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Mha Rhy


PAMPERED BY THE OVERBEARING CEO In her previous Life, Xin'er trusted blinded and was used by her best friend to destroy her happiness She had always thought her best friend Ningqing and her first love Junxi were the ones who loved her deeply but she was completely wrong Those two were nothing but scumbags, Her best friend manipulate her mind to destroy her marriage while Junxi was only dating because of her properties At the end she did not only lost her rightful place and life,she also lost her son's life whom she had with Mingchen her billionaire husband She had always hated the cold devil(Mingchen)in her previous life thinking he is the one hindering her happiness but the reality was different, Mingchen has always been there for her, despite being cold and aloof,he always consider her feelings Fate decided to give her another chance to relive her life again In this new life, Xin'er promised to love her family and make those scumbags pay for what they did to her EXTRACT** Xin'er: Hubby I want the latest Luis vuitton bag Mingchen: I will ordered 20 of it for you Xin'er: Hubby I exhausted my credit card Mingchen: here is my unlimited black card


Xin'er eyes snapped open at once,her body was dripping in cold sweat

Her gaze wandered around the room and they dilated in shock

She was reborn?!!

her pupils trembles, Xin'er wanted to scream out as realized that it wasn't a dream

Xin'er could vividly remember that in her previous life she was murdered in cold blood by the person she took as best friend

In her past life,she thought Ningqing was a best friend who always have her best interest at heart, Junxi her first love who loved her deeply and Gu Mingchen as the devil who destroyed her happiness

But the reality is different! She was completely wrong!!!

They never loved her,those two disgusting fellows never had her best interest in mind

Gu Mingchen and her family were the only ones who loved her dearly and care about her

She had always hated Mingchen because she was forced to marry him and gave birth to a son for him

She hated him because she believes that he was the reason she couldn't be with Junxi, especially with the son she had for him

In her previous life, Xin'er never cared about her four years old son, she had always hated him and will never stands as his mother

And this was because, Ningqing and Junxi had filled her head with decisive words making her believe that Mingchen and little bun were the one hindering her happiness

The two ruined her and made her useless, in the end Ningqing took everything away from her,her husband, her properties, her rightful place in the Wang family

Ningqing was the reason she lost her only son in her previous life and was also framed for the crime which got her arrested

Xin'er had no evidence to prove her innocence,so she was sentenced to death by hanging

The day she was being taken to the place where she will be killed,they were ambush on the way

She was kidnapped and taken to a warehouse where Ningqing was waiting

At first she thought Ningqing saved her but her hope got shattered as Ningqing revealed her true colors

Now that she thinks about it,she is really so stupid, how could she be so blind not to see those white snakes

Xin'er snapped out of her thoughts at the familiar blaring sound of her phone ringing tone

Her eyes fell on the phone which was laying on the bedside table

She sat up and pick the phone checking the caller

Her eyes squinted seeing who the caller is, just then her eyes caught the date on her phone

5th of July 2025!!

The day she divorced Mingchen in her previous life, is fate about to repeat itself?? She thought as her heart skipped countless times

No! She will never let it happen again!! This life she will make sure to correct her mistakes

She will make those scumbags pay for what they did to her

Without wasting more time, Xin'er answered the call

"Assistant Lei" she said as she answered the call

Assistant Lei was Mingchen personal assistant and also the family butler son

"Ms Wang, president is waiting for you at the civil bureau by 4pm" A masculine.matured cold voice said from the other end

"Ok I will be there" she replied and the person at the other end hung up immediately






The temperature in the room dropped largely as Assistant Lei nervously delivered Xin'er's reply to the big devil

"She agreed? Mingchen asked coldly

"Yes" Lei calmly replied

Mingchen said nothing but his expression portray how sick and tired he is

Seeing how lifeless his boss looks, Lei couldn't help but to curse Xin'er thousand times

