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Betty writes


They are three brothers; Three friends; Three angels. You could call them any of the three, but be sure to avoid them 'cause they were dangerous. Ethan - he was the Angel of Wisdom; the smartest among the three. It was almost impossible getting him deceived because he was filled with wisdom and could fix any puzzle. He was dreaded. Meet Claus - he was the Angel of love. Being the Angel of love doesn't mean he's got no enemies or doesn't hate anyone. No. It only means he finds it easy to love and flow with people. You could say he's the warmest among the three. In addition to his powers, he's a s*x freak and always wants to screw anything in skirt. He was a funny, daring jerk. And meet Jericho - the Angel of... Angel of what exactly?🤔 Well, you can say Angel of darkness. He was the most powerful among the three, charming and tempting. But he had the darkest heart. Doesn't hesitate to kill within a second, doesn't hesitate to wipe anyone just to get what he wants. He was unpredictable; his expression always cold and blank. No one could ever tell what was on his mind. These three Angels didn't come from earth; they came from a different world where they had so many other angels with different Powers - just like them. But these three were one of the most powerful and respected. One day, they had woken up to a task from their leader. He had assigned all three of them to earth to carry out a particular mission and they only had a particular time to do it before returning back to the planet

Chapter 1 Episode 1

Ethan knocked on the door but got no reply. He knocked again but there was still no reply.

He knew he was in but wouldn't open up. So, he controlled the door with his mind and it went open for him.

Ethan walked in and found him sitting on the floor, his legs crossed on each other and his hands spread out. His eyes were closed and it was obvious he was meditating.

Well, Ethan wasn't there to wait.

"Jericho" he called, but there was no response as he continued sitting on the floor,stollon the position.

"Jericho" he called again and this time around,he snapped his eyes open – they opened with a mighty force, a glass from the table came crashing on the floor.

Ethan stared, but didn't flinch.

"Did you really have to interrupt me?" Jericho asked, his tone unruffled as he remained on the floor. "If you had been someone else, you'd be dead by now".

"I had to, Jericho. Sorry for that" Ethan replied and walked closer to him.

"There's an important message from father. He wants me, you and Claus to go to earth for an urgent mission". He added and a scrawl crept into Jericho's face.

"Earth?" He scoffed. "Why would he want us to go that damn place?"

"It's important, Jericho. And we only have 6 months to accomplish the mission and return here. So, I came to inform you because we're to leave at the break of dawn".

Jericho took In a deep breath and stood up.

"What's this mission anyway?" He asked.


4 Months Later


In America...✍️

Valerie Waltson stepped out of the jet, her right hand at akimbk and a bubble gum in her mouth.

She suddenly paused when her legs were close to the floor. She took off her glasses so she could have a clearer view.

Oh! Damn, she couldn't believe she was back there in DC. She made it.

She smiled and made a bubble with her gum, then wore back her glasses. And with her usual skimpy steps, she continued down the jet.

She got to the floor and headed straight for her ride.

"Welcome home, ma'am" the driver who was standing outside the car bowed, when she got closer to the car.

"Yeah" was all she mumbled as she awaited him to open the back door for her.

He did and she walked into the car, sitting comfortably. Hmm. Home sweet home. She could hardly wait.

Her luggage was rolled on and put out n the boot and after that, the driver started the car.

Valerie took off her glasses and brought a mirror from her bag. She had a look into it and a smile curved from her lips.

Well, she was still looking pretty – as pretty as ever and enough to show to her parents after being away for almost four months. She needed to make a good impression.

She ran her hand over the soft side of her cheek, feeling the fresh skin. Her skin was so perfect, spotless and flawless. Could anyone be as perfect as she was? She thought and giggled.

She brought out her iPad,logged into her page and made a quick post- Back to DC. Get ready for me, girls".

She giggled as she saw the likes and comments flooding in.

Oh! How she loved this. How she loved being adored.

She kept the iPad aside and continued with her smaller phone, taking pictures and making videos. She was sure having one of her Best moments.

It was a long ride from the airport but finally, they arrived. She gasped as the gate slides open and the driver drove into the inefabble mansion. Oh!! Yes, she's missed this'.

She was home!

Everything welcomed her. The environment, the atmosphere, flowers, spring, statues. They welcomed her even while she wa still seated in the car. Oh! Of course, they've all missed the princess.

