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"I think Baby is drowning. She refused to come out." Mitchell said, and before she could say more, Archie, Wisdom and Chris jumped into the water at a time. Others kept on shouting her name. ā˜… Being in a love triangle is surely fun and confusing, right??... But have you ever heard of LOVE RECTANGLE?? This book describes it all, when three friends falls for one girl, what will be the outcome?? Who will she choose?? Well, let's sit back and watch as the story unfolds.

Chapter 1 Unexpected Kiss

It's a new term in Royal High. Students are moving to and fro as each person is busy with one thing or the other. Some students are busy sharing their experiences during the holidays, some are playing football on the school large field, some are playing field hockey on the pitch. Some girls are busy doing their make-up even though it's against the school rules. Some are busy chatting about anything that comes to their mind; and among this group are the five best friends in Year 12. They're Baby Bentley, Mitchell Caveman, Mabel White, Bluey Victory and Jewel Freeman.

They sit on the long stem that had fallen off the big tree, which serves as shade, and their legs moving to and fro.

"Seems like you don't understand what I said. As in... I felt like a weakling when Aunt Leila stopped me from hitting that fool. I was really hurt that I felt like crying." Jewel said and the girls laughed.

"Thankfully, you didn't cry." Mabel said.

"But sincerely, I was extremely hurt. You need to see the way the dude is grinning." Jewel said again.

"I can imagine what would have happened had it been Aunt Leila didn't show up." Bluey said, smiling.

"Jewel would have beaten the crap outta the innocent dude." Mitchell said and laughed.

"Stop defending him Ms White! He isn't innocent." Jewel snapped and Mitchell flinched.

"Oops! Okay, okay. He's guilty." Mitchell said with her hands up.

Jewel nodded as she rolled her eyes and Mitchell placed her hands on her chest and exhaled deeply.

"Woah! That really got me." she muttered and Baby smiled.

Her eyes went to the group of five guys walking together. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

The guys are the children of the owners of Royal High and so they're called THE ROYALS.

"What's that for?" Mitchell asked Baby when she heard her scoff.

"Them." She replied and the other four girls looked ahead to see who she's talking about.

"Aiish! They're not a pretty sight." Jewel said and Mabel shrugged.

"I can't ask you to take back your words, since you don't like them. To me, they're the most handsome and amazing guys of all the guys in Royal High." She said and Mitchell nodded.

"Especially Nathaniel." Mitchell added and the other three girls groaned.

"You should know I wasn't talking about Nathaniel when I said they're not a pretty sight. He's excluded, because he's different." Jewel said.

"Why do you think he's different?? They're friends." Bluey said and Jewel shook her head.

"The fact that they're friends doesn't mean they possess same character. They're arrogant, and they're all sƫx gods, always acting cold, but Nathaniel isn't. He's friendly, nice and humble. Remember he's the only one that decided to make friends with us. The rest hardly talk to anyone." Jewel explained and Baby nodded.

"He made friends with you, not all of us." Bluey and and Jewel hit her hand on her forehead.

"Gosh! Heaven knows why you despise him so much. The poor guy is only trying to be friendly, believe me, he's harmless."

"To you, not to me."

"That's enough... he's coming here." Baby said and Bluey rolled her eyes.

Nathaniel stroll down to where the girls were sitting.

"Hey girls, what's up?" he asked as he got there and they smiled except Bluey.

"Hey rival, what's up with you?? Why are you frowning?? Hope I'm safe??" Nathaniel asked Bluey.

"Why did you call her your rival?? What are you two fighting for??" Mitchell asked and Nathaniel smiled.

"She actually thought I'm trying to snatch Jewel away from her." he replied and they all laughed except Bluey.

"You're dumb." She said and stood up, then started walking away.

"Where are you going rival?? Wait up!" Nathaniel said and followed Bluey.

The girls wouldn't stop laughing as they watch the drama.

"Those two will surely end up together." Mabel said.

"Never!" Baby snapped and they diverted their gaze to her.

"What's up with you Presy??" Mabel asked and Baby shook her head.

"Nothing... come on, stop looking at me as if I committed a sin." says Baby and they all laughed.


ā˜… YEAR 12 CLASS ā˜…

The class was so noisy and rowdy as the students engaged themselves in one thing or the other.

Baby and her four friends were chatting and laughing when a fat girl suddenly stood up and clapped her hands to gain attention.

"What does that pig have to say now??" Jewel grumbled and Baby smiled.

"You won't cease to abuse people." She said.

"Attention everyone." The fat girl said; still clapping her hands.

The class became quiet and she smiled.

"I have a question." The girl said and most of them rolled their eyes.

