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Unexpected Emotions

Unexpected Emotions



The City is called Meteor, a big city situated in the stars Ruled by empress Aurora, the wicked diabolical empress who spares no one It's actually emperor Jin who's on the throne but he fell sick and his sickness kept aggravating, that's why empress Aurora took over, pending the time he'll be ok The people of Meteor fear the empress like no other and dare not look her in the eye She has a son, prince Eleven...he has no resemblance with his mum cos he's down to earth, gentle, nice and he rarely talks It's actually two sons but the first son went missing years ago and hasn't been found till date, his name is Prince Novato Eleven has a sister,her name is Princess Lillie who's just as wicked as the empress And from the deep forests of this city, came a girl... Iris She knows literally nothing about the world or where she is, she's a girl who woke up one day and found herself in a cave with Iris written on her palm And she has a scent on her body which naturally makes luck elude her, it's called the badluck scent.. She's so beautiful Yes she's too beautiful to the envy of the empress and the princess. Now let's journey to the real world.. His name is Kingston, he never smiles, he never laughs, he never pities He has never said sorry to anyone, be it to plead or to console To him, saying sorry is for the weak, smiling is for the timid, and feeling pity is for the feeble, he works with that He's the owner of the biggest casino in Seoul, he makes tons of money and he's supper rich, he drinks like hell His only friend is Carson who's a doctor He has a junior sis , a year one college student, Diamond by name...as much as he loves his sis, he has never made an exception to smile or laugh with her for once Diamond is battling with a sickness which is incurable and has no name, she faints frequently and is very weak, she occasionally bleeds from the nose too and she thinks she'll die soon Back to Meteor, empress Aurora was cursed years ago by a pregnant maid she killed unjustly, the curse is that she'll be in pains every first day of the month and it has been so since then, and until the only daughter of the Phoenix is found and killed so she could drink her blood, the curse will forever be on her Prince Eleven fell for Iris at first sight, He decided to make her his bride but empress Aurora's envy and princess Lillie's jealousy clouded everywhere Iris was sent out of Meteor City by the empress and princess only for the whirlwind to land her in the house of heartless Kingston on Earth Guess what happened next? When she started finding out secrets about herself.

Chapter 1 Meteor City



"Father, why is it that your illness keep getting worse?, Why aren't you standing up?, Why are you just lying there without moving" Prince Eleven said sadly as tears rolled down his face, he held his father's hand gently

Emperor Jin smiled sadly as pains radiated through his whole body

"Eleven, you know I don't like seeing you sad, just be rest assured that one day, I'll be ok, I'll be strong enough to be the ruler of Meteor again" he said, his wrinkled and pale face exuding a lot of sadness

"When will that day come father? , Will it be when mum kills everyone in this city?, Father she's just too too wicked, so wicked that I wonder if she's my mum, if she continues being the empress, Meteor City will end up in shatters" Eleven said, wiping his tears

"what can I do?, It's the rule here that if the emperor is sick, his wife should take over as the empress pending the time he'll be ok, that's the reason why the situation is tight"

"Even when she hasn't become empress, she's just as wicked, I'm sure that's why Novato left and hasn't been found till now, and the most baffling thing is that Lillie is following her footsteps, she's worse" Eleven said sadly

"No matter what, just keep being good, you're the savior of Meteor in the future, you can't lose yourself" emperor Jin said as a maid came in with his tea

" I'll feed him, you can go" Eleven said

The maid bowed before taking her leave

She go to the empress chamber and bowed

Empress heaved satisfactorily

"Call the other guards and prepare the execution of Jung" she ordered the guards in the palace

"Yes your highness" they bowed and took their leave

"So I get to watch another execution today, this palace is the most fun filled palace in the world, shall we go mother?" Princess Lillie said, entering the palace

Empress Aurora smiled

"Glad to have a daughter like you Lillie, let's go give the eyes some food" she said and left the palace with Lillie, walking side by side

They got to the execution ground and Jung has already been tied to a stake, ready to be beheaded

Guards and numerous people from the city are gathered to watch the empress do what she does best

Empress took her sit and Lillie sat beside her

"Jung, you stole ten pieces of silver, and according to Meteor tradition, anyone who steals shall be beheaded no matter what you steal, do you have any word to say?" The chief guard asked

Jung is already almost lifeless on the stake he's placed on, he has been beaten like something else and he has only a slice of life left in him

"I...I...I..I..plead for mercy...I only did that because....I'm a poor...farmer, my..crops got washed away by last week's heavy rain....I'm so sorry, pardon me this once... I'll never do it again" Jung replied lifelessly

"Shut up!, Thief!, Here in Meteor, there's no mercy for thieves, so you're not allowed to talk again" Lillie said without pity

Empress Aurora stood up and the emotionless sword was handed over to her

She took it and walked to where Jung was placed

She removed the sword from its sheath and smiled wickedly

The people gasped, it won't be the first time to witness such horrible scene but it's always horrific...

