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Billionaire's Hot Secretary

Billionaire's Hot Secretary

Ali Ce


His name is EMPEROR IVAN He wasn't an emperor but he was addressed as an emperor; he was worshipped and praised like an emperor. He was filthy rich, a powerful business tycoon and as handsome as a greek god, but he doesn't do love. He was what people call a Playboy. He changed women just like he changed his clothes everyday. He fucked different type of women; tall and short, fat and slim, white and black; he fucked them all. But the story took a new turn when an innocent and naive lady named Marisa, came into his life. Everything about him changed when the innocent and naive Marsa became his secretary. She occupied his every thoughts and he began to go crazy about her. But unknown to him, Marisa was sent to make him fall for her then after that break his heart into pieces and also bring down his company. Marisa didn't accept to do it at first, but she had to when her asmathic brother got kidnapped and she was threatened with her brother's life. Marisa was now left to make a tough decision. She has to choose between the life of her asmathic brother or her perverted billionaire boss. What decison will she make? Who will she choose? Grab your popcorn and let's find oit together.

Chapter 1 Threatened

Marisa opened the cupboards one by one praying silently that there was food left, even if it is just a little bit her head dropped in disappointment when she saw that it was dusty and empty.

"Big sis, it's alright If there is nothing to eat, I can stay hungry" Augustus, Marisa's little brother, muttered and immediately he did, his stomach grumbled loudly.

"Augustus, I....I am so sorry, I can't take care of you. I am just useless, I can't just stand there and watch you starve, it would affect and endanger your health" Marisa said, no, she just couldn't let him starve with his condition.

"But big sis, I am okay" Augustus said biting his lower lip, that was what Augustus did anytime he is lying.

That word that came out from his mouth *I Am okay*, no matter how Marisa tried to forget it and put positive thoughts into her brain, she knew that he wasn't okay and Augustusalso knew that too.

"Wait here and rest" Marisa mumbled and patted his head gently.

"I must get food for you okay?, Just wait a little bit, I will be right back!" Marisa added and walked out of the small house which looked more like a cottage.

Marisa clenched her fist around her collar as she thought of how she was going to get money to take care of her brother? To pay for his surgery?....just how?

Marisa stopped walking when her eyes settled on a signboard, it was a brothel, she stared at it for a while before walking towards it, she opened the door and closed the door with her foot before walking in.

Marisa bit her lower lips hard when she saw what was going on inside, she covered her mouth with her hands because she suddenly felt like puking.

The place was very large, the lights were dim except from the stage which had two spotlights pointing at the lady who was twisting and pressing her naked body against the pole while the men hooted and hailed.

Marisa moved back slowly, no, this wasn't a place for someone like her, she needed to go back to find food for her brother not here.

"Watch it Marisa" A hoarse manly voice muttered immediately her back bumped into someone's chest.

"Oh...I am so sorry sir, am so sorry" Marisa turned towards the guy and bowed her head a little but then it knocked into her brain, how did this guy know her name?.

Her eyes widened in horror as the thoughts crossed her head, was someone stalking or spying on her? Because as she could remember she had no family except from her brother so no one else knew her name.

Just by thinking about it, Marisa felt colour drain from her face in fear.

"I gotta go" Marisa managed to say and rushed towards the door but she wasn't fast enough because she was pulled towards him and pinned to the wall.

"Not so fast little Marisa, where do you think you're going to?" He asked in a dark tone. Judging by his facial expression and voice, one could tell that he wasn't a good person nor does he have any good intention.

"H...o..how did you know my n..a...me?" Marisa stammered in fear.

"How I know your name isn't the question, the question is what do I want?" He said leaving her and he sitted down on a black seat.

Marisa knew that even if she tried running again, he would still catch her and the fact that she couldn't call for help because of the loud cheering of the huge crowd.

"Okay, what do you want?" Marisa asked, her lips shaking and her body shivering in fear, she wasn't like those bad ass sassy female lead in some stories, in fact she was the opposite.

She was an innocent, beautiful, kind and weak little sheep who couldn't even hurt a fly.

"I know that you came here to sell yourself for money to feed your brother" He said pouring vodka into a glass.

"I would never do that!!" Marisa said, that wasn't her intention at all, she had never entered a brothel nor a club before so she wanted to see how it looked like not selling herself....that would never happen!

"Still lying to yourself?, anyways since you need a job that badly, I have an offer that would make you earn a lot" He said, gulping one glass in a goal before pouring more into the glass.

"I don't need your offer!" Marisa rejected immediately, she didn't wanted to trust him because if he really wanted to give her a job that would make her earn a lot then it would surely be a very dirty job.

"Little Marisa, I really hate when people refuse me but I got an advice for you" He paused and a smirk formed on his face.

"Don't make me use violence" His eyes glistened evilly and that scared the creep out of poor Marisa as she trembled more.

"Wh...which job?" Marisa asked and he stood up and walked towards her before placing his hand on her head and patted her head.

"Good girl"He muttered with a smirk.

"It is just a simple job, all you have to do is to apply as an assistant or secretary to Emperor Ivan in the Ivan milling's company.....

"But why me?, There are a lot of girls who are good at being his secretary but am not done with my education, I don't have experience" Marisa said.

"Your the only one who could do this, by the ways, you have the looks that...." He paused and placed his cold hand under her cheeks making her to drag her foot from him.

"Could melt any guy's heart, no matter how cold or strong hearted the person is" He added.

"I want you to apply as his secretary then when you get the job, I want you to make him fall for you and if he falls for you, break his heart into million pieces; being his secretary, you have access to some of his personal files... bring his company down into the dust!" He muttered and the smirk on his face widened.

