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alexis walter


You are the bane to my existence, Ethan. Always hovering over me, dictating my life. But I won't let you control my heart." "Oh, Ava, if you only knew the chaos you've stirred within me. You challenge me in ways I never thought possible. I'm captivated by your spirit, your unwavering determination. Let me show you a love that defies expectations, a love that is entirely our own." "I'm not one to be easily swayed by words, Ethan. I need actions, true intentions. Prove to me that this arrangement isn't just another game of power and control." **** In the dazzling world of high society, Ava Sinclair is a force to be reckoned with-a fiercely independent woman who defies conventions and fights for her dreams. But when an arranged marriage binds her to Ethan Morgan, a brooding and enigmatic billionaire, her carefully constructed world is turned upside down. Ava resents the idea of being tied to a man she barely knows, and Ethan is equally reluctant to enter into a loveless union. Yet, as they navigate the intricacies of their forced arrangement, they find themselves drawn to each other in ways they never anticipated. As their initial animosity gives way to unexpected sparks, Ava and Ethan discover a connection that transcends their obligations. But with their families and society watching their every move, will they have the courage to defy tradition and pursue their own desires? Amidst grand balls, scandalous secrets, and whispered gossip, Ava and Ethan must navigate the treacherous waters of high society and their own guarded hearts. Will they succumb to the pressure of societal expectations, or will they dare to chase the love that sets their souls on fire?

Chapter 1 A new world

A new world

Lady Penelope watched as the two lover birds disappeared out of sight. She was happy that Ava was able to find love and follow her heart. She smiled and went about trying to fix the Duke's dinner. She felt humbled to have him in their home.

Ava was very happy as she toured Ethan around the mansion. "Are you passing the night here?" asked Ava. She wished he stayed back. "I am not sure. I still have some issues to attend to at the palace," said Ethan. Ava's face showed a little bit of sadness but was cheered up when Ethan said: "We have got to make the most of our time together." Ava smiled and went on to show him her baby's playground. Ethan smiled looking at her face "You are all grown up and now a woman. Your parents did a good job bringing up a fine young woman." Having said that, they headed for Ava's room which was just a few blocks away from the main building.

When Ethan entered, he was fascinated by the way she had it arranged and the color that was used in decorating the room. He was pleased to see how neatly she has her things arranged and was completely amazed at how everything looked tidy. He sat down while Ava offered him a drink. "Thank you, babe. I was just admiring your room. You have a lovely place."

Lady Penelope called out to them and had dinner before the Duke returned to his palace. They both came down immediately. The dinner was served around a big table with lots of dishes and a dessert to go along with it. Lady Penelope said the prayer and everybody dug into their food. Ava looked at Ethan and smiled.

She enjoyed steering at his face like a mother who just gave birth to a newborn baby.

Immediately after the food Ethan thanked the Sinclair family and told Ava he had to go. Ava escorted him back to his car, gave him a hot kiss, and saw him off. She was glad things were back to normal between them. She entered the mansion after Ethan drove out of the compound. "Mum, do you think I am making the right choice?" Ava looked at her mother with a serious look and tried to read her mother's expression.

Lady Penelope moved closer to her daughter and said "Walk with me." Ava followed behind her mother into the garden and as they walked, she told her a lot of love stories and how it all turned out between the couple and also gave her some advice. Ava was happy. And at the same time glad to see Lady Penelope as her mother. They headed back to the mansion because it was getting cold.

Ethan called Ava to let her know he was home safely and promised to see heart work tomorrow. "I love you." said before she hung up. Ethan smiled and said, "I love you more Ava Sinclair."

All Ethan could think of was Ava as he lay on the bed. He was so in love with her that he pictured them being together as a couple and having their kids running around the palace. He smiled at the thought of the kids. "I am going to be a great father," he said.

And with that, he slept off.

A loud bang woke him up the following day. Oliver had come into his room to use some of his perfume. "Jesus Christ," Ethan yelled.

Oliver looked apologetic for waking him up. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. Besides, it is past 10a, ain't you going to work?" Ethan looked up at the wall clock and was surprised the time was far gone. He rushed into the bathtub to take his bath. Oliver laughed and asked him how come he woke up late with his alarm on. "I guess I was just too tired," answered Ethan from the bathroom. "Please tell the cook I will be having scrambled egg and bread for breakfast and she should be fast about it."

Ethan left the bathroom and got dressed. He rushed down to have his breakfast and headed for work. Ava was looking worried as she steered at her watch and the company's entrance if she could see any sign of Ethan. She was about to put a call through again when he drove into the compound. "Thank God," she said silently.

Ethan came rushing into the company because he was having a meeting with the board of directors in thirty minutes over the progress of the company. He met Ava and smiled. "Sorry I got you worried," he said and headed to his office. Ava was relieved and headed to her office too.

He sunk into his seat and on his table were tons of files. He pick up his phone and called Ava "Honey, can you come to my office right now, please?"

Ava went to his office and was surprised to see lots of files on his table. She looked at him and said, "You need help with this right?"

Ethan looked up with a sorry face and said "Yes". Both set to work and they were able to sort out the necessary documents before Ethan ran off for the meeting.

Ava looked at him and smiled. She was so in love with him. She went back to her office and waited for his call so that they can have lunch together.

It was past 1 pm and Ethan wasn't through. Ava was hungry and was about to head out when she saw Victoria coming out from her office. Ava didn't want any trouble with her so she passed without saying a word. Both went their separate ways.

Ethan was done and couldn't find her in her office. He looked around for her and found her by the vending machine. He tip-toed to her and cover her face. Ava was shocked but she was calm. "please who are you?" Ethan laughed and came to her front. He apologized for keeping her waiting.

The day was Friday so the company had to close early. Victoria went to see Ethan and told him she would love to come over to the palace to discuss business with him. Ethan being the person he is was calm. " I will be expecting you," Ethan replied to her.

On their way home Ethan told Ava what was going on and asked her out for the weekend. "how is that going to work when you have a business meeting with the she-devil?" Her voice showed a sign of being jealous. Ethan noticed that and laughed. "Don't worry about that, we will make it work." He dropped her at her house and zoom off.

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