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Mom, you are Guilty too

Mom, you are Guilty too

Pany Akpabio


Kali's story is a heartbreaking account of the impact of irresponsible parenting and continuous pampering. As a child, Kali stole a bicycle, and instead of correcting him, his mother helped him hide the evidence. This set a pattern of complicity and lack of accountability. He later stole money, and his mother encouraged him to spend it, further reinforcing his belief that he could get away with anything. A significant turning point came when Kali stole a competition result, leading to an argument with his father and his departure. His mother's misguided support deepened his sense of entitlement and a lack of consequences. As he grew older, Kali's troubled teenage years transformed him into a malformed man, making poor choices without a moral compass. Despite the pain caused by his mother's negligence, Kali forgives her, acknowledging his own responsibility. He wishes for his letter to reach parents worldwide, emphasizing the vital role of education and responsible parenting in shaping individuals. Kali's story serves as a poignant reminder of the consequences of bad parenting and spoiling. It highlights the importance of discipline, guidance, and correction in a child's upbringing, urging parents to prioritize education and moral development to prevent the path of self-destruction that Kali experienced.

Chapter 1 Bank Robbery

I remember the day like it was yesterday. The adrenaline coursed through my veins, the rush of excitement and fear mingling in the air. I had joined a notorious gang of criminals, seeking a sense of belonging and purpose that had eluded me for so long. Our plan was audacious yet meticulously crafted - we were going to rob the largest bank in the city.

My name is Kali, and my journey into this life of crime was far from typical. Life had not been kind to me, and I found myself teetering on the edge of desperation when I crossed paths with the gang. It was a chance encounter in a rundown bar, and in that dimly lit room, I saw something I had longed for-an opportunity to belong.

Jackal, the enigmatic leader of the gang, was the first to approach me. His eyes bore into mine, and I could sense that he saw my desperation, my hunger for a purpose greater than the miserable existence I had known. "You look like you could use a change of scenery," he said, his voice low and magnetic.

I didn't need convincing. Jackal's offer was a lifeline in a sea of hopelessness. I nodded, my voice choked with emotion. "I'm in," I replied, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

From that moment on, I became a member of the gang, initiated into a world of shadows and secrets. The others, each with their own stories of hardship and rebellion, welcomed me with cautious acceptance. Luna, the master of disguise, Blade, the safecracker with a deft touch, Cipher, the computer genius, Ghost, the fearless getaway driver, Falcon, the sharpshooter with a deadly aim, and, of course, Jackal, our charismatic leader.

We spent weeks honing our skills and meticulously planning the audacious heist that would solidify my place among them. The target was the city's largest bank, a seemingly impenetrable fortress that held secrets and treasures beyond imagination.

As the day of the heist approached, the tension within the gang was palpable. The planning was meticulous, every detail of the operation scrutinized and perfected. Jackal, the mastermind behind it all, was relentless in his pursuit of perfection. Failure was not an option.

The day arrived, a cloudless morning that belied the storm of emotions swirling within me. I stood with my fellow gang members in a hidden hideout, our masks concealed in the darkness, ready to be donned like a shroud of anonymity.

Jackal's eyes, once again piercing and unwavering, met mine. "Remember why you're here," he said, his voice a low rumble. "For us, there's no turning back."

I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. I knew that once we entered that bank, there was no turning back. This was the moment when the line between right and wrong blurred into a shadowy world where the only thing that mattered was loyalty to the gang.

The minutes ticked away, and as the clock approached our designated time, the adrenaline surged through me once again. This was it-the culmination of weeks of preparation and training. We had to execute the plan flawlessly, or we would be lost in the chaos.

With the security cameras disabled, I joined the others in the heart of the bank. The tension in the air was palpable as we moved with calculated precision. Luna, in her impeccable disguise, had successfully infiltrated the bank's inner workings. Blade had studied the vault's intricate lock system for months, and Cipher had hacked into the bank's security cameras, giving us the advantage of invisibility.