Prince Eleven appeared just when Aurora raised her sword

His eyes came wide...

He swung into action by pulling out his own sword, he threw it right at Aurora's sword, it hit it and the sword fell off Aurora's hand, it flew in the air and landed right in front of Lillie

"Oh my!" Lillie exclaimed

Empress Aurora stared at Eleven in shock

"How dare you!" She ranted angrily

"Mother, aren't you tired of shedding blood?, The curse on you, isn't it enough?, Jung only stole ten pieces of silver from the richest man in the city and the man isn't even complaining but you want to kill Jung, I'm not supporting stealing but empress, he's in a very pitiful condition which pushed him to do that, can't you just consider that?" He replied, standing in front of Jung

" I don't think you're in any place to order me about what to do, I'm empress Aurora, the most powerful empress in the world, empress of the Star, move"empress said

" If you'll kill Jung, then kill me first" Eleven said seriously, not moving

"Are you crazy?" Empress said

"Yes I am, I'm going crazy with everything that's happening in this city!, Your killings are too much!" Eleven ranted

Empress Aurora smiled

"I think you're about to get a shocker" she said, still smiling

Jung's scream of agony took over the whole place

Eleven looked back, Lillie stabbed Jung already with the sword

The people gasped and some covered their faces

"I made it easy, he's supposed to be beheaded but I only stabbed him, I'm kind aren't I?" Lillie said, smiling satisfactorily

Tears came out of Eleven's eyes as he watched Jung's body on the floor with his blood flowing like a river

"Leave his corpse out here for three days, no one must bury him before three days, his corpse should rot first and the vultures should take his two eyes too" empress Aurora said

"Don't be too sad brother, have some fun will you?" Lillie said, going in with her mum

Eleven fell on his knees as the people dispersed....

Eragon came running , he stopped on his tracks beside Eleven when he saw Jung's body

Eragon is Eleven's protector

"Oh no, the poor farmer has been killed" he said sadly

"Get the horse ready and let's get away from here, this palace is suffocating" Eleven ordered

"Yes master"



The history teacher left the class after an hour of teaching and the students dispersed, it's the last class for the day

"Don't tell me you're going home already, we promised to eat together after school today" Cole said to Diamond

"And if you refuse, We'll kidnap you" Isla added and Diamond smiled

Cole and Isla are her best and only friends

Cole is a guy while Isla is a girl, actually a talkative

"I don't want to be kidnapped, so let's go shall we?" Diamond said

They winked at each other before rushing out of the school to the restaurant not far from school

They ordered something to eat and chatted along

"Mr Kumar, that history teacher, he's just one boring man, I mean, his appearance enough is boring, not to talk of his lectures" Isla said, taking in a spoonful of ice cream

"Just say you're lazy" Diamond said

"Oh Diamond, you're so lucky, you're beautiful, cool, brilliant and have a rich brother, but for me, school work plus social life equals attempted murder" Isla said and they all laughed

"I don't doubt that last statement but about her brother, spare me the gist, I hear he doesn't smile or laugh" Cole said, squeezing his face

"Sure" Diamond said, munching on her burger

"Really?, It's true?" Cole and Isla said at the same time

"Of course, and he hasn't even smiled at me or laugh with me before, I've never seen his smiling face, the only thing I can remember about him is his frank face, but still, he's the best brother in the world, I love him so much" Diamond said, making the heart shape with her fingers

"How cute" Cole said, smiling at her cuteness

" It doesn't matter, I can't cope with a brother like that" Isla said, licking her lips as ice cream touched it

"Thank you, I don't care" Diamond said, standing up

"Where are you going to?" Cole asked

"I need to use the restroom" she replied, flashed a cute smile but then, something dropped on the table, she looked at it and it turned out to be blood

Isla and Cole glanced back at her, it's actually coming out of her nose

Diamond's eyes became woozy and she fell unconscious

"OMG she's at it again, damn!" Cole said as he rushed to her with Isla



Different kinds of luck gamers are playing and a lot of gamblers are staking money for bets on who'll win or lose

