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The billionaire affair

The billionaire affair



Twenty-four-year-old Eve meets gorgeous billionaire Grant Carlson at a Hollywood gala. Things get hot beyond belief - until Grant does something unforgivable. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Especially when she's an internet security expert and former hacker. But Grant has a secret - one that will plunge both him and Eve into even greater passion - and incredible danger.

Chapter 1 1- Eve

Oh God.

His lips are so warm against mine.

The kiss starts off soft and sensual. Mouths pressed together... lips slowly caressing... his tongue touching my lips, and I open wide to take him in.

His arms encircle my waist and pull me to him. I'm pressing against him, my soft curves against his muscles. Even under the designer tux, I can feel his rock-hard body.

I can feel something else, too.

Something thick and long, getting thicker and longer.

The kiss starts off soft and sensual, but it rapidly becomes something else. Harder... more insistent.

I don't even notice. I'm caught up in the moment, thinking of nothing but how much I want his hands all over me...


I stare at him.

He knows about Mailin.

He knows about the hacking.


"Not important right now. What is important is that I've engaged your services by paying your company, but I need to know if you're on board. My life might be on the line here."

"I don't understand."

He leans forward intently. "I need to know if I can trust you. Totally and completely."

"Trust me how?"

"As a hacker. As an internet security expert."

"Look, I can test your systems, fix the loopholes I find, make sure nobody can ā€“ "

"That's not what I need."

God, I want to shoot this guy. He just keeps going in circles.

"Why don't you cut to the fucking chase and tell me exactly what's going on," I snap.

He looks at me for a long while, as though weighing me. Seeing if I'm worthy. Finally he nods, as though he's decided.

"Someone's trying to kill me. And I need you to help me find him... before he gets to me."


Okay, first thing you've got to know about me is I'm a regular chick. Or as regular a chick as an internet security expert can be.

Sure, I can beef up your company's computer network to protect it against DDoS's (Distributed Denial of Service attacks, for you non-geeks out there). Yeah, I can write a mean packet sniffer to capture whatever data you want. Yes, I can do a thousand other things that will bore the hell out of you unless you have a computer science degree.

But I like binge-watching N*****x and HBO Go. (Game of Thrones ā€“ Team Khaleesi, woot woot!)

I like bingeing on cupcakes, too.

I'm a rocker chick, sort of. When I'm not being all introverted and homebodyish, I'll pour myself into a pair of skin-tight leather pants and go see Steel Panther in Hollywood. They're the coolest, funniest parody metal hair band you've ever seen, by the way. It's like Mƶtley CrĆ¼e and Weird Al Yankovic had a love child.

I'm also... well, I'm pretty.

Don't be all like, What a bitch, she's so stuck on herself! It's not my doing. It was a weird genetic quirk, and it generally makes my life hell.

I'll bet you occasionally get leered at by guys, right? At the supermarket, workplace, whatever. Little surreptitious side-glances at your breasts? Inappropriate sexual jokes by male co-workers?

Now imagine this: you work in an industry filled with guys with thick glasses who are still virgins at 27. They learned their social skills by playing Xbox with little headsets on. The only boobs they've seen outside of internet porn are... okay, they haven't seen any boobs outside of internet porn.

I'm being grossly unfair, I know. I do have some really great co-workers who have cool girlfriends, who are considerate, who are awesome human beings.

And I shouldn't bag on guys in Tech. I didn't lose my v-card until I was a junior in college, and I haven't had a date in the last six months.

But, seriously... there's an awful lot of nerds who spend departmental meetings just staring at my chest.

What really pisses me off is they don't take me seriously. That is, until I school their ass by rewriting their crappy code in under five minutes. Then they usually mutter something rude under their breath and walk away.

So. Pretty computer chick. Introverted. Works for a big online security firm as a forensic data analyst. Game of Thrones. Cupcakes. Occasionally goes to see hair metal parody bands.

My life is pretty boring most of the time.

Or it was, until the night of the Hollywood Charity Gala.

That's when things got a little... weird.

And hot.

Reaaaaal hot.

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Other books by Renshy

Louisiana: Agent X (A Psycho's Gameplay)

Louisiana: Agent X (A Psycho's Gameplay)



