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Betty writes


All her life she had always wanted to marrythe person she loves in a little garden and live happily ever after with her kids But what happened if she was sold to a mafia She wants a way out But she can never find one because she is his to claim.

Chapter 1 CLAIMED

Emilie looked at her aunt with a pleading eyes but her aunt is instead shot her a harsh glare

she don't want to get married she never wants to get married not to someone like him

she could have escaped but she will be caught and it not going to be nice

Hey you better don't mess this up or we will be killed her aunt muttered

she wanted to argue but she knew not to.

"I really don't know what boss saw in this ugly creature"Lilian her cousin muttered angrily

"she is not even worthy of getting married to him"she mumbled but Emilie heard her anyways

her cousin has always hated her for no reason ever since high school,she was always bullied by her.

and now she hates her more because Emilie is getting married to the guy she wants

her aunt's hubby had borrowed some money and couldn't pay it back so his boss had asked his to use his daughter for refund and her aunt suggested she should used even if Lilian wants it.

so here she is on her wedding day and she is. it happy

she has always wanted to marry a guy who she loves and also loves her.

and finally it was time for her to get married

walking hand in hand with her aunt's hubby down the aisle she couldn't help but get nervous she couldn't help but get nervous as she thinks about what awaits her,troubles,pains and killings that what mafia is all about right.

looking up at the altar, Emilie could see him,the man who was going to be her husband in few minutes time, the one she is likely to live with till she dies,the most feared and powerful mafia boss and billionaire business man in Italy with the most largest clan named the eagles clan.

The one and only Allesandro Massimo.

the journey down the aisle to the altar which felt like ages ended and her uncle placed her .

on his palm before leaving

while the priest starts his job.

And that was it she is now Mrs Allesandro Massimo Emilie.

The wedding was over and Emilie could be seen with her husband who was greeting his guest some guest were leaving already

"you finally got hooked huh"she could hear the one who introduced himself as Vicento said

"I guess I am"her husband answered with a smile which faded away the next second.

Is this the man she's really going to spend the rest of her life with till she dies

In the next Minute they were already in the car on their way to her new home,what pained her the most is her aunt who did not even come to say a goodbye to her,she knew she would do that but she thought her aunt will change when she made this huge sacrifice for her family but devil's never change today.

she turned her face to her husband who was busy with his phone not sparing her a tiny glance she wanted to talk but she knew not to.

finally after the long drive the car stopped at a large mansion the gate opened and the driver drove in. Emilie gasped loudly looking around the place as it was heavily guarded with both boys and girls holding guns.

Is this really "the eagles clan"she asked herself this was more than what she has imagined it will look like.

"Are you gonna stay in the car or what"her husband said snapping her out of her little world

"oh I am"she muttered coming out of car

She went close to him and started walking with him as they both proceed in,everyone stopped what they were doing and bowed down before continuing their business

Walking down the hall way she couldn't help but be memerized with was she was seeing.

They got somewhere and they stopped a guy about her age as she guessed walked to them and bowed.

"Meeting in the hall in three minutes and I must not be there before anyone"Alessandro muttered and Emilie could feel the coldness in his voice.

"Okay boss"the guys bowed again before walking away obviously to tell the other clan members.

And Emilie and Allesandro proceed with their walk again.


*In a room*

Two girls were sitter smoking their ass out and another girl came in

"The boss is back"She announced

"So?"Amy one of the girls said.

"He is here with the boss lady and he wants everyone to gather in the hall before him in two minutes"She said

"Jewel Stop going around with fake news"Chloe the other girl in the room said.

"I swear down the boss is really married now he was wearing a tuxedo and the lady was wearing a ball dress"Jewel said

"I ain't going anywhere"Chloe said

"You know the boss is always strict even if you're his favorite fuck mate"Amy said.

"If you both want to face the wrath of boss you can stay but as for me am off"Jewel said walking away

"Wait for me also"Amy yelled and dropped the cigarette before following her

But Chloe did not even move a inch because she believes the boss would not do anything to her.

Emilie sat quietly on the bed they just came back from the clans meeting and Allesandro has been on a call since the she don't want to start a conversation with him so she sat down listening to his rantings over the phone

Soon after he ended the phone call he turned and walked to Emilie's direction which made her shudder in fear.

