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Into the moonlight

Into the moonlight



Theresa didn't believe in the existence of werewolves, witches and supernatural creatures. Theresa and her parents paid Gia her aunt a visit. Her parents dropped her off with the hope of picking her up but they never returned. She discovered her uncle was behind her parents death. What will she do?

Chapter 1 The offerring


"All hail the great one!"

"All hail!"

The witches chant loudly in the belief of being heard by him; the alpha wolf whom they saw as king. This belief had been in existence for centuries before their generation as no one dared to oppose. A number of about twenty of them. Their faces are masked with similar design of a red mask with black outlining the nose area, two black horns extending from the top of the mask and white fangs protruding the mouth area of the mask. They are clothed in red cloaks, each with

hoods extending to cover their heads and down, revealing only their mouths. Long claws are seen protruding from their fingers covered in black.

They dance around in the field of hay under the moonlight swaying their hands

and waist in fast rhythmic patterns. Their waist movements opposing that of their hands.

They move around as though not being in control of their own body, moving

around the tree where the sacrifice is tied to. Tightly roped around her waist to the tree, she spotted a figure. She is slender and slim with long silky hair now covered in dust and roughened by the wind. She has her hands behind her, roped to her back and her head facing the ground, as though almost lifeless.

"Glorify the mighty one!"

"He comes in, amidst the full moon".

"All hail!"

They continue to chant loudly.

The sky is bright with the full moonlight beaming through it.

There is soon rumbling in the skies and lines of light in the sky, luring forth thunder and lightning.


Theresa lets out a loud cry, screaming at the top of her lungs without a care in the world about losing her vocals.

"Pleaseeeee I beg of you. Why me?!"

She continues to scream.

She struggles with all her might, ruffling her hands to loosen the rope knotted on her wrists.


She lets out a loud scream in pain as the rope tears through her flesh from the friction during her struggle.

She continues to cry out. The crowd pays no heed to her, resuming their chant. The dance around the moonlight.

"He comes under the full moon".

"Receive our offering".

They continue intensifying their movements and pace.

The ground begins to tremble. There is soon footsteps heard from the woods. It gets louder and the pace is faster. Crunching of dead leaves and splashes of stagnant water puddles accumulated in the soil, It comes to a stop for a moment before a loud howl is heard echoing into the night.

"He is here!"

"The mighty one is here!"

The leader of the crowd shouts to alarm the rest of the crowd still engrossed in the

chants and dance. A dark figure could be seen in the shadows of the woods. With two deep red eyes flashing amidst the darkness surrounding. Silhouette of two pointy ears are seen, standing with all alertness. The figure is seen to be standing on all fours. As it emerges closer to them it's grey fur with tints of white reflects in the moonlight. The alpha male possesses a unique pattern which makes him unique, asides his white purs on all four hinds, the alpha male has a white area forming the shape of a star. It starts from his chest, extends to the left and right part of the chest close to his front legs then ends with an extension to his abdomen. The rest of his dorsal area is grey.

The crowd suddenly bow down in unison, in reverence to the appearance. They

begin to mumble incantations to themselves in a unique language. Their faces buried in the ground with their hands covering their heads, still with the hoods on.

"Someone save me!"

Theresa continues to scream for help, still tied to the tree.

Her plea for help draws the attention of the alpha male. The creature struts towards her, growling at every step, revealing his long canines. Arriving at where she is tied up, he lets out a loud howl, the frequency travels far into the forest surrounding the field and echoes into the bushes.

She continues to cry for help with every ounce of strength she has.

"Accept our offering which we offer onto you, great alpha!"

The leader of the cult calls out to the alpha male, standing up and gesturing his hands

towards the lady tied up.


Lucas; the alpha male, riots in his mind. Growling in anger at his statement. The witch leader of the cult notices the Alpha's tone and senses he was offended. Before the leader could beg for pardon, the alpha male raced towards him, and snatched him by his neck with his teeth. Swooping it in a split second and raising him from the ground. He tosses him around by the neck and soon his head falls off and rolls over covered in blood. The head of the leader rolls down towards where they are assembled, covered in slime and blood. The rest of the witches quiver but no one dares to look up at the alpha wolf.

The alpha male turns to the lady and suddenly grabs her from where she is tied to the tree breaking the knots and log she is bound tightly to. He goes around her in circles, sniffing around her.She trembles in fear thinking that her fate would be like that of the leader. He moves closer to her, growling and exposing his fangs as they prepare to get to work. His nose is wrinkled and his eyes flashing with deep red. He moves closer to her slowly, Theresa could almost feel her heart thudding out from her chest. Theresa lets out a loud cry for help and falls on her legs,feeble from fear with her eyes closed, prepared for her fate.

He suddenly stops right in front of her. Theresa opens her eyes, confused at why she hasn't made a meal yet. Their eyes meet, Theresa looks through his red eyes and sees the face of a young innocent looking man, almost as beautiful as an angel.

He looks away and turns to the rest of the witches gathered. Snarling at them, he races towards them. They scatter around the field, screaming and running for their lives. When they had all dispersed, he walked up to Theresa again. The moon is now gradually veiled by the clouds and reduces its beam. The alpha male looks up at the moon and soon, his claws go in, his furs shrink back to his body and become strands of human hair around his body. His eye colors clear up to bright blue eyes. His fangs shrink into his mouth and soon a set of beautiful teeth are revealed. His nose shrunken and ears back to smooth surface round lobes.

That was enough abnormality in sight Theresa could take for one day. Her eyes program to shut themselves as she falls to the ground lifeless before him.

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