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The Billionaire’s Heirs: A Hilton Cove Tale

The Billionaire's Heirs: A Hilton Cove Tale



In Hilton Cove, where society was divided between two distinct classes, the privileged high dwellers and the struggling low dwellers, Liliana's deviant heart defied the rigid lines of social hierarchies and the way of life in Hilton Cove. During the summer of high school, she fell in love with a mysterious boy, unknowing that he was from the high side; a high dweller. Their love turns tragic when he betrays her, leaving her pregnant and shattered. She escapes Hilton Cove as she's always wanted, hoping for a better life for her children and herself. Many years later, after she's made a name for herself in the fashion industry, a stranger entered her life, her lover's twin she hadn't even known existed, bearing the news of his twin's demise and the billion dollar inheritance he had left for Lilliana and their children. But only on one condition..Liliana must return to Hilton Cove, this time as a high dweller to secure her children's legacy. And the money she'd need to aid her troubled business. Amidst her turmoil, Liliana couldn't ignore the undeniable chemistry she had with her lover's twin, the same striking pull and magnetism that had drawn her in to his brother years ago. But this time..she refused to make the same mistake.

Chapter 1 One.

The sun overhead was relentless, its fiery rays beating down upon Hilton Cove with unrelenting force. Not a single cloud dared to disrupt the vast expanse of the azure sky, offering no respite from the scorching heat. It was as if the world had been set ablaze, causing the air to waver and shimmer in the distance.

I gulp down the last drop of water in my plastic bottle, The moisture was a fleeting relief, disappearing almost instantly in the oppressive heat. The heat was so intense that it felt like an invisible weight added on my skin, making me feel sluggish and weak. My body sticky and my blouse stuck to my body because of sweat. The air thick with humidity, making every breath an effort.

April in Hilton cove had always been unforgiving. And it didn't matter what part of the island you belonged, the sun's simmering heat had a way of humbling you. Well, I guess with the upper sides multiple air conditioners and pools to cool of, they were still a hundred times better off than the lower side who had a number count of three already perishing from the heat stroke. Survival, a daily battle against the elements.

I tightened the straps of my backpack that had seen better days, then threw the empty bottle inside, bending down low to tighten the strings of my once white shoe, which was now weared down to a dirty looking brownish color. Even tho they were the nicest and most taken care of shoes I owned.

Am sure I need no further explanation on what part of the Island I called home. I was all lower side baby. My grandparents were lower side, their grandparents parents were lower side, heck am sure they're grandparents were lower side too. Generations of my family rooted here.

See the thing about Hilton cove was, you either come from upper side or the lower side. None of the lower side can ever reach the high side, and none from the higher side had ever fallen low. It had never happened. It was a divide as ancient as our Island's history. And for a small Island, we had history going back to multiple millennia.

Nestled along the rugged coastline, Hilton cove was a place where the sun-kissed facades of the wealthy cast shadows upon the humble abodes of the less fortunate. But well, that not quite right either. It's not just wealth, it's power.

There were a few lower dwellers that could contend with high dweller in terms of wealth, but here, their money was not appreciated. It earned you neither power nor respect. You could get money easy, but only little could money buy.

It'd make life easier no doubt, but you'd still be at the mercy of the high dwellers, groveling at their feet. A 12 year old high dweller had more rights and freedom than the richest low dweller out there. And yeah, I know I make it sound bad, but trust me, it's even worse. This is the life I was born into. I don't know if its like this everywhere, but anywhere I reckon would be better than here.

I have dreams of leaving this place, away from this sickening hierarchy I still find myself unable to completely grasp despite being here 15 years. There had to be more of the world. Hilton cove cannot be my future. Living as a low dweller all my life cannot be all there is to my existence.

Maa had always said I was an ambitious one. Very unkindly might I add. That I was too selfish, an ungrateful brat who knew nothing but to complain. But my dreams were my own, a flickering beacon of hope in an Island where the boundaries of class were as unyielding as the relentless sun.

She'd whisper about deviants like me. Who thought themselves too good to be bound by the system made to "protect" us. The system our great grandparents supposedly flourished under. She talks of what happens to those who wished to go away, to remove the shackles the town has on us (shackles being my words, maa would sooner give me away than admit the things wrong with the town), they were never seen or heard of again she'd said. Rightfully punished for their dissidence she presumed.

But I believed..no I hoped they had somehow managed to break free of the system and escaped. The thoughts gave me consolation, and fueled my desires even more.

A bead of sweat rolled from my forehead, burning its salty path into my eyes before I could wipe it away. I used the sleeves of my jacket which I had tied to my waist, to wipe the sweat away, adjusted the heavy bun atop my hair. And for the hundredth time today alone, I contemplating shaving my thick black head of unreasonably long hair. This was not the kind of hair smart to keep in this heat, especially when my peers were out there dying even without hair like it as a factor.

But I knew no doubt, maa would absolutely disown me if I cut off even a tiny inch. Maa never had much love for me. Who am I kidding, that woman did not like me the littlest bit. She however tolerated me for one reason alone. My beauty. Yep, I swear to god am not even kidding.

Maa has had this notorious notion to use me to secure a better future for her and her sons. (Yes her sons. I refuse to affiliate myself to them.) She's had this notion since I turned 6 year old and I turned out to be prettier than most.

She'd try to groom me to be this seductive woman that would ensnare a high dweller husband to make all her dreams come true. It was completely ridiculous, considering millions had tried and what had come of it? They had simply become toys to be used and discarded, all with promises of false marriage.

What about me was so special? Nothing I promise you. This so called beauty, had my mother at the age of 10, teach me the various ways to please a man when I had no business knowing anything about it at that age. This beauty, had my mother's sons looking for every opportunity to try to toy with me. This beauty, had me going to sleep with a knife beneath my pillow in fear.

I did not want to be a beautiful girl. They called me lucky having a face like mine. But I felt no pride in it. I had done nothing to earn this beauty, so why should I take pride in it? But I was glad for it all the same. This beauty is what lead to maa's protection. And even with it my life is not exactly flowers and rainbows. I can imagine how life would be without it. Heh, if I'd get to live long that is.

Soon..I reminded myself. I'll be out of here soon. I start high school in a few months. A few more years after, I'd be out of this place. Far from this hunting town, I refuse to allow it be my prison. I knew I was just a small cog in the machinery of this Island, but that's okay. I didn't want to be noticed. I just wanted out. I wanted my freedom.

I am not like my brainwashed mother, not like most of the low dwellers, I wasn't hypnotized by the allure of this hauntingly beautiful Island. I let my gaze wander up, to the far away silhouettes of the skyscrapers and mansions, seemingly a whole world away.

As far away as that life had been from me thus far, I was about to be plunged directly into its whirlpool. High school was soon. And it was where for the first time ever, the youth of the low and the high would come together, in the Island's academy. And I wanted nothing to do with it.

But it was a necessary sacrifice. 3 years opposed to a lifetime wasn't a bad deal no? I'd deal with the entitled high dweller brats if it means I get my freedom in the end.

At least maa is excited for it. I can picture her in my mind, smiling crookedly fantasizing about all those ripe young upper high boys to choose to be her son in law. Ridiculous. And creepy.

But that's maa for you. Not a shred of conscience in that one. I was glad for it tho, she wouldn't have allowed me to continue to school if not for her ambitions. I will make it out of this system, I swear it. Or at the very least die trying.

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