As the vault door swung open, revealing the treasures within, a rush of exhilaration and fear coursed through me. The gold bars, glittering like the promise of a new life, were carefully loaded onto a trolley.

We moved swiftly, every second ticking away as we worked together in a well-choreographed dance of criminal expertise. But then, a sudden realization struck me-the bank's silent alarm had been triggered. The element of surprise was slipping away, and the clock was no longer our ally.

The heist was spiraling into chaos, and as alarms blared throughout the bank, our escape route was compromised. We were running out of time, and the consequences of our audacious plan hung in the balance.

In the midst of the chaos, Jackal's voice crackled over the radio, his tone urgent. "Get out now! The game has changed!"

Our once meticulously crafted plan had been turned on its head, and the weight of our audacious ambitions pressed upon us. With the gold bars in tow, we had no choice but to make a hasty retreat.

As we burst out of the bank, the world outside had transformed into a battlefield of flashing lights and blaring sirens. The police had descended upon us like a relentless storm, and it was a race against time to escape their grasp.

Ghost, our fearless getaway driver, maneuvered the vehicle with the skill of a master, navigating the city's labyrinthine streets as if he had been born to it. The police were in hot pursuit, their sirens wailing like banshees.

But Ghost was unflinching, leading us through a maze of hidden alleys and backstreets, each turn taking us farther from the grasp of the law. It was a white-knuckle ride, and I couldn't help but wonder if we would emerge from this ordeal unscathed.

Gunfire erupted as we raced through the city streets. Police marksmen on rooftops and SWAT teams in armored vehicles took shots at us, their bullets whizzing past with deadly intent. Falcon returned fire, his expert marksmanship providing cover as we pressed on.

With the sirens and flashing lights fading into the distance, we neared the outskirts of the city, our stolen treasure secure. The gold bars, gleaming like a symbol of our audacity, were transferred to a waiting truck that would transport them to a secure location.

The gang disbanded, each member slipping away into the shadows, disappearing like phantoms. The weight of our audacious heist had taken its toll, and we knew that we could never return to the lives we had once known.

As I watched the others vanish into the night, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led me to this moment. I had joined the gang seeking a sense of belonging and purpose, and in the process, I had become part of a family like no other.

But the consequences of our actions were far from over. The police would not rest until they had brought us to justice, and the city would never forget the audacious heist that had shaken its very foundations.

In the end, I had found the sense of belonging and purpose I had sought, but it had come at a price. The path I had chosen was one of shadows and secrets, a life on the run with no end in sight. And as I disappeared into the night, I couldn't help but wonder if there was another way to find redemption and meaning, one that didn't involve masks and heists in the dead of night.

But fate, it seemed, had one final twist in store for me. Just as the police were about to close in, the sound of sirens blared from outside the bank. It was the cavalry arriving in the nick of time-or so it seemed.

The police officers inside the

bank were momentarily distracted, their attention diverted to the new threat outside. It was then that I saw her-a figure clad in black, moving with a grace and precision that left me in awe.

Her name was Nova, and she was a vigilante with her own vendetta against the corrupt forces that had plagued our city. With a flurry of smoke bombs and martial arts prowess, she incapacitated the police officers, giving us the chance we needed to escape.

Nova's arrival was unexpected, and I couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of gratitude and curiosity. She was an enigma, a rogue force of justice in a city where the line between right and wrong had blurred beyond recognition.

As we fled the bank, Nova vanished into the night, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions. Who was she, and what drove her to intervene on our behalf? It was a mystery that gnawed at me, a puzzle I was determined to solve.

Our getaway was successful, thanks in no small part to Nova's timely intervention. We regrouped in our hidden hideout, the stolen gold bars serving as a constant reminder of the audacious heist that had both united and divided us.

Jackal, our leader, was visibly shaken by the unexpected turn of events. "Nova," he muttered, his voice tinged with both awe and uncertainty. "We owe her our lives, but she's a wild card. We can't predict her next move."

