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Mutated Legendary Bloodline

Mutated Legendary Bloodline

Henry Oliver


BLURB Explore the world of this scintillating and exciting story. When the perfect blend of pulchritude aligns with an unyielding mind, there's bound to be a surplus of enemies and conspiracies especially with Nate who goes from a weak wolf to a man whose presence cannot be clandestined. Nate is a man of affection who cares deeply for Bella. Nonetheless, villains will always target your loved ones and desire you as a stepping stone to conquer the world. This series is a blend of drama, humour, betrayal and steamy moments. Here's a snow ball from the vast snow in the fields; enjoy. "There's no such thing as a disappearing cave dude..." Nate facepalmed and moved closer. "Yh... I guess I'll just let the nerd figure it out" he folded his arms and watched Nate. For some weird reason, Nate immediately believed that there's an hidden cave somewhere as soon as he saw the bold inscriptions. He brought out his torch to see better and began to trace lines of the drawing on the ridge, memorising it unintentionally. "Why would there be a ridge in this sort of place anyway?.. it's not right" he looked back to face Percy who gestured that he knew nothing about it. Nate suddenly felt like staining his blood on the inscription, like someone under a spell, he bit his thumb as hard as he could and began to smeer his blood on the inscription. Percy noticed his weird movements, it was disorderly and strange. "Is the nerd obsessing over an inscription now? Tsk tsk, typical pip-squeak" he said but decided to take a closer look. He immediately reached out to touch Nate but he got blown against a tree by an unseen force. "What the fuck, is that an actual array in manifestation? Has this brat comprehended something ancient?" Percy stood up from the foot of the tree he had smashed into. A bright light encompassed the whole area and a defeaning noise filled the air. Percy slowly passed out as the last thing he saw was Nate's figure being shrouded in silver light. .......... Indeed, there's a mystery surrounding Nate. FIND OUT MORE

Chapter 1 The beginning of all

Chapter One

A tense and uncomfortable atmosphere filled the whole hall as the two Family heads face off in a heated battle of wits.

"It should be clear that what Lilian said is very reasonable. Your son Nate is just average and I'm still being generous with my words" Marcus Wayne tried speaking delicately.

Miller Walker's face looked like it was going to explode anytime soon. He was well aware of the truth about his son - Nate, it would not even be an overstatement to call Nate a trash. He was just like a normal human aside his ridiculously potent vitality and handsome face.

Some even speculated that Nate was a bastard of the Walker family because he was the only one with silver hair but non dared to speak such profanity to the Patriarchs hearing.

"Ahem.. then, I have one more son. Why would you want to completely cut of the engagement?" Miller said.

"Hmm.... True but..." Lilian cut in before Marcus could continue.

Lilian stepped forward on the elevated platform where the two family heads sat and bowed slightly before proceeding her comment.

"There's no need to be polite anymore dad, they'll keep pestering us if we dawdle. As this matter concerns me, I say it again that I'm not interested in that waste of a guy and his older brother isn't even good looking" Lilian spoke whilst standing directly beside her father.

"How could you let the younger generation interfare when we speak?" Miller glared at Marcus.

"Although she's a bit impatient, we have our own considerations and she has spoken my mind. We intend to cut any marriage ties with your Walker family, goodbye Walker!" Marcus stood up with a gesture of finality and unwillingness to drag the conversation any longer.

Nate was standing beside the elders and his brother. He couldn't look up to meet his father's gaze, it was because of him that such humiliation has befallen the family and made the patriarch to loose face.

He knew that the Wayne's were up to something or wanted to achieve something and didn't want the ties of marriage to hinder their plans.

Nate looked up at Lilian as she passed by him, "this humiliation of today, I'll pay it back in several folds" he said in his mind as the Wayne's left the big hall.

"Nate!" Miller called out, standing up from his seated position.

Nate almost shivered from the sensation he felt from the impact of his father's thundering voice alone. He walked briskly towards the elevated ground and stood.Come up here!" He ordered.

All eyes fell towards Nate, no one knew what sort of suffering he was about to be dealt. They all watched anxiously as Nate took his steps, drawing closer to Miller.

Miller held his son by the shoulders and whispered to him.

"The elders who took your blood for testing said it's now mutated for no reason. There'll definitely be something unprecedented about you, your future is in your own hands" Miller said and walked out of the hall with a speed only visible to the eye of the family elders, others only saw a blurry figure pass by.

As soon as the patriarch had left, Nate's older brother - Percy ran towards him and lifted him up against the wall with both hands, his fangs slowly reaching out of his mouth.

"What are you gonna do now? Have me for dinner? It's not my fault you're not good looking and Lilian doesn't even take a second look at you" Nate smirked.

"You conceited bastard... it is because you're a trash. You made our family be humiliated, how could that pesky lady be so arrogant if not because you're a shame harboured by the family" Percy insulted.

"How much denser can you be or are you just that stupid? Can't you tell that I'm just an excuse to cancel the marriage? They obviously have another agenda, even if I could change to my wolf form or be as strong as I should be, they'd still dig out another excuse. Everyone in this hall noticed this except for you, you big dum dum" Nate yelled at Percy with unwavering eyes.

Percy turned around to get confirmation from the elders who were nodding in agreement to what Nate had said.

"Let him go Percy, don't be impulsive" Their mum walked into the hall.

Nate straightened his shirt and walked out of the hall, even ignoring his mother's presence.

He went to his room; pondering over what his father said. He wondered how his blood would be mutated and why was he the only one?. There hasn't been such abnormality similar to his case.

