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Devil's slave

Devil's slave



All Eugene Lewis wants was to graduate from college in flying colors, then started working as a script writer But all this were mere wish which will never come through AND WHY?? Because just as she got admitted to the college, she was taken in as a s*x toy by the Devil whom her father had offended by running off with his money EXTRACT** "Please... don't...kill me" Eugene stuttered in tears as the Devil was rubbing the gun around her face " Who said am going to kill you? The man chuckled deeply as he started moving the metallic gun down to her body "You are more useful than to be wasted" he smiled as his gun stop right in front of her pussy Eugene's body shivered feverishly as she felt the cold metal on her c*nt "You understand what I mean? He asked with a lopsided smirk and she gulped nothing.

Chapter 1 TEARS

Eugene sniffed back her tears as they were falling slowly from her eyes

She glance at the devil beside with hatred fill her heart

She can't believe she had been taken forcefully to be a s*x

Though she couldn't call it a force cause it was sort of a bargain


"What's your decision Leonard? Will you allow your daughter to be my s*x slave or should I just kill you?? Brandon's cold voice threatened

Eugene's heart thumped loudly as she heard the Devil's request

"Mr Wilson please give me some time,I'll find a way to pay you back

"I don't have any time to give anymore,since you can't give me my money now what is wrong with me taking the girl you used the money on?

" Or what do you think?? He asked Eugene who was held back by his men

"Please don't kill my dad...we will find a way to pay your money back" she begged almost at the point of tears

" What to do,I don't want the money again, it's you I want" he said with a lopsided smirk

"Mr Wilson please Eugene is too young to be your sex slave" Leonard begged in tears

" She is not a minor anymore Leonard,if she is a minor like you said, she wouldn't have dated ten different guys

Eugene froze in shock as she heard him say that

"How... did.. he know all that? She stuttered in thought

"No matter what Mr Wilson, I can't allow my precious daughter to be your s*x slave, you can kill me if you want! Leonard burst out in anger

" Then you gave me no choice" Brandon coldly said and cock his gun, just as he was about to pull the trigger a female scream interrupted

" Noooooooo!! Eugene shouted

" Any problem minor? Brandon asked mockingly

"Please don't kill my father....I agree...to be your...s*x slave" she choked on her tears

"No Eugene" don't agreed to it, you are too young for this Devil! Leonard tried to convince her daughter

"No Dad,I can't watch you die because of me again, you committed the crime because of me, I'll take the responsibility" Eugene replied and face Brandon

" Am ready" she said as tears fell off from her eyes


Eugene couldn't hold back her tears as she remembers

"Stop crying now cos I don't mind wasting my bullet on you" she heard Brandon's cold threatening voice and she kept quiet at once




Eugene stared at the biggest Mansion she had ever seen in her life

"Is this where she will be leaving?? She thought in her head

" What are you waiting for?" Brandon cold voice brought her out of her daze

" Nothing sir" she replied timidly

"It's Master for you, you will be my s*x slave so you need to know how to address me" Brandon annoyingly said

" Ok.. mas..ter" she stuttered as she tried to held back her tears

"Let's go inside" he ordered and started walking ahead while she followed behind

"Welcome home young master"...

"Welcome home Master! The maids greeted as Brandon walk in

The maids stared at the young girl behind their boss, and couldn't help but to question in their minds who she was to their boss

" Where is Madam Bora?? Brandon asked no one in particular

"Am here Master" an elderly woman who look like 60 years old appeared with a walking stick in her hand

"This is my new personal toy, Take her to the guest room and take care of her, you understand what I mean? He asked the old woman

"Of course Master" Madam Bora replied with a smile

" I'll leave her to you then" he said and walk away

Eugene felt relieved as he left, his presence was too domineering for her

"Follow me Ms..." Madam Bora paused realizing that she doesn't know Eugene's name

" Eugene" Eugene completed and Madam Bora smile

"Let's go Ms Eugene" the old lady said with a smile

Eugene stared at the bedroom she will be using with mouth agape

The bedroom was thrice bigger than the room she used in her house

What was more fascinating about the room was the color it was painted with

"Purple" her favorite color, she stared around the room and found out that the room was set up with her taste especially the small library that was situated near the bed

If not for the situation, she would have think this room was specifically made for her but it was all a mere coincidence

"Please have some rest Ms Eugene, the dinner will be ready soon" Madam Bora said politely

just as Madam Bora finished her words, Eugene's stomach made a loud rumbling sounds embarrassing Eugene to the core

"Am sorry" she muttered in embarrassment and Madam Bora shakes her head

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about Ms Eugene,do you want your dinner in the room or will you come downstairs to eat? The old lady asked

