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I hate that I love you, Alpha

I hate that I love you, Alpha



My entire life, I have been cast out by my Pack, forced to eat scraps and sleep on the floor as if I did not belong to them. As a result, I have spent my entire life living in the garbage. Why? Because my "she-wolf" mother and an unknown "bear shifter" had one particularly steamy night together and produced me as a result. So, I was born with one eye being blue and the other eye being yellow! Until the hand of fortune chose to favor me, or at least that's what I believed at the time... When the Alpha looked into my eyes, he made me an offer that I couldn't refuse because it was my one and only chance to finally sleep on a feather bed, be pampered, and eat delicious food. He made the proposition that I would become his mistress. But there must be a disappointing conclusion to go along with every promising beginning, right? Consequently, The Alpha took me, Jenny Dark Rodriguez, as his mistress.

Chapter 1 1

Alpha Zachary Jose

"Zachary! Wake up." I opened my eyes on my Luna, screaming and whining. She was pregnant, in her first months.

I looked at her pale face and the way she was breathing; her chest going up and down as if her heart was not working! "what's going on? Are you okay?"

She shook her head and breathlessly said while squeezing her belly, "I think, I am losing the baby. Please do something."

I pulled the blanket away, and yes, I noticed the blood dripping from her pussy. I almost whined internally. Aches squeezed my chest. We have been trying for years to make her pregnant. That's not the first miscarriage but the fifth!

I felt sorry for her but me as well. I needed an heir; I needed a child! Sometimes I felt like hating her even, though she didn't do anything wrong. It was fate.

I immediately lifted her between my arms and hurriedly walked out of our room and shouted to my servants, "get me a doctor now and bring me my Beta. She's losing the baby again." Over and over again, that's what I wanted to say but I couldn't hurt her feelings. She was my real mate, we met three years ago when I had turned 18, and since then we have been together. But somehow, not being able to give me a child breaks the mating bond between us.

Even the sex became boring as a mission to breed her! The love dimmed sooner that I'd expected.

Something deep inside my heart pushed me to break the mating bond and find another mate. But I couldn't do that; I was the Alpha, I had to follow the rules not break them. I had to show my Pack that loyalty was important. I had to sacrifice my happiness.

In a few minutes, the doctor was there trying his best to save my Luna and my unborn baby. As I'd expected, everything was gone, and we lost the baby again.

The doctor, in frustration, walked out of the room, not knowing how to tell me the bad news. He lowered his eyes to the floor, "Alpha Zachary, I'm..."

I cut off his words instantly, "you're sorry," I scoffed. I paid the doctor shoulder, "it's okay, don't be. It's fate; my dark fate."

My Beta coughed to make me turn my attention to him; then he whispered into my ears, "I think you need to go out for a while. Why don't you go to the lake house?"

I narrowed my eyes thinking for a while; it was a good suggestion because honestly, at that point, I was so mad and depressed, and I would not be able to confront my Luna. Because I was fed up -

I nodded agreeing and snapped my fingers at my Beta, "that's a good idea, prepare the limousine and get ready, you're coming with me."

He bowed his head respectfully, he was my best friend after all, and he knew me more than anyone else. He knew how much I wanted to find a new love and a new mate.

I walked to my Luna's room to check on her; she was drowning in her tears. The maids were all around her. I sat next to her in bed; she immediately said in a sobbing tone, "sorry, I'll try again. But please, don't leave me."

I wiped her tears, and I drew a weak smile, "I'd never leave you." I pulled her hand and placed a soft kiss; then I stood up.

She stared at me, confused, "where are you going, Zachary?"

I said with dull facial expressions but in a low voice, "I need to go check on the Pack. For a couple of days. Please take care of yourself."

"But- I need you."

Her words stopped me by the door, and I wanted to be close to her but I couldn't fake my feelings anymore. I was an only and lonely child. I'd dreamed of having a big happy family and a lot of kids but she destroyed my dreams by simply being my mate!

I replied before storming out of the room, "take care of yourself, Luna." I didn't know why I stressed on the word Luna, maybe because I needed to remind myself of the strong bond between us and that I can't leave her until my death!

I just walked away, hoping that a few days in my lake house down the hill would pull out my stress to keep going in my routine miserable life. Everything seemed dark at that moment; even my love had vanished. I needed something to give me hope again, to color my life. I had no idea that I would find that thing in a homeless she-wolf sleeping on the ground near the lake and eating from the grass! With one yellow eye and one blue one, her clothes were so dirty; she smelled like a dead fish as if she hadn't taken a bath for years!

I didn't imagine that I might find my happiness with that homeless she-wolf!