Because of her, Mingchen's health was getting deteriorating everyday

Mingchen was suffering from depression and Xin'er was the main cause of it

"Boss it's time for you to take your drugs"Lei reminded Mingchen

"Get lost! Mingchen ordered coldly

"But..." Lei wanted to convince him but the cold glare from Mingchen made him swallow his words

"I will leave then" Lei bowed and left

Mingchen stared at his wedding photo frame on his office table and felt pains in his heart

"Why Xin'er? Why can't you love me like you love that bastard Junxi? He thought clenching his fist angrily






An expensive Roll Royce suddenly halt in front of the most biggest kindergarten school in the country

The backseat door opened and Xin'er stepped out looking so fresh and beautiful

She was wearing the latest Luis vuitton knee gown with an expensive pairs of earrings and handbag

Among the crowd around, Xin'er stood out,her beautiful demeanor made it easier to catch a lot of attention

As it was closing time, children with their mother or father were coming out of the school compound in large numbers

Xin'er walked into the school compound and saw pupils coming out of their various classes

Her eyes searched around for her little bun but to her disappointment,he was nowhere to be found

"I guess he is still in class" she said in thought and started walking towards little bun class

Just as she got to his class and enters,she met an heart wrenching scene

In front of her were some little boys surrounding her son who had his head down ignoring their rantings

"Hey little bastard! I heard you don't have a mother? The tallest among the boys asked pushing little bun head

"Jungli he is mute,how can he answer your question" another one replied the tallest boy instead

"Tsk..Tsk.. children with autism are really pitiful especially bastards with no mother" Jungli mocked and his pals laughed

Xin'er body shóok in anger as she watched those boys bullying her son

Tears were brimming at the corner of her eyes as she knew she was responsible for this, she was the one who neglected little bun and never paid attention to his daily life

Little bun became like this because of her

But now that she was reborn,she will make everything right,she will never allow her son to suffer again

"Gu Xuimin!!! She called Little bun by his full name startling the children

On hearing the familiar voice, Little bun raised his head

His eyes met with that of Xin'er and he was shocked to see her in his class

Jungli and his little followers shrieked in fear on seeing the adult in front of them

"Who..who..are you? Jungli stuttered in fear thinking Xin'er will report to the school authorities

Xin'er glared hatefully at him and walked to Little bun who was staring at her fluttered

She crouched and held Little bun small hand

"Little bun are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? She asked in concern

Little bun was shocked of his mother sudden changed behavior and couldn't reply

Seeing how Little bun was staring at her like a stranger, tears fell from her eyes rapidly and emotionally she pulled Little bun into hug

"Am sorry baby, it's all my fault" I shouldn't have neglected you when you needed me the most, Mom is really sorry, This time I promise to always love you" She cried hugging Little bun tightly

Little bun was shocked hearing Xin'er apologize but he was more happy to hear her words of promise

"Really you promise to love me? He asked bewildered disengaging from the hug

On hearing Little bun voice, Jungli and his fellow were shocked

Everyone in school thought Gu Xuimin was an autistic child

Xin'er on the other hand doesn't look surprised,she knew that Little bun only speaks when she is around

"Yes mom promise to always love you baby, I promise to always stand by your side"Little bun smiled happily on hearing Xin'er's reply

He hugged his mother with a wide smile on his face

"Mommy" he called affectionately

Xin'er sniffed back her tears as she happily reciprocate her son's hug







In front of the bureau office, Lei and Mingchen were standing beside the expensive Porsche as they await for Xin'er's arrival

"Give her a call" Mingchen ordered coldly

"Ok sir" Lei replied and immediately took out his phone to dial Xin'er's number

"Brother-in-law" just as Lei was about to dial Xin'er's number,a gentle voice was heard behind them

A beautiful lady in her twenties walked to them with a wide smile on her face

"Ningqing" He called softly and Ningqing blushed shyly on hearing her name from his mouth

"Brother-in-law I heard you and Xin'er are getting divorced today which is why am here to convince her not to divorce you" Ningqing explained with a sad smile