"I'll love it if you can bring it to my room" Eugene replied with a side smile

" No problem Miss" the old lady said and left the room

Eugene fell on the bed and close her eyes

She couldn't believe that her life had just been bought in just a day

Becoming the devil sex slave is the same thing as sacrificing her life

Her mind drifted back to her poor father and her heart ache for him

He did what he did for her, he ran off with the devil's money just to pay for her college fees

"Am sorry Dad it's all because of me" she muttered as fat tears rolled down her eyes


Eugene stared at her reflection in the mirror with sadness in her eyes

Though she looks different right now but she felt disgusted with the look especially for the reason she is dressed up in an exposed nightie

Tonight is the deal, she will start her job as the Devil s*x slave

Eugene watch as the maid spray some perfume on her body and tears threatened to fall from her eyes

"We are done Ma'am" the maids announced and Eugene glance at them without saying anything

Seeing her red eyes, the maids felt pity for her

They know how devil their boss can be,

"Poor girl, she is just a child" they all thought

Just then the door open revealing madam Bora

"Ma'am" the maids bowed as she entered

"You can all leave" madam Bora ordered

"Ok ma'am" they bowed before scurrying away

Madam Bora face Eugene who look like she is lost and felt pity for her as well

" It's time to go Ms Eugene" she announced and Eugene flinch slightly

Eugene heart thumped wildly in fear but she nodded her head in reply

Madam Bora could see the fear in her eyes but there's nothing she could do to help her

The only she can do is to pray that her boss will be gentle with her




Eugene watch Madam Bora knocked on Brandon's door

"Master she is here" she heard the old woman saying

" Let her in" Brandon's voice ring from inside

"Go in" Madam Bora nudge Eugene who looks pale

Eugene hands shivered

As she entered the dim light room fully, she heard the door closed from behind

Her footsteps halt as she saw the Devil himself sitting lazily on the couch shirtless with his cold eyes

"Ma... Ma.... Master" she stuttered fearfully

"I don't need to tell you what to do" Brandon lazily muttered

Seeing how puzzled she looks,it was then Brandon remember that he had brought in an innocent girl who knows nothing about pleasure

"Since you don't know understand my words, I'll help you out"

" STRIP AND GET ON BED" he ordered

"STRIP AND GET ON BED! STRIP AND GET ON BED! STRIP AND GET ON BED! Those words kept repeating in Eugene's head

Her lips quiver and her eyes became tearful that it didn't take a second for the tears to rush out

Brandon saw the tears on her face and felt no pity instead he was irritated by her tears

"You have a minute to get rid of the pieces on your body or you say farewell to your dad's Life"

Hearing his threat Eugene's hand immediately found the hem of her nighties, without wasting more time she pulled off the nighties over her head

Her whole body was naked except for the thin lingeries pant which cover her pu$$y

"Take it all off" Brandon husky voice ordered

Eugene hands quiver as they tugged the edge of the pant,

She closed her eyes tightly as she begins to pull down her pants slowly till she had nothing on

Brandon stared at Eugene's curvy body and his eyes darken with lust

Feeling his lustful gaze on her, Eugene was ashamed of herself


Eugene never bothered to hide her tears as she sauntered slowly to the bed before climbing it

She spread her leg widely like he ordered

She heard the ruffling of clothes, she guess he was taking off his clothes

Soon she felt the bed deepen and her heart skipped a beat

Brandon's hand creep to her thigh and spread them apart,A soft gasp left her mouth as she felt his d!ck rubbing her


she felt a tingling sensation in her body, But the sensation only lasted for a minute as Brandon thrusted into her at once

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhhh!! A piercing scream left Eugene's mouth

Her scream was like a pleasure to Brandon,as he never allow her to adjust to his size before he started thrusting into her with fast pace

"Ahhhhhh...am in.. pains" she choked on tears as Brandon banged her mercilessly

"Please... it's.. hurts..a lot" she cried out in discomfort but Brandon was so lost in pleasure to see her pains

Eugene was helpless both inside and outside, she scratched! She bite but none of it helped instead it only increase the Devil's pleasure

Eugene could feel her vision blurry, and she thought

But then she felt Brandon slow down his pace, thinking he was done, she sighed out in relief but her relief was cut short,as Brandon turn her over with her buttocks facing him

She was panic as she felt his d!ck on her a**hole,

He couldn't possibly think of sexing me there" she thought in panic but it was all a wishful thinking as Brandon pushed his still erected d!ck into her hole at once and she screamed out

The pain she felt right now was a double than her pu$$y, Brandon didn't took pity on her as he thrusted into her wildly like an animal

This lasted for an hour till he c*m inside her

After he was done,he released her and she fell flatly on the bed, her eyes started closing slowly but before she could passed out, she felt her body tossed to the ground by Brandon

She felt on the ground hardly hitting her head on the tiles, she couldn't shout out in pain as she was too weak to do so, she could only give into darkness and fainted.

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