A strong wind lifted the white curtain covering the large window in the room where Louisiana, or Siana, was situated. Following that, the sunlight streamed in, fully awakening her. Silence greeted Siana as she opened her eyes, only to be met by the white ceiling. She tried to survey the room, but all she saw was a small table next to her bed and a couch. There were no displays or decorations to make the room visually pleasing. She furrowed her brow slightly, and tears began to trickle down her cheeks. "Siana!" a voice suddenly emerged from the emptiness, and she shifted her gaze to the woman who had just entered. "Am I alive?" she asked herself more than anyone else. She had wished for death, and she had come very close to it, so how had she ended up living? "Lia..." she called out to the woman. She wanted to speak and say so many things, but her tears silenced her, and they caught in her throat. She attempted to move, but the pain became excruciating. Her entire body felt as if it were being crushed. Looking at herself, she noticed various machines and devices attached to her. She couldn't move her legs or hands; they seemed paralyzed. "I'll call the Doctor for you," Lia said before leaving to summon the doctor. Minutes later, a doctor and a nurse arrived, examining her condition. The doctor let out a sigh. "You need to rest for now. We'll conduct more tests tomorrow." "I've been resting for..." "A year," the doctor added, leaving Siana stunned. "You still need to rest. We'll run some tests again tomorrow." The doctor and nurse exited the room, leaving Siana with Lia, who was speechless. "Siana..." "A year? A whole year has passed, and I'm still alive?" she angrily asked herself. "Siana, about..." Siana abruptly stopped crying and realized several things. "Where is he?" she asked, her gaze fixed on Lia. Lia shifted her gaze and walked to the open window, unable to answer the question. "Rest and gain some strength. We'll wait for you in Sierra," Lia said seriously before leaving the room. Siana wanted to stop her friend from leaving but lacked the strength. She was now an invalid, unable to do much, including thinking clearly. "Ryou..." she whispered into the wind. She closed her eyes and reminisced about a time when everything had been normal.

My Unexpected wife

My Unexpected wife



Prologue "Mom, Dad, are you sending me away? Why are they packing my things? I thought that the reason why you want me to come back here? Because you want me to spend some time with you guys? then now what? Are you kicking me out?" They didn't pay attention to me, they just looked at our helpers who were putting my things in the car. Seriously? I hope I don't just go home here, I enjoyed New York as a model. I just went home yesterday because they sent me home and now this is going to happen? I looked at my brother as he was busy on his phone so I picked it up. "Brother, do you know what Mom and Dad are doing?" It looked at me bored." I don't know maybe they rejected you." he didn't want to answer. It's really ugly, as if it was conceived out of spite. "You never change! You are still so rude and mean!" I walked out. It's annoying that my sister and I don't really get along, which I think was conceived out of spite. I leave what happened to him why did he change? He wasn't like that to me before. "Where do you think you're goin'?" It calls to me. "In hell brother, in your kingdom. Want to come with me?" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes at him. "Tsk!" I heard He said and continued with what he was doing on his cell phone. "Brute!" I said annoyed and walked away from him. "Cassandra, Diego get inside the car now!" Our good father shouted before I could get away. I went in and my brother son of satan also followed. I would like to ask where we are going or should I say where they will take me? But I just didn't do it because they wouldn't answer me either. We were silent the whole trip, I could feel the tension that something bad was going to happen that day. After a few hours of driving, our car stopped at a big house. It's beautiful, it's obviously brand new, are they going to let me live here? But why are there cars parked here? We went downstairs and I immediately looked around the house. After a while some helpers came out, they took my things and put them inside, I really don't know what was going through my parents' mind? Dad and Mom went in first, then me and my brother. I was amazed at how beautiful it was when we finally got inside the house. This is my dream house, this is the house I want when I have my own family. we were greeted by a couple about the same age as our parents, they said hello and Mom introduced us here. "This is Diego and Cassandra our children." Mom while smiling. We did the same. I was surprised when Mrs. Braganza suddenly touched my face. "You are really perfect for him." This surprised me. Perfect for him? Wait, I don't get it? I was about to ask when someone suddenly spoke behind us. "Sorry I'm late." Said the baritone voice. I turned around, I saw a very handsome man wearing an expensive tux. his like a Greek God with a very expressive silver eyes. When our gazes meet, it's like hypnotism, it's like his eyes have a spell that you can't look away from? and when he smiled, my heart suddenly beat faster. Shit what's wrong with you heart? just freaking calm down! "Oh my son is here, let's start this ceremony?" Mr. Braganza said. That brought me back to my senses and I just averted my eyes from him even though my cells in my body didn't want it. we all went to the dining area I was surprised that there were many different dishes of food served. While I was busy looking at the food served on the long table. My brother's son of satan smirked so I turned to him and gave him a questioning look. he raised an eyebrow and slapped his forehead when I didn't understand what he meant to convey to me. "Take your seat, hija." Mrs. kindly said. Braganza and that's when I noticed that I was still standing. I didn't even realize that they were all sitting down. I was about to sit down when I saw that there was no other seat except next to him. I smiled and sat next to the man with the beautiful eyes. I inhaled his fragrant masculine scent. His manly expensive cologne gives shivers down my spine. it doesn't hurt the nose, it's just good to smell it.... it's addictive. We ate in silence when Daddy spoke. I leave why I was nervous? "So as from now Cassandra? your staying here with Lyde Kenjun Braganza, its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife..."blah...blah..blah... I can't understand anything other than what Dad is saying, the only thing registered in my brain is Its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife Its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife Its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife Its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife Its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife "Its time to fulfill my responsibility his what-wife?

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