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Sinful Shelter

(updated daily) Being on the run from assassins is not how I imagined my summer to go. I can't help but to have feelings for this man who has sworn to protect my life with his own...how can I fight this desire? Who are the men trying to kill me? Is it even possible to find love while the truth comes to light about my mother's death and father's secretive job?

Chapter 1 Just Another Day...


My alarm clock rang, nagging me to get out of bed. I fumbled searching for the snooze button, it was the middle of summer break before I go back to university, I can sleep in a bit longer.

"Scarlett!" Rosa yelled from outside my door. "Get up, honey! Your father is coming home today! It's already passed noon." My father was always leaving for long periods of time on business trips. I never knew what his exact job was, all I knew was to never ask questions and that he was gone most of the time. It had been like this for my entire life. Rosa has been my nanny since before I can remember, she was like a second mother. I have very little memories of my mother; she died in a car accident when I was only 3 years old. However, I feel lucky to have Rosa around, even though I'm almost 21.

"I'm moving!" I laughed as I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. There's nothing like a hot shower first thing in the morning, the hot water rushing over my tired skin, awakening my senses and my mind.

As I stepped out of the shower, my phone rang, it was my boyfriend, Luca Drago, we met our freshmen year of high school. I still remember the first time I saw him, the new kid in school. He didn't have the best first impression, he seemed domineering and egotistical, bragging about how much money his family had and always showing off a new novelty. It wasn't until we were paired up in 10th grade biology that I began to like him, and that self-centered attitude began to crumble as I got to know him better. I was excited when he asked me to Homecoming our junior year of high school, we've been inseparable ever since. We were lucky when we were accepted into the same university, I saw so many of our high school friend's break-up due to long distance relationships. "Hi Luca." I answered as I wrapped my towel around myself.

"Hey pretty lady," Luca replied joyfully. "Is your dad coming home today?"

"Yeah, are you coming to dinner with us?" I asked.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I heard the smile in his voice. Luca got along with my father very well. I knew his parents, but weren't as close as he is to mine, there was a language barrier. His family immigrated from Russia when he was 13. His father, Ivan Drago, came into money while working as an accountant for the wealthiest Russian-American families.

"I'll see you tonight, 6pm at La Boucherie, the usual place. I'm getting ready now."

"What are you wearing?" He asked teasingly.

"I don't know yet, probably my little black dress." I teased back.

"How about you leave out the underwear..." His voice grew dark and seductive.

"We'll see." I said with a wink in my voice. "You'll find out tonight. Love you babe." I hung up and continued to get ready.

After doing my hair and makeup, I toddled into my room and threw on some comfy clothes. I made my way down the circular stairs into our large, marble floored entry way and into our kitchen that was made for a family of ten. When I entered, Rosa had already made me breakfast, an onion bagel, small fruit salad, and a latte. She somehow always knew what I was craving without asking.

I heard the front door creak open, "Scarlett, I'm home!" I heard my father's voice echo throughout our home.

"Dad!" I exclaimed as I rushed over to him and gave him a huge hug. "So happy you're home!"

"I missed you." He breathed as he held me tighter. "How is school going? Not much longer until I can call you Doctor Scarlett Aberra!" My father was so excited when I told him I wanted to be a pediatric doctor. I know he would have supported me no matter what I chose, but I love kids and have a passion for helping those less fortunate and I was never too squeamish when it came to blood or needles. I also hope I can help someone the way the doctor helped me the day my mom died. I have very little memory of that day; I was in the car with my mother. All I remember was being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance next to my mother. I remember the doctor holding me close until my father finally made it there hours later, as he was out of town at the time. They said it was a miracle I made it out alive, much less without a scratch.

"It's going really well; I made the Dean's list this last year!" I said proudly, "I still have quite a few more years until I'll officially be a doctor."

"I am so proud of you." He said as he squeezed my hand. "Now go and get ready, will Luca be joining us this evening?"

"He will be."

"Perfect, how about we go mini golfing before dinner?" My father and I always went to the same put-put course when he returned home from long business trips since I was only 10. It was something I always looked forward to.

"That sounds great! I'll get ready." I rushed to my room and changed into something that would be appropriate for a fancy restaurant, but also mini golf, who says you can't mini golf in heels?


