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Uncle, don't try to trick me

Uncle, don't try to trick me



Daniel Grant was a special forces king, with unparalleled strength and dignity, but he became different because of Ashley Marcellus, the cute and stubborn little doctor. Their flash marriage was surprising, but even more surprising was his domination and protection of her. He was noble and aloof, cold-blooded and ferocious, but he clung to her like a child. When she proposed a divorce agreement, he pestered her every night, demanding physical compensation from her. She couldn't take it anymore: "Daniel, look clearly, we're divorced." He kissed her fiercely and said, "Don't be silly, military marriage is not something you can just leave when you want to!" Their relationship was so complicated, but also so real. They loved each other, depended on each other, but also hurt each other. This is a love story full of contradictions and challenges, but they persisted until the end.

Chapter 1 Kidnapped at the Doorstep

"Let go of me, mmm..."

Ashley Marcellus didn't even finish her sentence when the man's rough hand covered her small mouth.

She never thought that after finishing her night shift and returning home, she would be robbed right at her doorstep!

She may not have trained in any self-defense techniques, but if this robber thought she was just a helpless little rabbit, then he was definitely naive!

Ashley swallowed hard and bit down hard on the man's palm, feeling the salty blood spreading in her mouth. She thought the man behind her would react in pain, but he didn't even loosen his grip or make a sound. Perhaps even his breathing was just her imagination.


Ashley couldn't help but wonder if she didn't bite hard enough.

In the chaos, the sound of disordered footsteps grew closer, and the conversation became clearer.

"I just received a message from the organization. He assassinated the Fire Wolf! This time, we can't let him escape."

"Don't worry! He's badly injured and can't run far."

"But if he really gets away, we're done!"


Could they be talking about the man who kidnapped her?

She never expected that this man was being chased for murder.

Was she not being robbed after all?

This man could kill her at any moment to keep her quiet!

In a panic, the man's low voice was as cold as ice, without any inflection, deliberately lowering his voice: "Cooperate with me unconditionally. Otherwise, if I die, you won't live either."

Unconditional cooperation.

This cold tone was not like negotiating with a person, but more like a direct order to her.

As soon as he finished speaking, the man turned Ashley around to face him, hands on either side of her body, forcing her to be trapped between his hot chest and the cold wall. There was no room for escape as he bit down hard on her lips, swallowing all of her dissenting voice.

Ashley couldn't believe what was happening and stared at him with wide eyes as he attacked her like a storm.

Ha, how was this cooperation?

But when she thought of the conversation she overheard earlier and the blood gradually wetting her clothes, her struggles became weaker and weaker. Except for Ashley's eyes that were starting to hurt from staring so hard, it looked like two lovers who couldn't resist their hunger in the middle of the night.

Ashley silently prayed to Jesus in her heart, hoping that time would pass quickly.

But as the footsteps grew closer and closer, Ashley's heart was about to jump out of her throat. Suddenly, there was a "shh" sound behind her back, followed by a chill.



Ashley pushed his chest hard with her small hand, her eyes full of anger and embarrassment.

The man ignored her resistance and continued to press his lips against hers. In fact, her struggles made the situation look even more intense. The snow-white delicate skin, the dim yellow ambiguous light, and the sound of two people breathing heavily intertwined to create a scene full of passion and romance.

"What's going on?"

"Don't you understand? They're just making out!"

"Why are you still watching? Don't you want to chase after a beautiful woman? Don't cause trouble. After all, if you bring the police here, we won't benefit."

"What a player! Next time I want to play like this too!"

Gradually, the sound of footsteps faded away.

Ashley seized the opportunity to push the man in front of her away and saw the blood constantly flowing out of his abdomen.

Ashley wiped her swollen and bruised lips with the back of her hand, squinting her almond-shaped eyes as she finally got a chance to really look at him.

His messy hair was blown by the wind, and his cold, proud eyes were deeper than Ashley had ever seen before, like a deep pool that could make people lose their footing. The cold aura emanating from his body was reminiscent of a tiger pouncing on its prey on a tropical grassland, full of danger.

While Ashley was scrutinizing Daniel Grant, he was also looking at her.

Daniel stared at her intently, and his cold and stern face had a hint of intriguing expression.

He never thought he would meet her here!

But it seemed that the little white rabbit in front of him didn't remember him at all.

What he did just now was not only to cover up for himself, but also to protect her. If those people found his whereabouts, it would be difficult to deal with him. Therefore, he had to protect her first.

Daniel had been pretending to be tough all along, but now that the danger had temporarily passed, he couldn't hold on any longer and passed out.

Daniel's 6'1" frame weighed heavily on Ashley, making it almost impossible for her to breathe.

He not only kissed her forcibly, but also tore her clothes?

She wanted to leave this man lying on the road and walk away.

But, thinking of his deep abdominal wound and his deliberate protection just now, Ashley softened her heart.

Anyway, she was a doctor. Even if she hated his cold and domineering behavior, she couldn't just let him die!

Moreover, although he kissed her forcibly and tore her clothes, she could see that he was deliberately protecting himself.

At this moment, Ashley softened her heart.

She resisted the urge to throw Daniel down and took every step by dragging him towards her home. It was obviously late autumn at night, but when she put him on the bed, Ashley's small face was already covered in sweat and she was panting.

However, Ashley did not give herself too much time to rest. She bent down and dragged out the emergency medical kit from under the bed. She originally wanted to follow suit and tear his blood-stained clothes with her hands, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't tear them apart. In the end, she used scissors to cut off all his upper body clothes.

At first glance, Ashley was shocked by what she saw.

The man had a strong and well-built body with well-defined chest and abdominal muscles that were elastic and perfect for a top male model. But what shocked Ashley even more was the old scars all over his body.

The old wounds had already scabbed over, but it was easy to see that the man had experienced something terrifying.

Suddenly, Ashley's gaze fell on a very obvious bullet wound only half a centimeter away from his heart. The bullet not only came dangerously close to a vital organ, but also passed through his chest and back.

Ashley didn't know who treated him for this gunshot wound, but what she could be sure of was that even if the doctor had excellent medical skills, it would still be a miracle for this man to survive.

She had never treated a patient with a gunshot wound before or seen a wound caused by a bullet.

All of this was only known from medical books.

In this country, ordinary citizens are not allowed to possess firearms. Therefore, anyone who can be shot must not be an ordinary person.

For some reason, Ashley felt like she was possessed by a ghost and her small hands were trembling as she touched his chest wound.

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