Seating comfortably and assessing his body with the technique taught to him by the family head, he felt that his body has gotten more flexible but also tougher.

His eyes suddenly widened and an idea popped up in his mind; he tried transforming to his wolf form but still nothing happened. His strength has always fallen short among his peers, he was only famous for his looks and style.

"At least I'm not completely hopeless, what a strange body constitution I have" he said in soliloquy.

"Hey... tsss... hey pip-squeak" Percy muttered from outside the window of Nate's room.

Nate was pretending not to hear a thing till he got called a pip-squeak. It was like a vein had popped in his head.What do you want you bastard!? You want a beating?" Nate turned his head to the left glaring maniacally at Percy.

"Tsk, yeah right. Like you could ever manage that. Listen, you can't even hold a candle up to me" he smirked mockingly.

"And you can't seem to pique Lilian's interest even if you like her. She even said you weren't good looking... Now if you have nothing useful to say than yapping like a child then scram" he said staring at Percy with a come back.

Percy felt like tearing him from limb to limb but he tried to pacify himself.

He took a deep breathe and told Nate about a cave he had recently discovered but couldn't access.

"Why are you still outside, quickly come in. Anyone would see you as being sneaky if you're found"

"Yeah right" Percy swiftly entered the room.

"So does this cave have any artifact figure inscribed anywhere?" Nate asked.

"It does have some drawings but nothing that looks like an artifact"

"Hmm" Nate's interest was piqued... he had been searching for clues or artifacts that could help awaken his bloodline and visited many recluse mountains and caves, abandoned ruins. He had developed a practical understanding of inscriptions and ancient arrays than even the elders of the family that specialised in such area.

Nate couldn't pass any opportunity to discover anything that could be his trump card even if it was an external means and not his own power.

He suddenly started to act all nice and polite to Percy.

"So you agree?... it can only be this night though cause that cave is very weird. We might not find it again" Percy stated.

"Whatever you say, I'm bored anyway so I'll accompany you this time since you're my brother" he grinned with enthusiam.

"Tsk, liar. You sly bastard, just Get ready and let's go"

Nate quickly stood up and found his little cross bag filled with some instruments. His brother was not surprised about him carrying the bag, he always took it along when exploring any mountains or caves.

Once they were outside the clan's premises, Percy signalled to Nate to follow him closely and they began running through the grassy terrain quickly. Nate was running almost as fast as PercyHey, you're not far behind. Not bad for a younger brother who's much weaker than me" Percy smiled and increased his pace while Nate tried his best to keep up.

Nate didn't utter a single word throughout their running for more than twenty minutes straight.

They stopped at a ridge. Percy walked slowly towards the ridge, checking around the place in confusion.

Nate soon raised an eyebrow, not understanding the point of Percy's round about searching.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Nate asked.

"The inscriptions are still on this muddy surface but the cave's entrance is.. it's gone" Percy said in further confusion.

"There's no such thing as a disappearing cave dude..." Nate facepalmed and moved closer.

"Yh... I guess I'll just let the nerd figure it out" he folded his arms and watched Nate.

For some weird reason, Nate immediately believed that there's an hidden cave somewhere as soon as he saw the bold inscriptions.

He brought out his torch to see better and began to trace lines of the drawing on the ridge, memorising it unintentionally.

"Why would there be a ridge in this sort of place anyway?.. it's not right" he looked back to face Percy who gestured that he knew nothing about it.

Nate suddenly felt like staining his blood on the inscription, like someone under a spell, he bit his thumb as hard as he could and began to smeer his blood on the inscription.

Percy noticed his weird movements, it was disorderly and strange.

"Is the nerd obsessing over an inscription now? Tsk tsk, typical pip-squeak" he said but decided to take a closer look.

He immediately reached out to touch Nate but he got blown against a tree by an unseen force.

"What the fuck, is that an actual array in manifestation? Has this brat comprehended something ancient?" Percy stood up from the foot of the tree he had smashed into.

A bright light encompassed the whole area and a defeaning noise filled the air. Percy slowly passed out as the last thing he saw was Nate's figure being shrouded in silver light.


Lilian got home feeling completely free from the previous engagement. Too bad Nate wasn't even close to being as strong as his brother, otherwise she might have accepted him but nothing can be compared to the plan of killing two beds with one stone.

The Wayne's had their sights focused on the number one family - The Xuan family; a family that had settled down in the Asian continent for a long time in the past and studied various martial arts.

Lilian was in awe of the skills of the young master of the Xuan family. It would be a huge benefit for the Walker's to gain a powerful ally and a perfect mate for Lilian.

A knock came on the door of her room as she thought of the benefits of allying with the Xuan family.

As soon as she opened the door, a tall man who looked to be in his mid twenties lifted her up and pinned her against the wall.

"We're celebrating the disengagement aren't we?" Maxwell asked. He was a trusted personal guard of an high rank Rogue wolf planted to subdue all werewolves slowly from within.

"Hell yeah" Lilian smiled and willingly threw herself on the bed.

Maxwell responded to her enthusiasm by kissing her lower lips. He liked the taste of her lips, although he had an agreement with the Wayne's to help the Rogue wolves slowly subdue other families, he already grew to love Lilian.

"Common, stop hesitating and have me for dinner" Lilian said erotically.

With one hand, he tore her dress to shreds tossing the now useless top aside. He began to massage her breasts slowly and tease her nipples, he enjoyed the sound of her moans with pleasure as he smiled in content.

Lilian used her strength to pull him closer and made his lips sink into hers as they started to feel each others warmth...

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