She spotted her mum standing at the facade of the house and she could barely hide her excitement at longer.

"Oh!" She gasped and opened the door even while the car was still moving.

Well, the driver had to stop.

She jumped out of the car and with her skimpy steps, ran towards her mum who was waiting her arrival.

"Mum!!!" She squeaked as she got close.

"Oh! My baby!!" Her mother reciprocated and kept her arms wide open for her, awaiting the hug.

It finally came as Valerie jumped into her arms, almost getting lost in her chest.

"My baby's looking so beautiful! Oh! Darling, I can't believe you're back!!" Mrs Waltson cooed as she held her daughter so dearly like a golden egg.

"I've missed you, mum!! Oh!! I love you!" Valerie flushed, unable to hold her excitement.

She wished there was a way her mother could just swallow her up.

"I love you too, darling". Mrs Waltson beamed.

They disengaged from the hug and Mrs Waltson planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Ah! Where's dad?" Valerie asked, taking off her shades.

"He's with an important client, Val. But – I promise you, he'll be home in less than an hour" she added the last part quickly so it stops Valerie from getting mad

A maid showed up immediately.

"Welcome home, ma'am Valerie. Please, where's your luggage so I could help you with it?" The young maiden said politely.

"Seriously?? It's on my head! Try getting it off" Valerie snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Come on, mum! Let's go in. I think I'm damn tired" she said tiredly.

"Her luggage should be in the car" Mrs Waltson whispered to the maid before going in with Valerie

Valerie walked out of the bathroom after taking her lemonade bath.

She was putting on a white shower dress and had her hair all rolled up with a towel. With that, she looked just like a model.

Sally – her closest friend since childhood – was lying on the bed, surfing the net with her phone and quietly, Valerie went to sit in front of her make up table.

"Do you prefer a gold anklet to a silver anklet? I'm thinking of what to wear for my party, Sally" Valerie asked as she worked on her face, scrubbing it off with a cotton wool soaked with some drops of cleanser.

"I think silver should be okay" Sally shrugged, her eyes fixed on her device.

"Do you think I should invite Ivy for my party?" She suddenly turned away from the mirror and asked, a scrawl on her face.

"I.... don't know. Depends on you, bae" Sally shrugged again and Valerie scoffed and turned back to the mirror.

"That girl is such a b'tch, you know? You wouldn't believe the text she sent to me while I was in LA. Well, guess what? I think I'm gonna invite her to my party. So, she can see she can never be up to my standard". She snorted, but Sally didn't say a word

She stared at her from the mirror and discovered her attention was do fixed on her phone. What was she doing anyway?

"Have you heard of the B-Boys?" She suddenly looked up at her and asked, her face beaming with smiles.

"B-Boys?" Valerie cringed. "What the hell is that?"

"Oh! Valerie, the Billionaire boys. Don't tell me you've got no idea. They're currently the three hottest billionaires in DC – charming, handsome, daring... they're just like greek gods, Val! Damn it! They could melt your heart".

"So, how come I've never heard of them?" Valerie asked and rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"Well, that's probably because you've been away for four months.

"They arrived here in DC about four months ago, but they've already made a fortune – got houses all over, cars, firms, resorts....I seriously don't know how they do it, but they're freaking hot!" Sally enthused.

"Geez! Their wealth should be questioned and investigated. They might be making their money through illegal means. They need to be arrested" Valerie huffed as she dropped the old wool and pulled out another.

She soaked it with an entirely different substance and continued working it round her face.

"Goodness! Are you kidding me?" Sally shook her head.

"Well, to be frank, their wealth needs to be investigated. But somehow, the authorities are unable to question them. Only a few people know them, tho and I'm lucky to be among the few" .

"Indeed" Valerie rolled her eyes like it all sounded absurd to her.

"Maybe, you need to see a picture of them after all. I'm pretty sure you'll be more convinced".

"I'm not interested, Sally. You can..." But Sally had already left the bed in excitement with her phone.

The picture of one of them was already on her screen and she presented it to Valerie as soon as she got to her table.

"That's Claus" she giggled as Valerie stared at it, wearing a repulsive look.

Sally slided to the next page: "That is Ethan.

"And the last is...."

"Enough, Sally. I don't need this" Valerie shoved her hand away just before she slided to the last page.