"Am not doing this for you!!, go find someone else!!" Marisa half-yelled and began to walk away.

"You will really regret ever refusing me" He said and gulped the whole content from the glass.


Immediately Marisa was outside the brothel, she took a breathe in calming her racing heart.

She needed to be careful next time to not run into a guy as dangerous as that.

Still in deep thoughts she felt something strong under her foot like she matched something, she retracted her foot only to see a beautiful gold necklace which it's pendant was inscribed or engraved KD.


Who could that be?

Marisa picked the chain and damn, her eyes glittering like a Christmas star, it was pure gold...that could fetch her huge amount of money.

With the thought in her mind, she grabbed the chain and ran towards the nearest jewelry store, her brother needed something to eat!!


"Brother!!!,guess what??"Arianna said doing a happy dance around Ivan's study room.

Instead of answering her, Ivan ignored her completely like she wasn't even there but she wasn't mad, by the ways, she was used to it.

Ivan was someone who doesn't like talking anytime he is working, that was the kind of person her brother was.

"Okay, I will still talk, am sure you will be very interested in this news am about to tell you" Maya giggled and walked towards him before placing a beautiful golden chain which had the name inscribed ED.

That really seemed to catch Ivan's interest because he quickly stopped the files he was signing and made to grab the chain but Arianna grabbed it before him.

"Arianna, how many times do I have to tell you to stop touching my things" Ivan said strictly and Arianna scoffed.

"I didn't touch your things because it isn't yours anymore, this is now mine, I actually bought it from a girl okay?" Arianna said and he frowned.

"Bought it from a girl?"Ivan asked.

"Oh, please?, don't pretend to be surprised, you gave it to one of your whores right? It Is okay, I bought it from her" Maya muttered in reply.

"That chain is very important, give it back to me!" Ivan said with no expression on his face and Arianna chuckled.

"I bought it so is mine, ask your little whore why she sold it to me?" Maya added.

"I don't know what your talIvan about" Ivan said massaging his forehead with his fingers like her bickering was giving him a hand full of headache.

"But she doesn't look like that kind of person though" Maya mumbled remembering her beautiful innocent brown eyes and drifting into deep thoughts.


"Augustus, I bought food for you, I am going to prepare your favourite dish!" Marisa yelled in a sing song voice but all she got back was silence.

"Augustus!?" Marisa yelled and ran into the kitchen, then into his room and bathroom but he was nowhere to be seen.

Marisa ran to his table only to see a piece of paper,


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Other books by Ali Ce

Billionaire's Personal Pornstar

Billionaire's Personal Pornstar



WARNING: This book is rated 18+ It is deeply erotic and contains sexual contents that will activate your horny side 🤪 Marie Khalifa, who went by the stage name TEMPTING LILY, held the status of a third-tier porn actress while also managing the role of a single mother. An unexpected opportunity arose for her to take on a major role in a reality TV porn series. The concept involved intimate interactions with her teenage co-stars, all captured candidly by concealed cameras, aiming for an appearance of authenticity. Lured by the substantial financial compensation, Marie accepted the offer, even though it eclipsed her lifetime earnings in the porn industry. On the inaugural day of filming, fate led her to cross paths with Dawson Donovan, the billionaire heir to Donovan Tech company. Disguised as a student for the reality show, Dawson was over nineteen years old and had chosen to uphold his family's tradition of maintaining purity, refraining from intimate relationships. However, his meeting with Marie took an unexpected turn, leading Dawson to lose his virginity to Marie, a seasoned adult film actress. However, circumstances took an unexpected turn. This unforeseen event had a profound impact on both of their lives. Despite the significant age gap, Dawson essentially made Marie his clandestine personal pornstar, with the mission of bringing his wildest adult film fantasies to life. Start reading this book now and find out how Marie the pornstar brought Dawson's sexual fantasies to life.

Fire and Ice (He's Cold, She's Crazy)

Fire and Ice (He's Cold, She's Crazy)



SYNOPSIS 🛑 The story of two completely different people where one is cold hearted and void of emotions while the other is hot tempered and really rude. Andrian Carter is a rich business tycoon that has everything at his beck and call.  He's a billionaire at the young age of 20 so wealth and riches mean nothing to him. There's nothing he hates as much as he hates commoners and females in this world. He believes commoners are ill fated people who don't deserve to exist in the world of the rich and he believes females are too weak to exist in this world. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone else except his little sister and he's bossy towards everyone whether young or old. Skylar Brandon is that cold hearted human that behaves like she doesn't have feelings but deep down she's really soft-hearted.  She lost her parents at a tender age and is left with the responsibility of taking care of her younger sister on her own. She's really skillful in taekwando and judo because she practices a lot and watch a lot of movies that has to do with that. Things became hard for Skylar when she was sacked from her place of work because she refused to have sex with a customer. Being a dignified lady, she's still a virgin at the age of 20 and she believes keeping herself for the right man is the right thing to do.  She's left with no other choice than to go job hunting with her high school results in order to take care of her younger sister.  She happened to come across a vacancy at Andrian's company but her qualifications were not good enough.  Andrian picks interest in her and decided to make her his personal chef and P. A.  What happens when Andrian is to get married within three months when he doesn't even has a girlfriend?  He can't stand the sight of ladies because they irritate him a lot except two. Skylar who managed to catch his attention and Zoey his childhood friend. He's left with two choices. He decides to go into a contract marriage with Skylar since she's the only girl that won't be after his money and he also doesn't want to involve Zoey but will he be able to put up with her behaviour?  Can he also control his temper and rude behaviour? 

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