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Mha Rhy


It was just a night stand between them but he refused to let go of her She thought it will be the last time they will meet but she was wrong He wanted all of her, her body,soul and heart Not only did he satisfied her,he even made her his woman forever WHO IS SHE?? She is Tiffany Watson,the infamous eldest daughter of the Watson's No one cared about her existence including her parents and Why?? Because she is just a countryside bumpkin She was swapped at birth, after living in the orphanage for 18 years, she was finally found by her parents She was happy that she has finally gotten a parent but the reality was heartbreaking After her parents took her away from the orphanage,they never bothered about her existence,they were always busy grooming the other daughter, Esmeralda whom she was swapped with She did everything to make her parents like her but none worked She even had to be a slave to Esmeralda so that her parents could noticed her but they never did After realizing that her parents never loved her,she decided to stop acting like a filial daughter Starting from getting drunk on her sister's birthday, and accidentally having a night with a Man WHO IS HE???

Chapter 1 A NIGHT

Tiffany felt like she was in a hot volcano, a giant iceberg

Hot... Incredible hot

However, a hot as it was, she couldn't help but to move closer to the iceberg, she was thrown into the air, and then penetrated into her s*x fiercely.

She felt something broke and she whimper

"Pains... It hurts"

A volcano could not be stopped during it's eruption,she felt her entire body torn apart and split into half.

Tiffany sobbed under the strength of the volcano

"Pains...." She cried slowly

The man showed her no sympathy. With hard thrust, Tiffany felt a kiss falling on her lips. With a steady rhythm,she felt the pains disappearing.

A great pleasure washed over her body and she moaned loudly

The temperature became calm again after what had happened







Tiffany's consciousness returned to her little by little and she clearly felt the pains in her body

She was sore and hurting all over. Her eyelashes fluttered and she suddenly open her eyes

Her eyes fell on the unfamiliar room and she suddenly sat up

She felt sore that she couldn't help but Yelp

To her surprise, she saw that she was naked, blue marks were laid all over her chest and collarbone looking scary

Her eyes finally landed on the man beside her and she almost let out a scream, luckily she was able to control herself

She needs no soothsayer to tell her what had happened

She had been deflowered by a random stranger,

Where am I? How do I get here?? She could remember getting drunk last night and also that Esmeralda gave gave her a room key so she could rest" but how did the man ended up on her bed? Did she entered the wrong room?? Her mind was in tumor

Tiffany got up from the bed and she almost fell

Her s*x was sore that she had to like to where her dress was laying

She pick her dress up and put it on,she had no choice but to put on the same underwears she wore last night

She picked her bag and walked to the door

Just as she opens the door slightly,she heard a farmiliar female voice at the front of the door

"Why are you all useless??? I told you it's room 69, how come you didn't find her there??? Esmeralda voiced out angrily glaring hard at the two men before her

Tiffany frowned on hearing Esmeralda's words

"Room 69? That was the room she asked me to go last night" she thought

" I guess I entered the wrong room last night" she mumbled under breath

Esmeralda next words left her dumbfounded

" I gave you a simple job to act like you slept with her and also took her naked pictures before sending it to me but you couldn't!! She shouted furiously

"We are sorry Miss" the two men apologize

" Just leave! Get lost! She dismissed them and they two men left immediately

"Bunch of idiots" she muttered furiously

"Who knows where that countryside wench is? That slut had finally ruined my plans"She added before walking away

Tiffany couldn't move from her spot, Esmeralda true colour had a great impact on her

"This was all her intentions all along" she thought almost at the point of tears

" Damn* you Esme! Damn* you!! She clenched her fist angrily

She stared at the man's face for the last time before leaving the room









Tiffany walked into the big living room and met Esmeralda pacing around

"Elder sister you are back" Esmeralda exclaimed rushing to Tiffany

" Where were you? My friend and I looked for you in the hotel but we couldn't find you,I checked the room where I asked you to rest but couldn't find you there" she said grabbing Tiffany's hand

" Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?? She asked looking concern as she checked through Tiffany's body

Tiffany was disgusted with her acting and she almost puked

"She is really a white lotus" she thought with disdain

Tiffany snatch her hand away from Esmeralda's hold surprising her

"Am fine" Tiffany replied coldly

Esmeralda could noticed the difference in her and she panic slightly

"Are you sure you are not hurt anywhere? Esmeralda asked scrutinizing Tiffany's body

Thankfully Tiffany has covered the bruises with her foundation

"I told you am fine, and why did you think am hurt? Tiffany asked with a frown

The question caught Esmeralda unaware

"Nothing..I was... just concern about you" she replied forcing out a smile

" Don't be,am a grown up and I can take care of myself, don't meddle with my business" Tiffany warned coldly shocking Esmeralda

" excuse me I need to rest early, school is resuming tommorow" she added and left for her room leaving the shocked Esmeralda behind

"What was that? Esmeralda muttered in shock









Yuna(Mrs Watson) was busy having breakfast when she heard a steady footsteps behind her

