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Luna's Unrequited Love

Luna's Unrequited Love



Vivian; a fearless werewolve queen embraced the task of ruling her people. She was mated to Micheal; the Alpha. Things turned sore when Micheal and Vivian couldn't get along during the couple's confinement. This led to the split of the Werewolve's pack. Twist comes to play when Vivian falls in love with her private guard; Daniel. Daniel couldn't love the queen but falls in love with Juliet, making their relationship a secret one. Daniel and the queen had different sexual escapade, making Daniel her sex toy. Find out what will happen when the queen finds out that Daniel and Juliet are in love. Micheal on the other hand discovers he is in love with the queen after the split of the pack. He then seeks to reunite the pack. How will Micheal reunite the pack and earn the love of the queen. Find out in this epic werewolve romance story.

Chapter 1 Installment of the luna

The sky is going dark as the earth is losing its brightness, it looks like it is going to rain. The wind will not stop blowing dirt and the people are trying to find a place to lay low. Vivian happened to be trekking through the city to find a place to lay low because her house is a mile away from the city, so she couldn't decide to go home.

Vivian's ear is always alert and her head couldn't stop swinging itself as she walked rapidly to seek shelter. Her hair is scattered all over her head but that is the least of the things she is worried about.

The atmosphere becomes a bit darker while the sky discharges a mighty rain, thank goodness that she saw a veranda where some people from the pack are laying low from being beaten by the rain. She stayed among them and set herself to a sitting posture. They were all standing up but Vivian hates it when her feet ache. She loves sitting solely to enjoy the sound the rain makes when penetrating the earth.

Vivian placed her head on her lap while she waited for the rain to stop. My body is shivering and the cold the rain brought penetrated my body, if it were to be humans they would have worn clothes upon clothes to make their bodies healthy enough to generate a very good heat. She missed the humans since the time they migrated out of the city. "It is pathetic", she exclaimed while holding herself tightly, at least to generate a little heat before the rain stops falling.

As soon as Vivian sees the sky is clear, she stands up rapidly to head to her house but her body wouldn't allow her to stand straight as she shivers. She holds her body with two hands and bent slightly while she runs home. Many werewolves are also doing the same. She rushed home with her body almost frozen up. She looked for a good cardigan to wear.

"Oh! My bad, I forgot to check this in the morning" she silently muttered to herself. She couldn't stop scratching her itchy face as she walked towards a parcel laying on her bed. She opened it, and written on the parcel is "the secret message". Vivian wonder the hidden information the parcel is holding within. She quickly opened it and she saw it is written clearly " the coronation is today, all werewolves are to gather themselves in the open by midnight". Vivian wonder who the next queen would be after all the last queen tried her best and maintained peace within the city. She hoped she will be picked this time, she hissed and fall on the couch before she vividly remembered what happened in the past.

It was time for a coronation like this, all the werewolves were gathered and most of them believed Vivian would be the next Queen. Some of them started congratulating her but on that very night of Coronation, another werewolf was selected. This amazed the people and shocked me. She was very displeased and had to leave their midst unhappily. She hopes she will be picked this time to lead her people to ultimate success.

Vivian stretched and rolled herself on the bed to the left while she wondered what the position of authority will be like.

The weather is very cold and Michael wants to have a warm bath. He relaxed his body and entered the bathtub. The house is perfectly arranged and Michael is preparing himself to meet his bride. According to the custom of the werewolves, once a queen is chosen, he will have to take the Queen as his bride.

He stands up from the bed and walks up to the chair perfectly laid on the ground. He sits on it and leans backwards like a king. His heart is disturbed and he feels so down. Everything the werewolves are doing doesn't seem so right but the time is at hand.

All the werewolf starts gathering outside bit by bit till they all are fully present. A representative of all the werewolves steps out to speak and perform the rites as the custom demands. He walks hurriedly to their midst, "I welcome you all to this great occasion that will determine the fate of werewolves" he vocals and smiles just after the statement. The pack shouts in resolution to what he has said.

He walks out of their midst as things for rituals are being brought to the middle of the gathering. All the pack kept quiet during this period because there must be no noise. The representative of the werewolves comes back to the centre and begins to perform the ritual. The ritual took him a long period of time before he could finish.

"Today is the day of coronation" he shouts and the veins of his neck were visible. " Micheal, step forward" he ordered as he stared into the crowd waiting for Michael to come out. Micheal walks out of the pack to stand with him. He holds his hands while some drops of human blood drop on his palm.

"Vivian! Step forward" she steps forward grasping herself tight because of the cold she is still feeling. He performs the ritual on her as the crown was brought. The crown is well designed with a golden colour and some small star was on it too. After all the rituals have been done, Micheal and Vivian come close to each other to share a kiss. "It looks like both of them are shy" someone uttered.

Another person laughed indistinctly and responded to what he said: "Micheal is not shy, that's how he behaves. He is just being mindful".

Micheal stepped close to Vivian and they stared at each other for a while. Micheal couldn't stand her and was now reluctant to kiss her. Even after the rites, he didn't feel any emotions for her. Vivian feels disgusted when she sights him. She couldn't stand his touch, it was irritating. Micheal brings his mouth close to hers as she succumbs to her reality and kissed him. They kissed so passionately which made the pack believe they loved each other.

Vivian couldn't swallow the saliva in her mouth after the kiss. Micheal placed the crown on her head. She gave a laudable smile and forget about the saliva in her mouth. She swallows it as the pack bows themselves to the ground to salute the queen. The werewolves pledged their allegiance to serve and obey all her dictates.

The Queen swings her right hand to the right, the pack stands from the bowing posture. She opens her mouth to speak while the pack keeps silent.

" I am really happy to be elected and I promise not to let you down. I will serve and uphold the dictates of the pack. There would be enough food for the pack and punishment will be served to offenders", after the speech, she smiled to herself as she admires the new position she is. "The pack doesn't know what is coming" she smiled expressing her dark and wild intentions.

The pack jubilated as the celebration begins. The pack dined and wined together, while some members of the pack danced to entertain the Queen.

The Queen is highly pleased with the jubilation due to her smile. The pack brings a chair for her to sit on, Michael looked at her face strangely. Vivian couldn't understand it is a sign for her to meet with Michael quickly. Micheal stands up angrily, grabs her hand rapidly and pulls her from where she is sitting. The pack opened their mouth wide and wondered what may be wrong. Some of them picks it as disrespect and raised their brows.

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