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Hhh hhhh hhhh

Hhh hhhh hhhh



Ramos The manner in which they yelled in my direction, ordering me to come to an immediate and complete stop, caused me to tremble. My entire life flashed before my eyes in a matter of seconds, and I saw myself either dead or, what was even worse, spending the rest of my life locked up until I was rotten. They were already too close, and the warrior's abilities in fighting and their speed were much higher than anyone else's, so even if I tried to run away, I would never make it anywhere; even if I dared to try, I would never make it anywhere. My heart was pounding wildly in my chest, and I didn't even dare or have the ability to flee. I merely fixed my position there and stood there in my assigned role. I took a deep breath and looked at them, but in an instant, they had moved on past me and were now focusing on someone else who had been following us. I was overcome with emotion; it never occurred to me that I could be so fortunate. I heaved heavily. They weren't yelling at me, but rather at another person in the room. They placed handcuffs on the individual, then removed him. During this time, I hastened my pace as I headed in the direction of the stores. I required some space and time in order to resume my regular breathing. I never in a million years would have predicted that would be successful. "praise be to God." I had conversations with myself, attempting to regain my composure and pull myself together. After that, I wiped my face clean of the sweat that had accumulated there. I walked to the jewelry store, and fortunately, there were no other customers; I just didn't want anyone else to see me selling the rings. After all, I had dreamed of the day that I would propose to Evelyn, and everything was ruined when it didn't work out as planned. I felt uneasy about selling them. I was greeted by the vendor, who asked if there was anything I could do for me. "Are you interested in making a purchase of any kind?" I choked up and shook my head while trying to hide my embarrassment as I said, "actually, I want to sell something." After that, I took my time to show him the rings, and when I was finished, he took them from my hand. After he had checked them out, he turned to me and said, "Well, I can pay you a thousand dollars." I sputtered in disbelief and questioned, "What! To such a small degree? On the other hand, I paid three thousand dollars for them! This is not right in any way."  I was fuming with rage to the point of exhaustion. He gave a shrug of his shoulders and said, "I'm sorry, but I simply cannot pay any more.  This is the deal I'm willing to make." As if he killed me. I had high hopes that he would be able to increase the amount he paid me so that we could both improve our living situation by moving into a nicer home and increase our wardrobes with the additional funds. "so, you can't pay any more than that? In no way does it come close to the asking price! Make sure you double check everything! Please, I really could use some of that money." I was so close to pleading with the man. After giving me a thorough examination, the man said, "Okay, I will give you $1,500 for both of them, but I swear I can't pay any more. I want to make it clear that I am not trying to take advantage of you in any way, but, to be completely honest, I have not been successful in selling anything recently. That concludes everything that I have to offer." I took a look at the person and got the impression that he was trustworthy; despite the fact that I intended to inquire at a different retailer, I went ahead and agreed to what he had to offer by saying, "okay." Deal.” Following that, he handed the money over to me. I walked out of the store and made the decision that before I bought any new clothing, I would first look up the cost of a single night's stay in a nearby hotel. Therefore, I set out on foot and proceeded to walk almost two miles until I reached a four-star hotel. Although it appeared to be an expensive option, I was compelled to stay there. Consequently, I entered the hotel and proceeded forward until I reached the receptionist, at which point I posed the following question to her: "Please, how much does it cost for two people for one night?" After she looked at me, I realized that my appearance wasn't good enough; after all, I had some dirt on my shirt, so I immediately told her, "Sorry, my car broke down in the middle of the way, and that's why I look like this." Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find the time to change my clothes." She gave a reassuring grin and a slight nod before continuing, "Oh, okay, I see that you're not omega either, but you don't seem to be from a green warrior's pack.  I was wondering if you were in town for a visit." I lied and said, "yes, somewhat, so could you please tell me the price?" She immediately checked the rooms that were available and then said, "we don't have standard rooms; the only ones that are available are suites, and the cost per night is $3,000." “what! How much is that exactly?" I blinked, shocked. I was completely unprepared for the possibility that it could be that expensive! After doing some additional research on her computer, she confirmed by nodding and saying, "but there's a standard room that's going to be available in six hours, and it only costs $400 per night." I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I placed my hand on my chest and exclaimed, "Oh, thank god, I will take it." I was forced to sleep there for two nights before I called a friend and asked him if he could assist me in finding a good job and a place to stay. During that time, I had to make do with the uncomfortable situation. She flashed me a grin before requesting my identification and saying, "Sure, could you please give me your identification card?" That was by far the most difficult challenge for me! I do not possess one, and even if I did have my identification card with me at all times, I would never make use of it. I started to shake slightly before confessing to her that "unfortunately, I lost it. Is it possible to make reservations for just one night without it?" She then gave me an odd and suspicious look before speaking to me in a harsh tone and telling me "no, you can't." Then she ignored me and ended the conversation by turning her head away and talking with another sophisticated alpha who, based on his scent, appeared to be the pack's alpha. "alpha argon! Welcome.” The receptionist gave him a warm smile and bowed her head to show her respect. That Alpha Argon was being pursued by an excessive number of warriors, so a number of staff members hurriedly approached him to offer their greetings. The alpha inquired, "How are things progressing around here?" The hotel's manager rushed over to him as soon as he called and told him that everything was in excellent condition.The alpha then said, "Put all of the files on my desk; I will go and check everything now, and make sure to send the mechanic to check on my Limo.  Something went wrong, and the driver was unable to rectify the situation." The manager shook slightly before responding, "Sure, but the mechanic isn't available right now.   Can we find another limo for you to take, Alpha?" A frown could be seen on the face of the alpha, who then said, "No, I need you to fix my limo!" It was at that point that I worked up the courage to speak, saying, "alpha, I am a mechanic; I can fix it.  Could you please let me do it for you? I really hope that I can be of some assistance." It was the one and only opportunity I had to complete the task. I wasn't trained as a mechanic, but because I was always helping out the other members of the pack with whatever they needed, I quickly picked up the skills necessary to repair anything, including the model airplanes. Alpha Argon examined me from the tips of my toes to the irises in my eyes, and then he said, "I can tell that you are not from around here. Are you going to stick around for a while?" I couldn't help but shake my head as I continued, "honestly, I came here to look for work.  Once upon a time, I ran a modest business, but I've since lost everything. It's a long story, but if you could just give me the honor of fixing your limo, I would really appreciate it." Then, out of nowhere, someone appeared behind me and exclaimed, "Oh, my God! You can't be that person! Ramos!” Ramos!” When I saw my long-lost friend Lucas, I couldn't believe my eyes! Even though he confirmed to me on multiple occasions that he was employed by the pack's alpha, I was still surprised to learn that he held such a powerful position.

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