The casino is the biggest is Seoul so you can't possibly count how many gamblers or gamers that are present

Guards are in every nook and cranny of the casino, watching everyone so a fight Won't come up

And inside the only room in the casino is the devil himself, Kingston..the owner of it

He's drinking from his glass of alcohol , he never smokes

"What is the total of my shares today?" He asked the workers in front of him

"You have 500 billion already boss, plus those who are still gambling, you should have up to 800 billion today" Danny (his chief worker) replied

"You can go" he replied

Danny left with the others

His phone rang on the table, it's Carson, his only friend..he picked

"Hey dude" he said over the phone

"Kingston the boss, watssup?" Carson replied

"Cash, so are you still coming?'

"Ion think so, an emergency came up at the hospital"

"Oh, ok, just say hi to Skylar"

"That psycho?, You better say it yourself" Carson replied

"You guys fought again?, Fuck when will you guys stop fighting everyday, no one will believe you guys are dating" Kingston said, taking a sip from the glass

"Whatever!, We love each other like that, so about Diamond, her sickness really has no name, I've searched endlessly for what type of sickness it might be but no success, and tests says she's medically ok" Carson said

"I've told you times without number to stop bothering yourself" Kingston replied

"I just can't"

"Ok Mr just can't, see ya around,I need to pick this call" he said and cut the call

He picked the call entering his second phone, it's from Diamond

"Are you calling to nag at me again?" He said directly

"Hyung!, It's Cole, Diamond fainted again"

He stood up

"F*ck it, not again, where are you guys?" He asked

"On our way to Carson hospital"

"Oh cool, I'll meet you guys there"

He hanged up and rushed out ...

Ladies drooled as he walked into the hospital..

*I wonder how he still manages to be handsome despite his never smiling face*

"Gosh!, He's too too breathtaking*

He rushed into the ward and met Carson in there with Isla and Cole already

Diamond is lying on the bed, eyes closed

"What do I do with her" Kingston said, sighing as he sat beside her

"She'll be fine after some hours...as usual" Carson said

"I know" Kingston replied, stroking her hair

"Maybe he's really cool like Diamond said" Isla whispered to Cole who only smiled...

Someone entered the ward and Immediately Kingston saw her, anger became obvious on his face

"Hazel what are you doing here?" He demanded, standing up

" I saw you entering the hospital, that's why I decided to follow you,I know it's Diamond again, hope she's ok" Hazel replied, trying to move closer

She's actually his ex, they broke up last year after a six months relationship, a contract relationship though cos of something important but Hazel fell in love with him for real and even after the contract, she's still not ready to let him go

Hazel is actually a singer, one of the most popular in Seoul, she sings alone...

"Well as you can see, she's ok, so go" Kingston said

"Kingston we need to talk" Hazel said

"On what?"

" Us... Kingston I....

"I have no time to listen to you, Isla and Cole, you both have to stay with Diamond, Carson take care of her ok?, I'll be back later,I don't think I can stay here" he interrupted and left with Hazel rushing after him, Calling his name

"Hazel , I bet she still hasn't gotten over him" Carson mumbled before leaving the ward

" Oh, she's his ex" Isla said

" I heard it's a contract relationship for six months" Cole replied

" Oh" Isla said


The thin Ray of sun slipped into the ancient cave for the first time in years, just to shine brightly on the face of the only inhabitant of it..

As the sun made contact with her beautiful face, she opened her eyes and studied her environment for a while before standing up

She smiled at the beautiful nature she's surrounded with

And the first thing that caught her eyes is her Palm

IRIS is written boldly on it

"Iris?' she said and smiled, sounds beautiful

She's wearing a white robe and her long hair is braided into two which fell on her chest

She looked around the cave and her eyes caught a mirror,she ran childishly to the front of it and marvelled at the sight of herself

"I'm pretty" she gushed, touching her face

The mirror fell as a result of her clumsiness

"Oh no" she said and bent down

She touched the pieces and it wounded her hand

"Ouch!" She whimpered as her blood dropped on the broken mirror

Right in front of her as the blood touched it, the pieces of the broken mirror came together as one again, she took it happily

She looked at her wounded finger and surprisingly, the wound is gone, not even a trace of it is left

"Cool!" She gushed before stepping out of the cave with the mirror

The fresh breeze hit her face and she closed her eyes, allowing herself to be drowned in the beauty of it.

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