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The Addictive Stranger's Bed

The Addictive Stranger's Bed



Lysandra was defenceless against the officer's dark gaze, nothing could have warned her of just how dangerously illicit it would be to engage herself with the brute. Her panties dampened further as she gave in to her body and allowed herself a night in the addictive stranger's bed. Mikel Silvetti napped like a coil the instant he saw her sitting alone at the local bar. The vixen would be his. Nothing would stop him from claiming her; not her age, morals or his brother and her mother's upcoming marriage. She was his prey and like a predator, he refused to cease his hunt. Especially when the prize was this delectable; so intoxicating, he could practically taste the sweet juices leaking from her drenched core. With his cock saluting the red haired woman, Mikel went in for the kill. He'd fuck her hard, mark her indefinitely and chain her to him if it was the last thing he did...

Chapter 1 1


I could simply walk out of this alcohol intoxicated bar... but then I'd have to face my teasing colleagues, come Monday morning. Spinning on my nude stilettos I turn to face a middle aged slightly toothless man. "One beer, please."

"Sure thing, honey pie." The man replies, to which I cringe in return.

I then lift myself up onto one of the stools. Idiot, idiot, idiot. I can't believe this is it. A twenty-six year old virgin seems to be strange to those I work with, hence why I'm here looking for courage in liquid form and a decent man to complete my mission. Real smart, Lysandra. Come to a bar, sure, you'll definitely find a decent man here. I scan the people surrounding me, a majority of them being male... sturdy but not what I'm looking for.

The bartender places a tall glass in front of me and watches me curiously. I take a sip and smile up at the guy... Virginity is just that, right. No. Not him Lysandra, you're not that desperate. Two beers later, still nothing. I decide my best option is to just take the irritating behaviour my friends seem to be accustom too.

With a over exaggerated sigh, I stand up and leave a tip. I pull my bag onto my shoulder and step back only to have my shoe catch onto the stool. I fall backwards in the most unattractive way possible... looking quite similar to a emu who hasn't been told it's species can not fly. I close my eyes ready for the injury but before my butt hits the ground two large hands catch me.

I look up awkwardly into dark smokey green eyes. Almost instantly a strong male scent hits me. God he smells good! I straighten up and run my hands down my pant suit. "Thank you."

The man is tall and quite frankly the most attractive male I've ever seen. "My pleasure, sweetheart." I go to walk past him only to have him wrap an arm around my waist as I sway slightly, only now noticing just how wobbly my legs are. This is perfect... not. "You should sit down." The man instructs.

"Oh, I'm fine." I smile politely. After all the man did save my bottom from a bruise or two.

The man either doesn't hear me or doesn't care as within seconds my injury free bottom is on a stool and a large arm is curved along the back of it. "Would you like a drink?" He questions. I take sneak peaks at the man next to me, while waiting for him to explain himself. He's definitely older then me. Who exactly is he?

I shake my head. No. He orders a beer for himself and I continue to glance regularly at the attractive being wearing a tight uniform. He is definitely in his thirties and to be honest I feel so short and tiny compared to his large build, although he does seem bigger then the average male. So in my defence he's probably taller then most people... Yeah keep telling yourself that, Lysandra, whatever helps you sleep at night.

As I take another look at him, he turns to face me and before I can argue or even comment his lips are firmly against mine. I look at him wide eyed. What the... Slowly but surely my eyes close and I lean into his touch. Involuntarily my legs cross and I'm pleasantly shocked by the reaction coming from between my legs. That's never happened before. Maybe it has something to do with the thrill of kissing a complete stranger in public...

"Only. One. Night..." I manage to mutter out when he breaks the kiss, only to trail down my jaw to my neck. The man says something however I'm too preoccupied to even comprehend it. We break the kiss a silent agreement for sex passing through us. I stand up and he grabs my hand, we both walk out and he tells me to follow him. So I do.

I use the fifteen minute drive to freshen up. This is it. Mission de-flowering is underway. We pull up outside a hotel and I step out before he's able to reach my car.

