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Bound By Contract To A Billionaire

Bound By Contract To A Billionaire

Henry Oliver


Blurb: Jennifer's life changed instantly when she was forced to marry John Harleston, a ruthless and oppressive billionaire. Her only objective was to save her family from messing up. But life with John was a living hell as he was very cold and tough with her. Jennifer found peace and comfort in his brother's hands and became pregnant for him. What would happen when John finds out that he's not the father of the baby? Would his brother come to her rescue, or is she doomed to be his prisoner forever?

Chapter 1 Tangled Desires and Unwanted Intrusions

Chapter one:

Jennifer stood in front of her dad, tears streaming down her cheeks as she yelled up.

" You should just marry me to him, Daddy. I know I'm not some kind of property to be traded, but I have to save you,"

Mr Jackson stood there, his face impassive, but you have feelings and dreams of your own Jennifer. I won't just let you throw them away.

" Daddy, you know how important this marriage is for our family. It's not like I'm happy, but I can't let you go to jail when I can still save you. I think it's my responsibility, and you taught me not to let down any responsibility."

Mr. Jackson tore sadly to Jennifer's mother, and she said calmly, "We already spoke about it. The wedding is set for this weekend."

Mr Jackson reluctantly answered, "Well, it's okay then, his voice cracking." She has always been a dutiful daughter. She doesn't have to sacrifice her happiness for me. Crying on Jennifer's mother's shoulder.

" Hey, hey, I need you to be strong. We need you to be strong. It's all the family our daughter is making sure to be safe, you must support her, we must support, she needs us more than ever, "Jennifer's mother said.

It was Friday, one day before the wedding. Jennifer was at the "Mcdonald" waiting for David to show up to tell him about the situation, and also, that's the end of their love story as she's getting married tomorrow.

After hearing all from Jennifer, David was choked and angry by the news and left. She followed him until the filling station, where he stopped to fill his car with gas.

Trying to go as he saw her. " wait David I have no choice," Jennifer screamed her voice checking." I love you,"

But I don't, Jennifer."I don't love you," leave me alone, and he goes. Sadly, she returned home. Tomorrow is another day.

The place was amazing, every woman dreamed, the wedding was. Guards were at every corner of the place, journalists, etc...

Time has reached, saying the priest. Jennifer was escorted by her mother and father to the upper place where the priest stood, John stared at her coming.

Jennifer thought, " There I'm, getting married to someone I recently know."

"Sure, I heard a lot about him but still don't know much to get married."

The priest cleared his throat, drawing her attention back to the present.

" Do you, Jennifer, accept this man as your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked. The place was extremely silent after the question. Her answer was crucial then.

Her father's hand landed on her arm, and she looked at her mother, who smiled at her. This was enough for her to "Yes", She loves her family so much.

She turned with a deep breath and said, "YES I ACCEPT," her voice barely above a whisper. A sight of relief passes through the crowd, the priest asked them to kiss, and with small hesitation, she kisses him. Everyone clap, she knew this is her new life now, no way to escape or to step back.

They settled into the car on their way to the "luxury hotel six-star." There was a complete silence that filled the car when he asked if she drinks, his voice sharp.

She shook her head quickly, saying, " No, I don't." Then she asked, " Do you?"

His expression hardened and took a look away.

Jennifer could only stare at his side profile, fuming without any control, but John doesn't care anyway.

Suddenly, she asked, " Why did you marry me if you intend to treat me like I'm nothing?" subbing and crying from inside of her.

Temper increased then was cut off by the driver saying "We reached the hotel, sir". The door was opened, and John directly stepped inside, leaving her behind.

She was directed by the waitress and the driver whose taking their bags up. " Enjoy your honeymoon and Congratulations madam," said the driver.

Jennifer wasn't even able to answer. She gave him a small sad smile.

Are you not happy, you got married madame? The driver asked again.

Jennifer asked herself, " Are you happy, Jennifer?" and answered, of course, " I'm happy, my father is safe."

Surprisingly, both the waitress and driver kept quiet for a while. "Good night, madam," said both.

Yet Jennifer's feeling is isolated, on the first hand, thinking of her father and family that are safe now and the other hand the situation in which she's now.

She sat down nervously, waiting for John to come out of the bathroom.

Suddenly, he comes out with just a towel. His body is sexy and very attractive at a point she can't avoid staring at him.

Her phone was ringing she put it on vibration, and it kept vibrating. He asked, "Is everything okay?"

Surprised he was asking, she answered, "Yes, maybe it's my mom," but she knew it was David, her ex-boyfriend. He has been calling since morning.

Jennifer stepped into the shower and turned on the water.

"I'm going out now. I need to get something. I'll be right back." Said John, but without an answer from Jennifer, he left.

She felt a sigh of relief as the cold water passed over her body. To allow her self-confidence, she closed her eyes, and her thoughts moved to a place more peaceful.

Out of nowhere, she heard her room door open, her eyes shot open in alarm. "Who's there? She called, her voice sounding off the tiled of the bathroom.

She left the water and stepped out her heart rising in her chest. "Who's that?" she asked again.

No response, she pronounced her husband's name, " John, is that you," but still no answer. She felt a sense of unease and creep over her.

As she reached out, she saw a man standing at the corner and said, " So he's named John."

"OH, MY GOD!!!' She screamed, covering her breast with her hands. Her heart leapt into her throat as the man stepped out from the dark side. It was David.

Chocked, she asked. " What are you doing here?! Get out!!"

Trying to cover her body as much as possible because she was feeling exposed.

Why do you cover yourself? David asked. You don't need to cover up from me. He continued, " You know I've seen enough of you, baby."

Please stop calling me that, Jennifer said.

"I've missed you, Jenny," stepped towards her.

"Stop David, you can't keep doing this. I'm married now," she said with a serious tone.

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Other books by Henry Oliver

Mutated Legendary Bloodline

Mutated Legendary Bloodline



BLURB Explore the world of this scintillating and exciting story. When the perfect blend of pulchritude aligns with an unyielding mind, there's bound to be a surplus of enemies and conspiracies especially with Nate who goes from a weak wolf to a man whose presence cannot be clandestined. Nate is a man of affection who cares deeply for Bella. Nonetheless, villains will always target your loved ones and desire you as a stepping stone to conquer the world. This series is a blend of drama, humour, betrayal and steamy moments. Here's a snow ball from the vast snow in the fields; enjoy. "There's no such thing as a disappearing cave dude…" Nate facepalmed and moved closer. "Yh… I guess I'll just let the nerd figure it out" he folded his arms and watched Nate. For some weird reason, Nate immediately believed that there's an hidden cave somewhere as soon as he saw the bold inscriptions. He brought out his torch to see better and began to trace lines of the drawing on the ridge, memorising it unintentionally. "Why would there be a ridge in this sort of place anyway?.. it's not right" he looked back to face Percy who gestured that he knew nothing about it. Nate suddenly felt like staining his blood on the inscription, like someone under a spell, he bit his thumb as hard as he could and began to smeer his blood on the inscription. Percy noticed his weird movements, it was disorderly and strange. "Is the nerd obsessing over an inscription now? Tsk tsk, typical pip-squeak" he said but decided to take a closer look. He immediately reached out to touch Nate but he got blown against a tree by an unseen force. "What the fuck, is that an actual array in manifestation? Has this brat comprehended something ancient?" Percy stood up from the foot of the tree he had smashed into. A bright light encompassed the whole area and a defeaning noise filled the air. Percy slowly passed out as the last thing he saw was Nate's figure being shrouded in silver light. ………. Indeed, there's a mystery surrounding Nate. FIND OUT MORE

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