"You should know that when Xin'er insisted on doing something,she will definitely do it so don't bothered" Mingchen replied calmly

Though Ningqing looks sad on the outside but inside she was dancing victoriously

"Thank you for being so foolish and useful Xin'er, this time brother Mingchen will be mine" she thought dreamily

"But at least I should give it a try especially for Little Xuimin" She said with a fake concern

On hearing his son name, Mingchen expression softened but he knew there's nothing he can do to convince his wife

At the same time,the familiar Roll Royce stopped in front of them

Ningqing eyes lit up as she saw the car while Mingchen was in despair

In his heart,he has been hoping that Xin'er will have a change of heart and won't come today but it seems like God was not on his side

Assistant Lei opened the backseat door and Xin'er stepped out

"Mada...m" Assistant Lei choked on his words as he saw Xin'er beautiful appearance

He couldn't believe his eyes that this was the same ugly Xin'er he knew standing before him

Xin'er wasn't surprised of Lei reaction as she knew that her tyrannical dressing in her previous life made people thought she was so ugly only Ningqing knew her real appearance

Xin'er eyes landed on Ningqing and a smile blossomed on her face seeing the jealousness expression

"You haven't seen anything yet Ningqing,This Life I will be the one to suppress you"

Xin'er came out of her thoughts as she felt a cold gaze on her face

She needs no soothsayer to tell her who it was,she knew how Mingchen is feeling right now

"Ms Wang, Let's go" Assistant Lei reminded her and was about to close the door

"Don't close the door yet,my baby is inside" Xin'er stopped him

???? Everyone stared at her in question

"Little bun come out" just as she said, Gu Xuimin came down

Everyone eye's widened on seeing Xuimin with Xin'er

As far as they know, Xin'er hate Gu Xuimin and will never allow him to be beside her

But they never knew more shock were yet to come

"Mommy" Little bun voice called coettishly as he raised his hands for his mother to carry him

"Young Master!! Assistant Lei called in shock as he heard Little bun voice

Mingchen and Ningqing were not left out

"Come baby,daddy is waiting for us" Xin'er picked up Little bun and walked towards Mingchen and Ningqing while assistant Lei stared with mouth agape

"Xin'er you are here" Ningqing asked with a smile trying to conceal the jealousness on her face

"Hmm" Xin'er nodded in reply trying hard not to roll her eyes of Ningqing fake facade

"Why did you bring Xuimin here,do you want him to know what we want to do? Mingchen questioned Xin'er coldly

"Xin'er can you please consider your decision, you can't divorce brother Mingchen"

"Why? I thought you always want me to divorce Gu Mingchen" Xin'er asked Ningqing looking confused and Ningqing freeze on spot

"What do you mean Xin'er,stop saying rubbish"Ningqing nervously scolded Xin'er who was staring at her innocently

"Brother-in-law believe me,I never urge her to divorce you,she is only joking"Ningqing explained to Mingchen whose demeanor has become more cold

Xin'er almost snorted seeing how Ningqing explained

"Yeah it's a joke" Xin'er replied with a smile and Ningqing almost sigh out in relief

So you want me to consider my decision? Xin'er asked Ningqing foolishly

"Yes Xin'er especially for Little Xuimin sake, but if you insist on it then there's nothing I can do but just know Junxi can't give you the happiness you deserve"Ningqing replied intentionally mentioning Junxi name so it will sway Xin'er

She knew that mentioning Junxi name, Xin'er will insist on getting divorce and Mingchen will dislike her more

And she was right,seeing the darkened Expression on Xin'er and Mingchen's face confirmed it

"I guess you are right" Xin'er melodious voice made her snapped out of her thought

"Hubby" Xin'er called Mingchen affectionately and everyone including Mingchen stiffened in shock

"My best friend managed to convince me which is why I decided not to divorce you again,so please take care of me in the future" She added with a big smile and Ningqing almost fainted on spot

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