Neither of us say a word. I just hope he dosen't stop after finding out about my current in-experience. We walk through the lobby and he asks for a room at the reception, all the while I force myself not to droll over his clearly muscular body. He thanks the black haired woman and grabs the card off her. She blushes and looks down. I don't blame her, he is quite the specimen. Once we're safely inside he presses a button and with his other hand he clasps the back of my neck.

The man pulls me in close, bending down. "Kiss me." He states. Well who am I to deny the officer. I stand on my tippy toes and wrap my arms around his neck. I then tug his bottom lip between mine. I sure hope I'm doing this correct because I'd like to get this done and over with. Oh who am I kidding, this man is addictive, I don't want to ever stop... but I know I'll have too.

The only mouth experience I have had was back in college when a boy had been dared to share saliva with me. I'm all into that kind of dangerous stuff, so I agreed and we kissed for all of three seconds. It counts, alright!

My panties dampen as the elevator doors opens and we kiss our way out of the metal box, his hand trails up and clutches my breast...


Professional. Neat. Boring. Three words that described the folders in my hand and my entire being. I clutch them tightly while walking to a unfamiliar house. I cringe making my way up the stairs due to the soreness between my legs, memories of the mysterious man floods my mind... I snap out of my day dream when I realize why I'm standing in front of a strangers front door. I'm used to my mother dating men who are much younger then her, but it was always dating... now all of a sudden she's decided to marry a man I've never met. Great...

I clutch my folder and knock on the door, waiting patiently. All of a sudden the door opens and two kids run past my legs, a boy chasing a girl with a water gun. I decide to cautiously walk through the door, it doesn't seem like anyone's going to answer it any time soon. I run my free hand down the length of my pencil skirt as loud voices begin to fill the air and finally I come to the end of the long hallway. I look around bemused, people are scattered everywhere. And by everywhere, I mean everywhere! Leaning against walls, clogging up open spaces, sitting on benches, etc...

I look around for my mothers familiar red hair and when I don't see it I begin to panic, am I at the right house? I make my way through the people and enter a kitchen, still no mum... but people are now looking at me curiously. I can't believe she'd do this too me! Just when I'm about to give up hope and leave I hear a strong voice. A deep familiar voice, one that had whispered sweet nothings to me the previous night. I spin on my heel and look around the space, I make my way through the large open glass doors. Still I don't see the cause of the soreness in my lower regions. I turn back around.

"Lysandra!" I close my eyes slightly, so this is the right house.

I spin around to find my red haired, green eyed mother bounding my way... how does she have so much energy! She clutches onto my hand and tries to pull me with her, unfortunately for her although she is taller then me, she isn't stronger. I stay put. "What is going on, mum?" I question.

"Oh honey, you have to meet him!" She gushes.

I sigh but nevertheless allow my mother to drag me to some unknown destination. Finally we stop behind a group of people. My mother touches the shoulder of a man, who turns in reply. The man clamps a hand to my mother hip and I watch shocked as he plants a large kiss on her lips. My mother pulls away flushed and I raise an eyebrow. Am I the only one shocked? I look around. Apparently I am!

"Lysandra, meet Andrew. Andrew this is my daughter, Lysandra..." My mother does the introductions.

I hold my hand out politely. He places his hand in mine and shakes it. I release his hand after two shakes. "It nice to meet you, Andrew." I smile, pushing a loose strand behind my ear. I then direct my next sentence to my mother, "I've heard so much about you!"

She looks down, as she should! How could she put me in this position. I release a breath and calm down. Before either of them can reply a stranger hands me a plastic cup, filled with what looks like beer. I lift the cup to my lips but before I can take a sip I hear the voice again. My eyes enlarge to a inhumane size when the man from last night slaps Andrews shoulder lightly.

What's he doing here? The nameless man finally looks in my direction and his bored expression changes slightly. I narrow my eyes at him when I see him look down my body. Must he be such a man! "Mother, can I have a word." I state while placing my cup on the closest table.

"Excuse us." She tells the men before following me with a firm grip on my arm.

I whip around as soon as we are out of earshot. "This is ridiculous! I have work to finish and staying here is clearly a waste of time." I look up and my gaze clashes with the nameless man.

"Lysandra, forget about work for once!" My mother scolds.