"Goodness! Val, you're such a killjoy" she grunted.

"POC, Miss, I actually have a boyfriend". Valerie pointed her finger at her

"Well, having a boyfriend doesn't mean you shouldn't admire other guys. Especially guys that are more handsome than him" Sally rolled her eyes as she returned to the bed.

"Are you drunk? No guy can be as cute as Lincoln, Sally. You know that".

"Oh! Please, didn't you see the B-Boys? They're..."

A call from Valerie's phone came disrupting the moment.

She looked, it was her Baker.

"Ma'am Carly" she smiled, her hand paused on her cheek with the wet wool.


"Oh! For f**k sake, are we still on the cake topic?" She was a bit angry.

"I told you, ma'am Carly. I want a rainbow color! Yes! And a little touch of gold.

"There had better been no mistake cause I know what I'm paying for. I'm paying you 5,000...

"You don't interrupt me when I'm talking, Mrs Carly! I'm paying you over 5,000 dollars for this. So, if they're any mistakes, you can be sure it's not gonna be funny. I'll make sure mine would be the last cake you ever bake, cause you'll be cooling your @ss off in jail.

"Yes. Good!"

And she dropped the call, slamming the phone on the table and rubbing her forehead.

"Gosh! Valerie, you need to quit this attitude of yours and learn to be more calm" Sally sighed.

"Of course, I am calm. People are just the ones making me so angry. Well, even if I'm not calm, I don't think I care" she rolled her eyes and continued with the wool.

Sally knew it was pointless talking to her about it. So, she just let it slide.

Valerie finished with the wool and took up her face spray. She sprayed the sweet fragrance round her face and felt so refreshed when she was done.

"Can anyone ever have a face as pretty as this?" She thought as she stared at herself in the mirror, smiles clouding her.

"How about we go some clubbing later in the night?" Sally asked and Valerie found it interesting – really interesting.

"Hmm. Sounds great" she nodded repeatedly and winked at her.

Just then, there was a knock on her door.

"Who's it??" She batted her lashes, sounding like she was being disturbed.

She felt it was one of the maids.

But the door opened instantly and it turned out to be.....


"Oh my geee!!!!" Valerie sprang from her chair and ran to the door with a mighty force.

"Lincoln!!" She screamed as she jumped on the young handsome guy who was already awaiting her hug.

He laughed and lifted her up, making sure her feet didn't touch the floor.

"Yeah,my baby's back!" He twirled her around, and she laughed on his shoulders.

He pulled her down and rounded it up with a snogging kiss.

"Oh! Baby, I'm so sorry, I'm just coming. I had about five commercials to do and...."

"Oh! Please, it's okay. The most important thing is – you're here already. I've missed you!" She squealed happily and hugged him again.

"I've missed you too, love" he ate into the hollows of her neck and she laughed and pulled away from him.

"So, how was the trip? Hope you're done with your degree?" He asked.

"Of course! Of course. It was excellent, darling. Finally, I'm a graduate at such young age" she blushed to herself.

Oh! Valerie could never stop being so proud of herself.

"Awwn. I'm proud of you, baby! Here, I got something for you" Lincoln paused and dipped his hand into his pocket, bringing out a tiny box.

He opened it in front of her and her eyes beamed when they met with the gold bracelet. It was pure gold!!

"Oh my gee! I love this so much!! I love this'!" Her whole body vibrated with excitement.

One thing she's missed about her boyfriend.

Lincoln smiled and wore it round her wrist.

"It looks so good on you, bae" he complinted.

"Yeah. And all thanks to you. Come on. We have a lot of catching up today" she held his hand and led him into the room

Surprised to see me?" He asked as he walked towards her.

"Well...yeah. You didn't tell me you were coming" she chuckled and he got to where she was and wrapped his hand around her waist.

"Hmm. You looking pretty" he said with his eyes closed.

"Stop flattering me, Lincoln. I'm just taking my bath" she smiled.

"And that's the point, Valerie. You'ree even prettier on your natural look" he said and she blushed real hard.

Oh! Those were the kind of praises she liked.

A few seconds passed and Lincoln was staring at her in the face.

"So, what's up, huh? You're looking damn hot" he whispered and ate into the hollows of her neck, giving her the tingling sensation.

He moved his left hand from her waist, upwards to her bare back which was luckily not covered by the towel.