"Good morning Mom" Tiffany's voice was heard behind her

"Huh" Yuna replied without looking up

" Am leaving for school" Tiffany announced,it was then Yuna raised her head

Her eyes freeze on spot as she took in her daughter's appearance

Tiffany who was always in long overskirt and hoodie was putting on short high waist skirt with a crop top

Her face was glittering with a light makeup enhancing her beauty the more,her full pink lips was shinning and enchanting

Yuna snapped out of her daze after sometime

"Are you leaving without breakfast? She asked with a soft voice which she has never used for Tiffany before

"Am late so I can't wait for breakfast, I will eat at the school cafeteria" Tiffany replied

" Oh! Okay, take care of yourself" Yuna said

" And you too Mom" Tiffany smile revealing her dimples before leaving the house

"Is that really my daughter??? Yuna thought still in shock


Tiffany got outside and met her driver waiting for her

Though her parents might not pay attention to her but she never lack anything

She had her own private car and personal driver,her account was always credited at the end of the month same as Esmeralda

"Eldest Miss,is this you?? The driver asked in shock seeing her appearance

"Good morning Mr John,I hope you slept well?

"Gosh! It's really you" the driver exclaimed after hearing her voice

Tiffany smiled and boarded the car without replying


IMPERIAL HIGH SCHOOL is known to be the best school in the city

Only children from wealthy family are able to attend the school

Not only was imperial high school the biggest,it was also the best among all

The top students in college entrance examination is always from imperial

Tiffany's car came to halt in front of the big school

Tiffany came out of the car after saying goodbyes to the driver

The compound was quiet which means lectures were going on already

Tiffany turns towards her class,Grade 12 class 3

Grade 12 class 3 is a special class for lazy and dumb students

Not that Tiffany was dumb, she just doesn't want to outshine her sister who was the school Queen and the third most brilliant student in the school

She thought if she acts lows, she will get her parents love but now it has all come to end

Not only will she outshine Esmeralda, she will also make sure to take all what belongs to her from Esmeralda

Tiffany got to her class and met the biology teacher teaching the students

Noticing the presence at the entrance, Teacher stopped teaching

Everyone diverted their gaze to the door and they were dumbstruck

👥Damn* who is this beauty?

👥Geez,is she a new student?

👥She is so beautiful

👥I guess the school got a new queen" The students murmured loudly

"Who are you?? Are you a new student?? The teacher asked with a smile

She was in awe of the beauty in front of her

"No am not" Tiffany replied

Hearing the farmiliar voice, the students eyes widened

"TIFFANY!!! They all screeched loudly in shock

" Am sorry for being late" Tiffany bowed and left for her seat

Everyone's eyes were on her as she walked to her seat

Just as she got to her seat, she met her best friend Bora staring at her with mouth agape

Tiffany shook her head before taking her seat beside her

Seeing everyones eyes on her, her full pink lips stretch into smile mesmerizing everyone

👥D**n! She is a living Aphrodite" one of the students exclaimed which made her smile widely and her dimples revealed

👥Shoot me!!!


The news about Tiffany new appearance spread round the whole school

Her pictures has been posted on the school platform

👥Is she really the Tiffany we know??

👥She is so beautiful

👥She is even more beautiful than the school Queen

Esmeralda gripped her phone tightly as she listens to her classmates comments

"That wretched countryside bumpkin!! She thought seething her teeth angrily

"What is there about her beauty?? She is not even pretty even in my eyes"

" No matter how beautiful she might be, she will always be a countryside girl,an illiterate! Hmph!!

Esmeralda two best friends, Charlotte and Madison scoffed jealously

Hearing their words, Esmeralda felt relief a little

"Yes no matter how pretty she is, she will always be a countryside bumpkin" Esmeralda thought with a smile







Soon it was lunch period,all students rushed out of their class

After the endless lectures,they finally have time to eat

"Are you going to the Cafeteria?? Becky asked Tiffany

Just as Tiffany was about to reply,a chubby boy entered the class calling Tiffany's name

" Tiffany,the principal called for you" the chubby boy said

"Oh! Thanks" Tiffany replied with a soft smile and the chubby boy blush before walking out

Tiffany faced Becky immediately the boy left

"You go ahead, I'll meet you soon" she said standing up

"Ok" Becky replied and Tiffany left

Tiffany walk through the hall that led to the principal office with the students eyes on her

Wherever she passed, comments or whistles will be thrown to her

Finally she got to the principal's office, she knocked on the door and she heard a soft come in before entering

She closed the door as she walked in

"You called for me sir" she said to the principal whose back was on her

"Yes I did" a deep husky voice replied and the man turned facing her directly

Tiffany freeze on spot seeing the man's face

"You... You... You" she stuttered in shock

"We met again, little girl" The man chuckle with his deep voice and Tiffany gulped down nothing

The man took a slow strides towards her and she never bothered to move

She was too shocked to move

He stopped right in front of her and lean towards her ear

"Do you think you can run away from me after robbing me of my virginity" The man said with a sly smile scaring her to the wit

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