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The Mafia's Darling

The Mafia's Darling



His name is Brandon Greg, a dashing but stonehearted doctor, who only cares about three things; To save his patients, to do jobs for his Dad and to smoke. "I have no future and I don't want to" he'll always say. He smokes like a devil everyday, everytime. Apart from being a doctor, he is also a dangerous guy though the dangerous side of him is hidden, he is the only son of Zelda Greg who is the most hardened dangerous mafia in Italy. He kept the fact that he's a mafia's heir because of the reason best know to him, so everyone knows him as doctor Brandon Greg, hot doctor, that's his nickname in the hospital. He always wears a mask during his mission. ** Nirvana Merrick is a random girl who's currently a first year student in college. She's nineteen, her parents at are dead. She only has a grandma and a strict senior brother... Grayson. How will this two meet? A smart, brilliant and badmouthed doctor... And A clumsy student who looks feeble with the recommended glasses she's always wearing.

Chapter 1 Doctor Brandon


The whistling of the ambulance could be heard as it drove fast to the hospital, it stopped it front of it as three interns came out with a paramedic.

The back door of the ambulance was opened in a flash and the stretcher was pulled out, on top of it is an unconscious man who looks lifeless.

The stretcher was pushed hastily into the hospital and he was transformed from the stretcher to the bed.

"He fell from his bed and collapsed just this morning" The paramedic said.

"Call doctor Mateo, fast!" A doctor said to one of the paramedic as he started giving shocks in joules to the unconscious patient.

"Doctor Mateo is not in the hospital currently" the intern replied.

"Then call another available doctor!" The doctor replied on haste as he continued shocks to the patient and soon, his vitals came back.

The doctor breathed heavily as the patient started breathing again.


Close to ten doctors are sitting while looking at the screenplay revealing the patient's organs.

"Scan shows that his internal organs and tissues has bulged through his weak muscle areas" a doctor said pointing at the screen showing the man's internal organs.

"That's hernia" a voice said, entering the room.

"Doctor Brandon!" The analyzing doctor said as Brandon walked majestically into the room.

"Can't believe you guys are still here standing like this, he is dying, surgery should have started by now" Brandon said.

"Stop talking as if the rest of us never went to school" a doctor replied.

"Well that's how I talk, any problem with that? Now who's ready to perform surgery on this patient?" He asked, dipping his hand in the trouser pocket.

Everyone went mute and not even a single word is heard in the room.

"I'll handle the surgery" another doctor said, entering the room.

Brandon looked back and saw Mateo and Heather just entering the room.

Heather is hospital's president daughter who is also a doctor while Mateo is another doctor in the hospital, one of the best.

"Oh, cool" Brandon smiled, facing them.

Heather smiled at him but he never returned it.

He walked past Mateo as he left the room and Gabe him one daring glare, Mateo stated at him hatefully too and Heather had to intervene before they stopped.

"The surgery" Heather said and Mateo left the room immediately to prepare for the surgery.

"Why is it that the two of you are always at odds with each other? You two are the best here, so you should be on good terms" Heather said.

"Never compare him with me, I'm Brandon and he is Mateo" he replied, before leaving.

He we t straight to his office and lightened a cigar which he puffed on for a long time. He blew out the smoke and walked around his office.

"Mateo Klein, that bastard" He said to himself.



A surgery session is going on with doctor Mateo as the lead surgeon and Heather as the assistant surgeon, on the man with hernia.

The surgery is going well at first and the doctors are impressed with their ongoing performance till the patient's vitals started deteriorating.

"His vitals" Heather said quickly.

"Defibrillators" Mateo said, and it was handed to him.

"30 joules, charge" he said.

"Set" an intern replied and be gave the shock.

"50 joules, charge"


He gave the shock again but the vitals were still falling.

"60 joules, charge"


He gave the shock again but still no response.

Hopes are already lost when he came back to life at 80 joules.

"His vitals are back" Heather said, inhaling hard.

Mateo dropped the defibrillators and exhaled.

"Forceps" he said and it was handed to him. He was about to start work again when the haemorrhage started.