As my father and I entered our favorite restaurant, La Boucherie, I saw Luca standing in the lobby. His dark green eyes glistened in the low light, his curly dirty blonde hair was fixed just right, his clothes were pressed as to show off he had money. He always had this look behind his dark eyes and perfect smile, as if he was hiding a dreadful secret.

"Hey baby!" I waved to Luca.

"Hey Beautiful," He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Hello Mr. Aberra." He shook my father's hand firmly.

"Luca," My father nodded his head, "taking good care of my daughter?" My father asked with a smirk.

"Always," Luca laughed. "So glad to have you back. How was your trip?"

"Business as usual." My father responded. "You know you can call me David."

"I know, sir." Luca stated as the hostess greeted us and led us to our private table.

As we looked over our menus, my father excused himself to use the restroom and take a phone call.

"Did you take my wardrobe advice from earlier?" Luca whispered in my ear as his hand grazed my inner thigh and up my skirt, which made my nerves tingle up my spine, making me squeeze my thighs tighter.

"Stop it, not right now, Luca." I demanded as I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Oh, c'mon Scar, no one would know." He pressed as I felt his fingers try to slip around the string of my panties, his fingertips ever so slightly tickling my lips.

"Please Luca, stop it." I commanded as I pushed his hand away. I could see the rage behind his eyes build. "Just not here, okay?" I pleaded with my eyes, hoping not to anger him.

"Such a prude." Luca scoffed.

"I'm sorry." I apologized and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Just then my father came back to the table.

"Alright, who's ready to eat?" My father asked, "Sorry about that, always working."

The rest of dinner went well; however, I could tell Luca was angry with me for not letting him do want he wanted. I figured I should make it up to him, and I knew just how to do that. I told my father to head home, and Luca will drive me back soon.

Once my father left the parking lot, I led Luca to his car by the hand, I told him to drive to the back of the country club. As he started the car, I leaned over the center console and slowly caressed his thigh, loosening his belt with my other hand. I watched him smirk as his eyes showed complete authority. "That's my girl." He whispered. I gently reached my hand down through his zipper and tickled him and teased him until we made it to the secluded parking lot. "Get to work." He demanded as he pushed me to the backseat and sat next to me. I pulled down his freshly ironed pants and ever so softly began to kiss his already erect member. His moans filled the car as I went faster. Right before he was about to explode, he pulled me on top of him and thrust himself hard right into me...again...and again. He bit down on my neck right as he reached complete satisfaction, I couldn't help but to let out a loud moan as I fell onto his shoulder. Heavy breathing filled the now fogged up car.

"So do you forgive me?" I teasingly asked as I kissed his neck and shoulder.

Luca laughed, "I guess I have to, don't I?"

"Yes, yes you do." I giggled as I adjusted my clothes and jumped into the passenger seat to fix my hair and makeup.

"I assume your dad is waiting for you, I guess we should get you home." Luca stepped out of the car to adjust his clothes and get into the driver's seat. The car ride was quick back to my house. "I guess this is good-bye" Luca stated as we pulled up.

"Well until tomorrow." I laughed, confused at his statement.

"Right." He said coldly. I leaned over and kissed him passionately; he pulled my face closer and reciprocated my passion. Just as quickly as he pulled me in, he pulled away. "You better get in there before your dad gets worried."

"Love you, Luca. Bye." I affirmed as I stepped out of the car.

"Goodbye, Scar." Luca stated before driving away.

I stood out on our front lawn, confused at the interaction. As I replayed the nights events in my head, I couldn't help but to feel like I was over-reacting. Shrugging it off, I continued into my home. The lights were dimmed, it sounded like my father was in his office, which I knew better than to enter, even if he was in there. "Dad?" I called out.

"In here," he called from his office. "One second." I watched as the door that led to the mysterious room I have never been allowed to enter opened. "It's good to be home." My father stated as he walked over to me.

"I'm glad you're home, I worry when you're gone." I hugged my dad.

"Well, hopefully I won't have to work for much longer. I should be able to retire soon, and I can take you all over the world like I promised."

"I would love that, dad." I said as I released from the hug. It was so rare to have my dad around that I cherished every second of it.

"Go ahead and get some sleep, I have some work to do, and I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight." I yawned as I made my way up the marble circular staircase to my bedroom. I made my way into the bathroom, washed up, got ready for bed, and tucked myself in my comfy bed. Before I knew it, I was sound asleep.

*SMASH* the sound of glass breaking filled my room.

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