I feel a prick and look down to see a little girl poking my leg with a stick. "Pee-pee!" She demands raising her hands to me. I look at my mother for help.

She just laughs, "take her to the toilet, darling."


"Come on, it'll be practice for when you have a kid."

"Mum, no!" I stand up straight.

From behind us Andrew calls my mother while walking to us, "please..." My mother smiles innocently.

"Fine. But after this I'm leaving and tomorrow we'll discuss this situation." I finalize, lowering my arms to the kid who is now jumping from one foot to the other. She leaps into my embrace and I pray to the heavens the she can hold on a little longer. I rush past my mother and Andrew and walk up the steps to the house quickly.

I look around for the bathroom and then realize I have no idea where anything in this house is. "Where's the bathroom?" I question the girl, who decides to hold her breath. Oh lord! All of a sudden a firm hand rests on the small of my back, it pushes me down the hall and I look behind myself to find the stranger who'd taken me to unknown heights. He pauses in front of a door and I open it. The girl begins to wriggles in my hands so I lower her, she grabs me and pulls me in with her, I kick the door closed behind us.

The click of my heels follow her as she stops in front of the toilet. She lowers her pants and I lift her up and place her on the seat, looking away to give her some privacy. "I'm Ariel. Like the mermaid." Her soft voice whispers over the trickle.

"That's nice." I mumble.

"Who are you?" She questions, poking my forehead.

I furrow my brows. "Lysandra."

"I'm going to call you, Pee-pee." Ariel giggles.

I sigh. Finally she finishes and I flush the toilet for her. We both wash our hands and then I follow her out of the room. The man is leaning against the opposite wall, I watch him. Ariel tugs my skirt so I bend down to her level. "Pee-pee, you're pretty. I wish I had your hair, then I'd definitely be the mermaid Ariel..." She whispers in my ear.

I smile at the little girl, "but you're a far more beautiful Ariel!"

She laughs before patting my cheek and bouncing away. I stand up straight slowly, all the while the man watches. "What are you doing here?" I question, finally when the silence begins to become sexual. Although I'll admit scanning his body is so worth the tension in the air.

The man doesn't reply, he just pushes off the wall and steps closer to me. I step back. With one quick movement he pushes me back through the bathroom door, which he locks. "You were gone in the morning..." is he accusing me of something? I'd told him last night that all I wanted was someone to break my virginity. Why? Because I'd like to get past that part of my life and move on to more important things, like work.

"As you should have been." I reply.

He grabs my waist tightly and spins me around so my back is against the wooden door. He leans down and places his lips next to my ear. "So that's it?"

"Yes." I moan, just the feeling of his warm breath against my earlobe has my stomach clenching.

He moves down and nip the joint between my neck and shoulder. "You don't sound convincing."

I snap out of my daze quite difficulty and push him back, although he doesn't move. "Stop." I look away from him. He moves back slightly but keeps me caged by his body.

"You weren't so reluctant last night."

I look away embarrassed. I was desperate last night. Sure you were, don't lie we both know you wouldn't have stopped even if you had a choice! I mentally shut out the stupid voice in my head. "It was the alcohol." I use the only excuse I can think of, "besides, I did have quite the shock. My actions last night were a response to that." I continue talking to him as if he was a client.

"Is that so?" He murmurs stroking my chin.

I take a deep breath and compose myself. "Yes, it is so." And with that ladies and gentlemen I leave the gorgeous man and walk out of the bathroom with my head held high. I decide to see my mother before leaving, I better tell her I've left... after all it's not like she's doing something tragically horrendous and I guess all I can do now is support her. I push the loose strands of hair off my face and walk down the steps and towards my mother. She smiles when she sees me and I can't help but lower my harsh expression. "I should leave now." I approach her.

"Why? You just arrived, stay a little longer." She looks down at me innocently. You know my mother is quite childish for a forty-five year old!

I shake my head, "not today, mum, I have a lot of paperwork and if I don't do it then no one will..." I sigh. I smile at Andrew when he wraps a arm around my mothers waist. "It's been a pleasure meeting you and I look forward to future gatherings." I hold my hand out.