He left her neck and went for her lips instead, taking the tiny plump flesh into his mouth.

He kissed her passionately and she moaned into it.

"Oh, f**k! I've missed you, Valerie" he said in a hoarse breath and tried taking the romance to the next level, but Valerie pulled away.

"Uh... Lincoln" she moved her hair backwards. "I don't think this is the right time for this".

Lincoln looked at her, like she was actually joking

"I don't understand, Valerie. What're you talking about?" He scoffed.

"Well... you know, I just came back and I'm a little exhausted. Can we do this some other time? Let's say... tomorrow?" She rubbed her nape, uncomfortably.

That wouldn't be the first time they were having s*x, but she couldn't understand why she didn't feel like having one with him at the moment.

Well, Lincoln was hardly the type to force himself on a woman. So, he just let it be.

"Okay, then. Goodnight" he planted a perfunctory kiss on her neck and started towards the door.

Huh? Valerie could sense something cranky.

"Um... Lincoln, you're not mad, are you?"she asked but he didn't reply or spare her a glance.


He opened the door and walked out and Valerie sighed and sat on the bed.

Oh! Geez. She didn't do anything wrong, did she?



Valerie yawned and sat up on the bed, then took off her sleeping shade.

Oh geez! It was another bright morning. Her first morning in DC after so many years.

She left the bed, wore her bedroom slippers and went to sit in front of her make up table. And with that, she started her morning routine on her face – applying all the things that needed to be applied.

As she looked into the mirror, she kept smiling to herself.

Her skin was so perfect; face so pretty and flawless. What did she do to deserve such beauty, huh?

She giggled happily.

Shortly, there was a knock on the door.

"Who's it?" She asked with an eye roll.

"It's a maid, Ma'am. I came to inform you breakfast's ready" the soft voice answered.

"I've hard you. You can leave" Valerie said dismissively and focused on her face.

After a while, she was done and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

She took care of her teeth and went downstairs for breakfast afterwards.

"Good morning, mum.

"Good morning, dad" she beamed as she got to the dining and gave each of them a peck.

"Oh! Princess, how was your night?" Mr Waltson asked.

"It was fine, dad".

"You're a little late" her mum said and she nodded and took a seat.

"So...what do we have for breakfast, huh? My stomach is grumbling" she rolled her eyes and Mrs Waltson laughed.

Two maids came up immediately and started dishing out her meal.

"So, what're your plans, honey? Since you're done with your education?" Mr Waltson asked and she itched her jaw.

"Ugh! Do I even have a plan?" She paused. "well,I don't know for now, dad. Because all I have in mind is having fun. At least, for now".

Mr Waltson smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, one of the maids spilled drink on her hand, and Valerie almost fainted.

"Goodness!! My skin!?" She shirked and the maid moved back in fear.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry, ma'am. I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me. I'm so sorry" she apologized fearfully.

"Of course, you should be sorry, you clumsy rat! How dare you?? Are you blind?" She yelled, burning with rage.

"It's okay, Valerie. Please, calm down. Get out of here, Naya" Mrs Waltson said and the maid ran away in fear.

"Goodness! I want her fired, mum! I want her out of this house!" Valerie said and angrily left, going upstairs to her room to clean herself.

Annoying things, she thought inwardly.


After breakfast with her parents, she took her bath and decided to take a drive around the city.

She had called Lincoln to ask if he could accompany her, but he has told her he wasn't chanced. And so, she had to do her sightseeing alone.

She had so much fun, anyway – feeding her eyes, buying lots of things...

It actually seemed more fun since she was alone...funny.

She spent a long time and when she was done, she returned home and did some other things until it was finally evening.

Sally was the first to call.

"Hey, drama doll. Tell me you're getting ready for the club already?" She beamed as soon as Valerie picked the call.

"Give me a break, Sally. I still have it in mind, okay?" She rolled her eyes as she sat touched her face in front of the mirror.

"Well, of course! Just needed to remind you. Don't keep me waiting. I'll be there within the twinkle of an eye" she said and ended the call.

Valerie smiled as she dropped the phone and went ahead to pick a dress from her wardrobe.



In less than 2 hours, the two ladies were done and left for the club together.



"What drink would you prefer, Valerie?" Sally asked as they sat together in the exquisite bar.

