastards, didn't we, boys?"

"Yeah, they won't dare touch our cows again."

"Did you see that first shot? This new rifle is incredible!"

The last voice resonated from the left of Damien. He slowly turned his head, observing the face of the one who had taken down his second-in-command. The towering human had pulled back his grass camouflage, proudly displaying his rifle to the others.

With anger burning in his mind, Damien meticulously engraved every feature of that face into his memory.

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