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Empress Kei


After being betrayed by a woman he truly loved, a vampire named Sebastian Kensington decided to sleep to ease his heartache. It was cowardly, but he did it for fear of harassing innocent humans. He had been sleeping for more than a hundred years, but one day, he suddenly woke up. He was thirsty for blood, but he was extremely picky about the blood he consumed. When he couldn't get what he wanted, he became irritable and started to harass the Mayor of Stonewick. Mayor Lockwood couldn't risk his town being branded as a haven for vampires, so he did everything to appease the irritable vampire and gave it to his demands. Mayor Lockwood rallied among his constituents to offer their daughters to the vampire, and they had a temporary peace in Stonewick. Unfortunately, a young woman named Scarlet Morgan suddenly appeared in town and claimed to be the mayor's lost daughter. Mayor Lockwood asked her to prove her claims even if he could feel it in his heart that Scarlet Morgan was his daughter.

Chapter 1 XXX

-Caden's POV-

The port of Firebend, nestled atop a mountain, thrived with thousands of families under my leadership as Mayor Lockwood. It was no accident that a bustling port had developed in such an elevated location; the mountain was rich with valuable metal ores essential for the survival and growth of both Firebend and Stonewick.

The harbor itself was a sight to behold, an enchanting resort adorned with bamboo-roofed buildings, walls, and a waterfall staircase. Firebend's economy thrived, primarily driven by wood crafting, armor smithing, and carpentry, but their sustainable hunting practices remained their most prized asset.

At the foot of the mountain, the true architectural heart of the trade hub flourished. The lush, green fields surrounding it added to its allure and played a significant role in the city's design. Most structures imitated the tall, slender form of the grasses that enveloped them. Alongside the elegant buildings that graced the skyline, there was no other place on Earth quite like it. Stonewick's parks and gardens flourished, drawing attention and admiration from all corners.

The city's history was a tapestry woven by countless civilizations, each leaving its mark. From a city with few defining traits, Stonewick had evolved into a vibrant mosaic of diversity, continually bringing its residents together. If there was one thing that concerned me as the Mayor, it was the awakening of Sebastian Kensington.

Staring into the mirror, I groaned with frustration, my silver hair cascading over my weathered face. My once alluring brown eyes now held worry, and I wondered if anyone could find me attractive in my current state. In my younger years, I had been a hopeless romantic, and the thick beard that accentuated my cheekbones served as a reminder of those times.

I had made a promise to someone that I would maintain it for life, and so I did, despite the multiple opportunities to shave it off. As I took a deep breath, my hand absentmindedly caressed the beard, reminiscing about elegant memories from my time with that woman. Lost in my daydreams, I was abruptly interrupted by a persistent knocking on the door.

Agitated, I made my way to the door and opened it, only to be disappointed by the sight of Camille Barnett's face. She had been part of my family's service for over a decade, but her attempted seduction of me in the past was a severe transgression. As punishment, I had sentenced her to confinement in the Kensington estate.

"I urge you to return to your duties as swiftly as possible," I instructed her, my disappointment evident. Although Camille spoke calmly, I could sense her internal turmoil and her plea for forgiveness.

"He's awake," she murmured softly, tears welling up in her eyes. Working in the mansion had been an unpleasant experience for her, and sleeping in a place where vampires had once resided only added to her discomfort. However, in her eyes, I seemed scarier than those immortals.

I looked at Camille, my brows furrowed in confusion. "Excuse me?" I inquired, seeking clarification.

"Sebastian Kensington is awake," she responded to my question.

I stood there, staring at Camille for a moment, then paced back and forth in my office with hands in my pockets. I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to express my thoughts. The awakening of Sebastian Kensington bewildered me. Why had he chosen this particular time?

"Why in the world did he wake up now?" I wondered aloud, frustration seeping into my voice as I raised it, causing the words to reverberate through the office.

Camille shook her head, unable to provide an answer. It was clear

that those residing in the mansion, including Sebastian's descendants and relatives, shared equal concern about the return of their true leader. After the Great War between humans and vampires, they had tried to sustain themselves on animal blood for centuries. But Sebastian Kensington was known for his particular dietary preferences.

"Can you tell me his whereabouts?" I asked Camille, noticing the loss of composure in her trembling hands. I felt a pang of guilt for the woman; the awakening of the true vampire leader must have left her feeling threatened. "Have you had anything to eat yet?"

Once again, Camille shook her head. "I-I don't think I can continue working there," she confessed, finally revealing her true feelings.

I let out a deep sigh, my gaze fixed upon Camille's face once more. She had once been radiant, but the years spent dealing with Kensington had taken their toll. I regretted the impulsive decision to subject a woman of such grace to such circumstances. "Join me for breakfast," I offered, prompting Camille to rise promptly and join me at the table.

As we sat across from each other, Camille's mouth watered at the sight of the delicious food before her. In the confines of the mansion, even the finest chef couldn't provide her with such a satisfying meal. "Thank you, Caden," she mumbled gratefully before eagerly indulging in her favorite dishes.

My smile warmed her heart, but my next words immediately dashed her excitement. "After breakfast, let's go together," I announced, mentioning Sebastian Kensington's name.

Panic coursed through her veins, and she protested, "Why? Why would you want to go there? It's dangerous!"

"Because I need to speak to him, Miss Barnett," I responded, my voice steady as I took a deep breath. The shock on her face didn't deter me. I couldn't allow that despicable individual to harm anyone in Stonewick. "And I hope this information remains confined within Stonewick's borders."

"I don't know how you plan to handle this, Mr. Mayor," she admitted, her voice filled with concern.

"Neither do I," I confessed, acknowledging the uncertainty of our situation. "For now, I need you to keep this matter strictly confidential for the well-being of everyone. Can you do that?"

Camille nodded, her determination clear as she replied, "Yes, I understand."

Finishing our breakfast in silence, I contemplated the path ahead. Sebastian Kensington's awakening was a grave threat to our town, and as the Mayor, it was my responsibility to protect its residents. It was a daunting task, and I couldn't help but feel the weight of the unknown that lay before us.

Leaving the table, I prepared myself for the journey ahead. The road to confront Sebastian Kensington would be treacherous, but I couldn't afford to back down. I had to face the true leader of the vampire clan and find a way to ensure the safety of Stonewick.

As I walked towards the door, I turned to Camille and said, "Gather your things, Miss Barnett. It's time to face our fears and confront the awakening."

Camille's expression shifted from fear to determination. She nodded and began preparing for the journey. We would face the dangers together, united in our mission to protect Stonewick from the impending threat.

Stepping out into the sunlight, I couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. The fate of the town rested on our actions, and I was determined to face Sebastian Kensington head-on, whatever the cost.

Regardless if I was trembling in fear!

"Aren't you scared?" Camille inquired.

"No," I lied.

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