I nodded in agreement, the weight of our actions and their consequences pressing upon me. Nova had offered us a lifeline, a chance to escape the clutches of the law, but she was an unpredictable element in our carefully calculated world.

In the days that followed, we remained vigilant, knowing that the police would intensify their efforts to apprehend us. The city was on high alert, and every shadow seemed to conceal a potential threat.

But Nova remained elusive, a ghost in the night who had saved us from our own audacious ambitions. I couldn't help but wonder if our paths would cross again, and if so, what role she would play in the ongoing drama of our lives.

As the weeks turned into months, our stolen treasure served as both a symbol of our audacity and a reminder of the choices we had made. The city continued to grapple with the aftermath of our heist, and we watched from the shadows, our identities hidden behind masks and aliases.

And so, I, Kali, found myself caught in a web of uncertainty and intrigue. The path I had chosen had led to a deadly confrontation, leaving me as the lone survivor of a daring heist gone horribly wrong. The weight of my actions, the lives lost in pursuit of ill-gotten riches, hung heavily upon my conscience.

In the distance, I could hear the approaching sirens, the relentless pursuit of justice drawing ever closer. I had eluded capture for now, but there was no escaping the consequences of our audacious heist. My future was uncertain, my past haunting me like a specter in the night.

As I disappeared into the labyrinthine streets of the city, a fugitive in a world that would never forget, I couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to find redemption for the choices I had made. The path I had walked had been one of shadows and secrets, and now it was a road to an uncertain and perilous future.

Little did I know that this was just the beginning of a harrowing journey that would lead me through the corridors of justice, to the brink of despair, and ultimately to the end of my life. The bank robbery was the catalyst that set the wheels in motion, plunging me into a world of darkness and regret from which there seemed to be no escape.

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Mom, you are Guilty too

Chapter 1 Bank Robbery



Chapter 2 The Police Arrivals and the Invasion:



Chapter 3 Kali and friends taken to Court



Chapter 4 Kali and friends sentenced to death



Chapter 5 Kali's Mom Crying in Court but Not Allowed to Talk to Kali



Chapter 6 Kali on Death Row Recounting His Failurure.



Chapter 7 Kali's Letter (Mummy, You Are Guilty Too)



Chapter 8 Mom, You're as Guilty as I Am for the Life I Led:



Chapter 9 The Argument with My Father and the Heartache that Followed



Chapter 10 A Troubled Teenager and a Malformed Man:



Chapter 11 Kali's Final Farewell:



Chapter 12 The Licked Letter



Chapter 13 Kali's Mom Shaken



Chapter 14 Kali's Siblings' Strife



Chapter 15 Her World Crumbled



Chapter 16 The Arrest and Investigation:



Chapter 17 Kali's Mom, Imprisoned:



Chapter 18 The Seized Property:



Chapter 19 The Visit of Hope:



Chapter 20 Family Reconciliation's Call



Chapter 21 The Journey towards Healing:



Chapter 22 A New Beginning



Chapter 23 Triumph and Freedom



Chapter 24 Lucy Foundation Begins



Chapter 25 A Visit to the Prison:



Chapter 26 A New Calling



Chapter 27 The Ripple Effect:



Chapter 28 Embracing New Beginnings:



Chapter 29 The Resurgence



Chapter 30 New Robbery Cases



Chapter 31 A Call to Action



Chapter 32 Unmasking the Shadows



Chapter 33 The Shocking Descovery



Chapter 34 Unveiling the Truth about the Seven robbers



Chapter 35 Unveiling the Connection between Kali and Kali jnr



Chapter 36 The Unveiled Secret:



Chapter 37 Mrs. Lucy's Bittersweet Revelation



Chapter 38 Ties that Bind:



Chapter 39 The Weight of Regret Descends:



Chapter 40 Shadows of the Past Resurface