Mateo dropped for a while and looked up at the doctors that are watching.

President Remington is just sitting there and when their eyes met, he saw the look of disappointment on his face.

"I don't think you can do this Mateo, call for doctor Brandon" Heather said and a call was put through to him. In minutes, Brandon showed up, fully dressed up.

He smiled at Mateo as he walked past him.

"Don't underestimate me, if you keep doing that, you'll keep losing" Brandon said and Mateo left the theater furiously.

Brandon took over the surgery and Heather smiled.

"Gauze" he said and it was given to him, he stopped the haemorrhage and continued the surgery.

Within twenty minutes, he was done.

"Close him up" he said and left the theater.

Heather followed him out, and stopped him at the hallway.

"You did well, Brandon" She said with a smile.

"I know, you can help me tell that Mateo" he replied.

"How cocky" Heather said, holding his hand.

"We both know who is cocky. I live in a free and I've never dreamt of the future so I'm just... free" he replied and removed his hand from her hold.

"Let's eat lunch together" Heather said.

"No" he replied, and left. Heather smiled and watched him till he was out of sight.

"His personality is so unpredictable" she said looking at the hand she held him with.

Brandon got a call from his dad immediately he entered his office, he picked and waited for him to speak.

"Tonight, 9pm, Firdaus port, they are from Indonesia and they may try to play smart, if that happens, finish them, I'll send Reagan with you" Zelda voice said and hung up straight.

Zelda Greg is his father.

Brandon dropped his phone and lightened another cigarette.

"Save and kill, funny life?" he smirked.



"That will be all for today, see you guys in the next class" Professor Jayden said after concluding his class.

"Yes sir!" the students replied as he left the class.

Nirvana yawned slightly and adjusted her glasses.

"I'm so hungry, grandma was telling me to eat before leaving the house in the morning but I declined, now I'm facing the consequences" she said.

"You ate two plates of Chicken Marsala at the cafeteria this morning" Farrell said from her right.

"That's nowhere near my normal breakfast" Nirvana replied, adjusting her glasses again.

"Are you an eating machine? Two plates of Chicken Marsala is nowhere near you normal breakfast? You mean to tell me that your normal breakfast would have been five plates" Jamison said from her left.

Farrell and Jamison are her two best friends and only friends in the department, though Jamison is a guy.

She looked at Jamison then Farrell.

"I'm Nirvana, I'm born to eat and grow" She flaunted her hair as they walked out of the class.

"I'll get tired of your heavy eating one day, you're a full package" Farrell replied and someone suddenly bumped into Nirvana, making her glasses fall.

It turned out to the Shawn, the arrogant dude, the most brilliant in their department.

"Oh, sorry" He said and made to go but Farrell pulled him back.

"What? Why the hell would you pull my shirt?" Shawn asked.

Farrell moved closer to him and smiled like a warning sound.

"Pick up her glasses" She said.

"It's not intentional, not like I pushed into her, I bumped into her" Shawn replied and made to go again but Jamison blocked him this time.

"Pick... the... glasses" Jamison said.

Students are already gathering to watch.

"Are you guys serious right now? Out of my way" Shawn replied arrogantly.

"Guys, it's fine" Nirvana replied staying on her spot, because without the glasses, her vision are blurry.

"You guys are just jealous because I'm the best student in the department" Shawn said, laughing loudly.

"Who gets jealous of a guy with stinking mouth?" Farrell asked and everyone gasped.

"What did you say?" Shawn asked.

Farrell picked the glasses and out in on for Nirvana before facing Shawn again.

"You mouth smells, it reeks, it stings, get a toothbrush and stop attempting murder with the squench oozing out of it" Farrell replied.

Though it's not true, but badmouthing arrogant students is Farrell's speciality.

The students around laughed at the drama.

Shawn stood there dumbfounded and Farrell smiled.

"Nitwit" she mouthed.

"Let's go, guys" She said, and left with Nirvana and Jamison.

They settled down at the cafeteria and Jamison stuck hands with Farrell.

"Your bad-mouth is a top notch" Jamison said.