"Ask whatever you want to ask and stop keeping us in suspense." A girl said.

"Say the shits you would say and let there be peace." Says Jewel.

"I know you're only trying to gain attention and thanks to Heaven, you got that. Now say the rubbish you want to say and rest that big b*tt of yours on the damn chair. You're disturbing the peace of this lecture room." Bluey said and the girl smiled.

"That's too bad for the innocent girl." Mitchell said and Bluey shot her a deadly glare.

"Whatever." Says the fat girl. And then she continues.

"Anyways, my question is what's the usefulness of having a class president and a deputy class president when they don't know how to perform their duties??"

And Bluey stood up.

"I'll answer your question if only you can answer the question I'm about to ask you now." She said and the fat girl shrugged.

"Go ahead."

"Good... my question is why do you always worry about Baby and I carrying out our duties or not when apparently, you didn't worry a bit about your fat, shapeless body??" Bluey asked and the students roared in laughter.

"I don't know what you're proud of. You're too full of yourself, yet you don't look good. I don't even know how to describe you. You're ugly like a zombie, as fat and dirty as a pig, shapeless like an amoeba; So tell me what made you so proud and arrogant??" Bluey said and Baby dragged her to sit.

"That's too much." Baby said and Bluey scoffed.

"She's too arrogant for my liking. She's been getting on my nerves lately." Bluey said and her eyes met with the fat girl.

She smirked and the girl sat down slowly.

"It's okay Dolly. She didn't mean all she said." Martha, Dolly's friend said to her; patting her back.

Bluey stood up and walked to the centre of the class.

"Attention please... As you all have heard from Miss Dumb Dolly, she said I don't know my duties as the class deputy president but I'm here to prove to her that I'm not senseless like her. I know my duties, so please, don't make noise and let's focus on reading. You know this is the last term of the session, we're writing our promotion examination this term, so let's all focus, please." Bluey said, joining her hands together.

"That's enough Dumber Deputy President. You can go have your seat now." Chris said from his seat and the students laughed.

"I've always known you're never sensible. You're always senseless like a crazy man, so I won't blame you... Have a nice day y'all." Bluey said and walked back to her seat.

"What?! How dare you call me a senseless being?!... I'm gonna show you why I'm the code number 01... follow me." Chris said and stormed out of the lecture room angrily.

šŸ‘„ She's in trouble.

šŸ‘„ She should be expelled.

šŸ‘„ I can't imagine what will happen next.

"What will you do now Bluey??" Mabel asked in concern and Bluey smiled.

"Stop worrying. I'll go with him to wherever he's going, and trust me, I'll give you feedback." She said with a wink.

"Alright, but be careful." Jewel said and Bluey raised a thumb up and rushed out.

She didn't see any traces of him so she decided to check him in his office.

He might be there.

On getting there, she met Chris, who was standing by the window side.

"You dare call me a senseless being, now wait and watch how I deal with you." He said and stretched a paper to her.

Bluey scoffed and snatched it away from his hand.

"You're suspended from the school till further notice." He said and Bluey smiled.

"Alright. Won't you come with me to the class and see what I have in store for you??" Bluey asked with a mischievous smile and Chris scoffed.

"Oh! I guess you won't come. Worry less, your friends will tell you the news. Or better still, ask your sl*ts for the news... I'm off." Bluey said and walked out of the office and slammed the door behind.



Bluey entered the class with the red card in her hand and all eyes fell on her.

"Guys, you all know what this means, right??" She asked and the class chorused 'Yes'.

"Well, your foolish code number 01 gave it to me with a suspension till further notice..." she paused and the students gasped.

"But as you can see, I don't need it. The damn card is irritating me. I'm pissed off just by holding it and so, I'm gon' tear it." Bluey said and raised it up to tear.

"Don't you dare!" Chris said and all eyes on him as he stood by the entrance.

"And so what if I do??" Bluey asked and Chris scoffed.

"I'm sure you wouldn't want to see my wrath." He said and Bluey raised her brows.

"Oh! Exactly what I want to see. I'm tired of watching your flirtatious and rude self. I want to see your angry face. Show me that wrath." Bluey said and walked to where Chris is standing.

She stood in front of him and raised the paper up to his face, and tear it to pieces.

The students gasped and Jewel clapped her hands.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to tear it. It was a mistake... but what are you gonna do now??" Bluey asked sarcastically and Chris grinned.

"Your end is near." He said and Bluey scoffed.

She moved her face closer to him that their heads almost touching each other.

"Do your worst." She said with a sneer.




The guys were all sitting except Chris who was pacing up and down. He seems so restless.