Well, Valerie was exposed to lots of amazing places. But still, she'd commend this place for their amazing features.

The bar was above beauty and looked damn classy.

"Just get me anything, Sally. You should know my fantasies" Valerie replied and Sally winked at her and left.

She brought out her phone afterwards and started taking selfies, gathering enough things to show off online.

A soothing song was playing in the background and they made her move her waist rhythmetically while taking the pictures.

She took many styles and was about taking the 7th shot when someone interrupted her by showing up in the camera.

She flinched and turned around to see the jerk smiling behind her

"Who are you and why the hell are you invading my privacy?" She asked with a crumpled look and the jerk smiled.

"Hey, cutie. Calm down, okay. How're you doing?" He asked and went ahead to take a seat – Sally's seat.

"I didn't ask you to sit, mister. What do you want?" She rasped and the guy looked a little surprised.

Wow! What an attitude.

"Well..." He itched his nape. "I just saw you from afar and decided to say hi. You're beautiful".

"Yeah thanks" Valerie rolled her eyes and turned on her phone to continue with her selfie.

"Sorry, dear. Can I know your name...?

"Can you just stop talking?" She glared hard at him, and he felt his jaws drop.

For a moment, he paused to look at himself, wondering if he wasn't looking good enough to warrant such attitude from her.

"Annoying" Valerie mumbled to herself.

And just then, Sally came running towards her like she was being chased.

"Oh my God! Valerie!" She panted, and Valerie was almost shaken.

"Goodness, Sally. What is..."

"You won't believe what I just saw out there! The B-Boys! They're here! They're coming to the club!"

Valerie cocked her head to the direction of the door.

The B-Boys? The all talked about B-Boys? They were there?

"Yeah. And so?" She rolled her eyes and mumbled, turning back to her drink.

"Are you kidding me, Val? Do you even know what it means?" Sally squealed but only got more eye rolls from Valerie.

"Where are the drinks you'd gone to get anyway?" She asked and Valerie shook her head and scurried off.

"Seems you're not drooling over the B-Boys like the other girls are, right?" The young man in front of her asked.

Oops? Valerie had almost forgotten someone was there.

"Hello" he called her attention when she was silent.

"What and who I like should be none of your business,mister. Now, since you've decided to ruin my night, I guess I'll just leave the table to you, then" she said with a huff and stood up with her bag, going to take another empty table.

Annoying jerks.

Taking her seat, her eyes were a little glued to the door and she saw something she could call a 100% awesome entrance.

Woah...What the hell was that??

They were three boys, dressed in black of different designs. One was ahead of the other with a few steps and they marched with so much unison like it was actually practiced.

Hold on...Were they actually the B-Boys? Possibly?

Their presence seemed to lit up the place as all the ladies were obviously drooling. Even the dancer on stage went still as they all started staring and whispering.

Obviously...They were the B-Boys. Valerie concluded. Hmph.

She watched glaringly at them as they walked gracefully to an empty.

One of them was holding a tobacco pipe, populating the air – to Valerie.

They had gold chains, gold bangles, their dresses looked quite expensive and everything about them screamed wealthy. Hm. No wonder Sally was hyping them so much.

Two looked very familiar to her, like she had recognized them from the pictures Sally had shown to her. But the third one...she didn't seem to recognize him, but he looked the hottest.

Well, whatever. They still looked like jerks to her.

She kept watching as they occupied the large couch, still dragging the attentions of the ladies in the bar. What is it about them, anyway? Why can't the ladies just focus, huh?


Sally came rushing towards her.

"Hey; why did you change seats?" She asked in a whisper, dropping the drinks on the table.

"Well... because some jerks wouldn't let me be at peace" Valerie answered with furrowed brows.

"Oh, my gee! Val, have you seen the Boys? Have you seen them? Look! They're seated over there! Oh my!! They're so cute, Valerie!!" Sally squealed and Valerie was almost forced to roll her eyes.

Like the hell??

"Will you just cut the crap?" She scoffed. "Yeah, they're cute. But those guys look dubious to me. I don't know why I don't trust them".

"Ah! That's your problem, Valerie. Oh! I wish I could meet them!" She cupped her cheeks in her palms and said dreamily.

Valerie glared at her and shook her head. Pathetic – she thought.



From where the B-Boys sat...

They beckoned on a waiter and two actually showed up.