"I know, right? Shawn deserves it for being a nitwit" She replied.

"Thanks for standing by me, guys" Nirvanva said.

"It's ok, so what should we have?" Jamison said.

"I want two plates of spaghetti and meatballs" Nirvana replied.

"What!!" Farrell and Jamison screamed.

"Tell me is there a barrel in your stomach?" Jamison said.

"And the most surprising thing is that no matter how you be at, you'll always remain small as a mosquito" Farrell replied.

"Whatever" Nirvana replied.

The waiter came and they ordered what they want, where he was away together them, Farrell and Jamison chatted, while Nirvanva stared at her phone, staring at the pictures of her crush while smiling, though most is it is not clear, they are pictures she took while stalking him.

Farrell suddenly grabbed the phone from her and she jumped up.

"Oh, you crush again? Gosh you're still stalking this doctor?" Jamison said.

"I can't help it" Nirvana replied.

"He must be around twenty two or so, Nirvana you are nineteen" Jamison said.

"Who says she matters?" Nirvana asked, smiling broadly.

"Look Nirvana, I know you have a premature brain but you should use it efficiently. How can you love someone like him? A professional doctor to you, an history student in her first year" Farrell replied and Jamison hit her shoulder.

"That premature brain is exactly what you babe, not her" He said.

Farrell shot him a glare before facing Nirvana again.

"Listen Nirvana, stop this before I report you to your strict grandma" Farrell said.

"No, not till he notices me. You don't dare report me to grandma" Nirvana replied.

"I don't even want to talk about it anymore, because I now you'll never listen. Give me you brother's number" Farrell said.

"Now you see what I'm talking about, my brother is twenty one and you're nineteen yet you're crushing on him, well I'm not giving it to you, walk up to him and ask him yourself" Nirvana replied and started eating when the ordered foods came.

"Nirvana" Farrell poured and Jamison giggled.

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Other books by Zaraa

Unexpected Emotions

Unexpected Emotions



The City is called Meteor, a big city situated in the stars Ruled by empress Aurora, the wicked diabolical empress who spares no one It's actually emperor Jin who's on the throne but he fell sick and his sickness kept aggravating, that's why empress Aurora took over, pending the time he'll be ok The people of Meteor fear the empress like no other and dare not look her in the eye She has a son, prince Eleven...he has no resemblance with his mum cos he's down to earth, gentle, nice and he rarely talks It's actually two sons but the first son went missing years ago and hasn't been found till date, his name is Prince Novato Eleven has a sister,her name is Princess Lillie who's just as wicked as the empress And from the deep forests of this city, came a girl... Iris She knows literally nothing about the world or where she is, she's a girl who woke up one day and found herself in a cave with Iris written on her palm And she has a scent on her body which naturally makes luck elude her, it's called the badluck scent.. She's so beautiful Yes she's too beautiful to the envy of the empress and the princess. Now let's journey to the real world.. His name is Kingston, he never smiles, he never laughs, he never pities He has never said sorry to anyone, be it to plead or to console To him, saying sorry is for the weak, smiling is for the timid, and feeling pity is for the feeble, he works with that He's the owner of the biggest casino in Seoul, he makes tons of money and he's supper rich, he drinks like hell His only friend is Carson who's a doctor He has a junior sis , a year one college student, Diamond by name...as much as he loves his sis, he has never made an exception to smile or laugh with her for once Diamond is battling with a sickness which is incurable and has no name, she faints frequently and is very weak, she occasionally bleeds from the nose too and she thinks she'll die soon Back to Meteor, empress Aurora was cursed years ago by a pregnant maid she killed unjustly, the curse is that she'll be in pains every first day of the month and it has been so since then, and until the only daughter of the Phoenix is found and killed so she could drink her blood, the curse will forever be on her Prince Eleven fell for Iris at first sight, He decided to make her his bride but empress Aurora's envy and princess Lillie's jealousy clouded everywhere Iris was sent out of Meteor City by the empress and princess only for the whirlwind to land her in the house of heartless Kingston on Earth Guess what happened next? When she started finding out secrets about herself.

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