The other four guys doesn't seem to be concerned about him at all.

Archie was just sitting with his eyes closed as he rested his head on the headrest; not sleeping though.

Wisdom was listening to the loud music blaring from his headphone as he spaced out.

Blake was reading a novel and he adjusted his glasses, and balanced well. He loves using glasses when reading, though he didn't have any problem with his eyes. He just like using it.

Nathaniel was lying down with his phone stuck to his hand. He seem to be chatting with people online as his phone kept buzzing with messages popping in each minute.

Back to Chris who doesn't seem to want to stop pacing around. He suddenly stopped and looked at his friends one after the other.

"So you guys won't say anything?" He asked but no one answered him. They seem not to be bothered at all.

"I'm talking to you guys." He said and again, none of them replied. He simply scoffed and dipped his hands in his pockets.

"The last time I checked, only humans that are able to talk are here, not people that are numb. So will you all stop the sh*ts you're doing and give me your attention??!" He said, raising his voice already.

"You being the code number 01 doesn't give you the right to talk to us anyhow you feel. It's not like there's a leader among us. We're all equal, so keep your bossy attitude to yourself!." Wisdom shouted and with that, he stood up and simply walked out of the house.

Chris only watched as he walked out of sight and scoffed.

"Now we're equal??... Does he even remember that my parents owns the largest share in the joint business??!" Chris shouted and Nathaniel flinched.

He stood up and faced Chris.

"He just told you to keep your bossy attitude to yourself but I guess he forgot to tell you to stop being an arrogant dude. You're always boastful of your parents share; but you seem to have forgotten that it doesn't make you the leader." He said and started walking towards his room.

"F*ck! He made me record those sh*ts in a voice note. I could have sent it by mistake." Nathaniel muttered as he quickly deleted the voice note.

Chris followed him with his eyes till he got to his room and slammed the door behind.

"Oh! That's so rude and ridiculous. How dare he insult me?? A mere orphan?? The last member at that??" Chris said to no one in particular.

"That's enough! I've heard enough of you. And so what if he's an orphan??!... Gosh! You're so annoying... I've lost interest in this novel." Blake said and also headed to his room.

"What the f*ck!" Chris muttered as he watched Blake leaving the sitting room.

"You should take it easy Man." Archie said and opened his eyes.

"What do you mean by that?? I'm trying to share my pain with you guys but none of you is willing to listen... and you know me better than anyone else, I won't let that girl rest. She can't be in this school, not after what she did today." Chris said angrily and Archie stood up.

He placed his hand on Chris's shoulder.

"I know she insulted you, and I know you're hurt, but please... let her be. She's only being childish." He said softly and Chris yanked his hand off and glared at him.

"You're not different from them." He said and walked out of the house.

"Now I made a mistake." Archie said as he stared into nothing in particular and he shrugged.



Bluey was standing on the edge as she watch the whole building. It was such a nice clear view. Her hair kept blowing to the wind's direction.

Chris on the other hand has nowhere in mind and he found his way to the rooftop.

He got there and stood by the entrance, looking at the beautiful figure on the edge.

He was still fantasizing when his eyes went to the big iron pole at the left side.

He could see some girls hiding behind the pole and he listened attentively to what they're saying.


"Are you sure it'll work??" One of the girls asked.

"Sure. The bricks are really damaged. I made sure the guys did a perfect job." Says another.

"You're right. Unfortunately for her, she's standing on it, which is going according to our plan." The third one said.

Chris couldn't believe his ears as he opened his mouth agape.

If their plan works, then Bluey will be as good as dead.

What could she have done to them, to make them plot such a deadly plan for her??

But come to think of it, this same girl is the one that insulted him in class, yet he's feeling pity for her??

"No. I won't save her. At least, falling from the rooftop will teach some loose mouthed b*tches like her a lesson." Chris said and made to leave but he couldn't.

"Gosh! What's wrong with me now?? Why can't I just leave her there and take my mind off it??" He grumbled and looked at Bluey, who seemed to be so lost in whatever she's looking at.

What should he do??

He doesn't want to save her, yet his mind kept repeating two words 'Save her'.

He finally made up his mind to leave her there and go his own way.

Just as he was about to turn, Bluey started losing balance. She kept on struggling and couldn't help but to shout for help.

He blinked his eyes uncontrollably as he doesn't know what to do next.

The bricks are starting to fall off already and Bluey in on the brink of falling off.

Chris was quick enough to grab her and pull her off the edge.

They both fell to the ground in a way that Bluey is on top of Chris. The force of their fall made their lips to collide and their eyes widened.

Did they just kissed??

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