"Sirs, We're so..."

"What would it take to shut down this bar for tonight?" Ethan was the first to speak, cutting the waiter off.

Well, they didn't want the pleasantries.

The two waiters were honestly confused. Shut down the bar? Why would they want to do such a thing?

"Um... sir..."

"Is it possible or not?" Ethan asked again.

They were kind of not comfortable with the people parading the place and needed some privacy.

"Well...I think 10,000$ should do, sir" he replied with a hard gulp

"We'll pay 1 million. Now, get everyone out of here" Jericho stated coldly and the eyes of both waiters almost left their sockets.

Hold on...1 million whaaat??? 1 million dollars???

Holy sh!t!!

"Tell the strippers to stay behind. We'll be needing some fun" Claus said with a light smile.

Well, that was his propensity – a flirt.

The waiters exchanged glances at each other.

"Consider it done, sir" they finally said and left.



Valerie could watch clearly from her seat as the waiters discussed with the B-Boys. And with the look on their faces, they seemed to get having an uncomfortable discussion.

She watched the waiters bow and left, a new expression on their faces and she wondered if the B-Boys had offered a fortune or something.

Shortly, they saw some other waiters going round the bar, whispering into the ears of everyone present and instantly, a disgruntled look would creep into their faces. They started leaving with their bags.

"What's going on?" Sally asked.

Someone got to their table not long after and broke the news to them.

"Sorry girls, but you'll need to exit the bar" the elegant looking man said courteously and Valerie flinched.

"Exit the bar?" Sally asked. "Wh...Why? What's going on?"

"Well...the B-Boys over there needs some privacy and they want everyone out".

"Privacy?" Valerie scoffed. "Hold on...Are you kidding me right now? They need some privacy and you just want us to leave? Is this meant to be a personal bar or what?"

"We're really sorry ma'am. But you need to leave. We're working on orders".

"Oh, please! What stupid orders?" She snapped and glanced back at the direction of the boys.

One of them was staring at her. Then, she turned back to the waiter.

"Listen, I came here to have fun. So, you can't just kick me out like I'm so piece of trash. Do you even know who I am?" She rasped.

"We're really sorry, ma'am, and hope you can forgive us. There are lots of bars out there. I can recommend you to some..."

"Keep your silly recommendations to yourself!"

"Valerie!" Sally called huskily. "Come on, that's enough. We need to leave. Everyone's leaving already".

But Valerie was too pissed off and couldn't digest her advice.

"How much did they pay for this, hug? Tell me and I'll pay you off" she said and Sally's eyes widened in shock.


"I'm sorry ma'am, but we don't work that way. We can't reveal the amount" the waiter replied.

"Yeah! Bullsh!t!"

And before Sally could any other thing, Valerie stood up and started marching towards their table.

"Oh my God! Valerie!!" She half-yelled, but it was too late.

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"Why are you here"Olivia asked Kayden angrily "why didn't you tell me we had kids together" Kayden asked back "really you expect me to tell you we have kids together,the kids you don't know they exist,the kids you left all alone" Olivia snapped "you didn't tell me,i had no idea you were pregnant oly"Kayden replied "you expect me to tell you,if I had told you what will you do tell me me Kayden what will you do" Olivia asked nothing right I Know you won't do anything because you are a coward she added when Kayden didn't answer her "you know it wasn't partially my fault too" Kayden defended himself, u was at the hospital fighting for my life he added "I went to the hospital too,I was chased out like an unwanted dog " Olivia muttered "please let me father my kids Olivia"Kayden pleaded "It can never be possible I have been taking care of my children for six years now and we don't need you in our lives,so close the door behind you when you leave" she muttered before storming upstairs **** meet Olivia Noel Connors a 24 years single mom with two kids Cameron and Caitlyn she had them when she was eighteen for her boyfriend her family whom she found out adopted her chased her out when they found out of her pregnancy she was left alone with her pregnancy when she met her best friend Anastasia Meet Kayden Nicholas Brook a billionaire and the CEO of Kayden automobile engineering industry, they deals in all kinds of automobile. He is engaged to someone he hates with passion,but has to bear with the engagement because he is been threatened with someone he loves dearly. what happens when he found out a secret from his past what is the secret from the past what is Kayden been threatened with find out in THE CEO'S BABIES

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