Andrew shakes my hand, "come over anytime. You're always welcome here, Lysandra." He doesn't seem so bad, maybe this won't be as messed up as it sounds. You know what, maybe this will be a good thing. I mean at least now my mother will stay put and hopefully act her age, the woman is so immature, it's ridiculous really. Step-father, huh... That reminds me I need to contact my father, I was supposed to visit him a couple of months ago but work got in the way of that plan. I haven't even called him for a couple of weeks now, my gosh... I'll definitely call him in the car.

"Thank you. I'll leave you two too your party." I nod at the couple.

My mother smiles at me softy and pulls me into a short hug before releasing me. Turning, I begin to walk away from Andrew and my mother, but before I can make it off the land which the actual house is placed on, the stranger from last night decides to stop me. Really, in the middle of the BBQ... where everyone can see us!

"Leaving already?" He questions going to grab my hand but I pull it away quickly. He looks at me confused. I glare his way before turning and waving at my mother who is now looking at me curiously. I groan as Andrew makes he's way towards us. Why must this man continue to walk, can he not stay in one place? I smile at Andrew who comes to a stop between the stranger and I.

"So you've met Mikel." Andrew grins chucking an arm over the strangers shoulders, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

I look at the stranger, "Define met... it's nice meeting you Mikel."

"Lysandra here is Diana's daughter."

"Daughter?" Mikel looks at Andrew shocked.

I glare at Mikel. "Yes daughter, is there a problem?" I question sharply.

"Don't mind my brother, Lysandra, he doesn't have a filter." Andrew laughs.

Wait. Did he just say brother? I look at Mikel who is looking down at me. This is bad, this is really bad! What am I going to tell my Mother. Seriously Lysandra, out of everyone did it have to be your soon-to-be uncle!? I tell the voice in my head to keep it's comments to it's self as I am already panicked enough. But the thoughts keep coating every inch of my mind. With my eyes locked with Mikels all I can think is, I can't believe I let my mothers future husbands brother take my virginity, not only that, it was less then ten hours ago...

I was wrong before, it'll definitely be as messed up as it sounds.

Oh! Lord help me!

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Other books by MsCowGirl

'The Billionaire's Secret

'The Billionaire's Secret



"I just want to know why you're distancing yourself." "I want to know," he said with a deep sigh, his voice still trembling. "I want to know why you have to say those things to Yves!?" "What things?" "That you love me?" "Why? Don't I?" She sobbed even harder. Nena shook, her weakened arms slipping from the young man's grip, so Clint held onto her tighter. She shook her head in protest. "Don't I, Nena?" She shook her head. "N-No!" "No?!" he mocked despite his tears. "Didn't I make you feel it? You know my actions were stating it clearly, Nena. How much I want you, how much I need you, how much I hunger for you, damn it, Nena!" tears streamed down the man's cheeks. "How could you not feel it?" "If you love me, that sex is not the only basis!" she cried. "I needed something more than that! Love is what I needed, not just sex!" "My love was with it, with my kisses, with my every touch, Nena," the man weakly defended. "That's the only way I can show you I love you because I thought, I thought I haven't progressed yet. I loved before, and I believed he loved me because, like you, no matter how crude and foolish my actions were, it was okay. No matter how cruel I am to you, in bed or outside of it, you just took it. It's my fault if I hurt you; I am constantly testing you because..." He struggled to continue, a lump in his throat before exhaling it all, "I am constantly testing you because I promised myself that... if someone attempts to make me fall in love again, they should suffer for it. All my love, all my effort... everyone took them all for granted, way too many times, Nena! Too many! My family, my brother, that wretched two-timer, all of them! And deep down, I know that if you do the same to me and I don't take caution..." his lips quivered as tears continued to flow freely from his eyes, "... I think I'll die, Nena... I might die, Nena. I've only just started holding back my feelings for you, and it hurts so much." He bowed his head, tasting his own tears as they landed on his lips. "Why?" she cried. "Why like this?" She lifted her gaze to the man. "You're so unfair." Even her hands were shaking now, not just her voice. "They hurt you, yet you didn't make them suffer to feel loved. I, who truly love you, you make suffer!" "I'm sorry," he said, staring with tears wetting his face.

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