Are going to have our first night together now she thought to herself

Allesandro walked to her and stopped right in front of her, Emilie looked sideways immediately not been able to look him in the eyes.

"Strip"He muttered.


She gasped and looked at him immediately.

"I don't repeat myself"He mumbled

"I.. don't...want"She stutters

Allesandro turned away from her and begin to undone his shirt, Emilie quickly covered her eyes

After a while she noticed a figure in front of her she opened her eyes and gasped

Allesandro was there shirtless with tattoos all over his body and she couldn't help but drool.

"I say strip"His voice sounded more angrier this time.

"Please don't let me"She pleaded

"You are mine,i am your husband so i have the right to fuck you senselessly"He said and hovered her on the bed

Emilie yelped loudly as he tore her clothes.she quickly used her hands to cover her exposed body but he re.oved it roughly pinning her to the bed harshly.

"Please let me go, don't do this to me"her fragile voice spoke

"You can't go anywhere,you are mine to claim forever"he slammed his lips roughly on her which made her yelp in pain.

He grabbed her tiny waist possessively as his other hand did Justice to her breast.

She whimpered softly in both pain and pleasure as her body begin to give in to his desire.

She did not want to loose her virginity this way.

He roughly removed the rest of the cloth and her firm breast came forth,he licked his lips in anticipation

"Mine"He mumbled but Emilie heard him anyways

Emilie broke down in tears realizing this was it,she has accepted him as her husband but she is not ready to loose her virginity which she kept for her love to him

Allesandro being who he is paid deaf ears to her pleas and tears all he wants is to have a taste of her body.

He bent forward and sucked on her neck lightly as she gasped in pleasure

She hated the way she is liking it

He was about pulling her panties down when the door opened and a angry looking Chloe barged in.

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Other books by Betty writes





They are three brothers; Three friends; Three angels. You could call them any of the three, but be sure to avoid them 'cause they were dangerous. Ethan - he was the Angel of Wisdom; the smartest among the three. It was almost impossible getting him deceived because he was filled with wisdom and could fix any puzzle. He was dreaded. Meet Claus - he was the Angel of love. Being the Angel of love doesn't mean he's got no enemies or doesn't hate anyone. No. It only means he finds it easy to love and flow with people. You could say he's the warmest among the three. In addition to his powers, he's a s*x freak and always wants to screw anything in skirt. He was a funny, daring jerk. And meet Jericho - the Angel of... Angel of what exactly?🤔 Well, you can say Angel of darkness. He was the most powerful among the three, charming and tempting. But he had the darkest heart. Doesn't hesitate to kill within a second, doesn't hesitate to wipe anyone just to get what he wants. He was unpredictable; his expression always cold and blank. No one could ever tell what was on his mind. These three Angels didn't come from earth; they came from a different world where they had so many other angels with different Powers - just like them. But these three were one of the most powerful and respected. One day, they had woken up to a task from their leader. He had assigned all three of them to earth to carry out a particular mission and they only had a particular time to do it before returning back to the planet





"Why are you here"Olivia asked Kayden angrily "why didn't you tell me we had kids together" Kayden asked back "really you expect me to tell you we have kids together,the kids you don't know they exist,the kids you left all alone" Olivia snapped "you didn't tell me,i had no idea you were pregnant oly"Kayden replied "you expect me to tell you,if I had told you what will you do tell me me Kayden what will you do" Olivia asked nothing right I Know you won't do anything because you are a coward she added when Kayden didn't answer her "you know it wasn't partially my fault too" Kayden defended himself, u was at the hospital fighting for my life he added "I went to the hospital too,I was chased out like an unwanted dog " Olivia muttered "please let me father my kids Olivia"Kayden pleaded "It can never be possible I have been taking care of my children for six years now and we don't need you in our lives,so close the door behind you when you leave" she muttered before storming upstairs **** meet Olivia Noel Connors a 24 years single mom with two kids Cameron and Caitlyn she had them when she was eighteen for her boyfriend her family whom she found out adopted her chased her out when they found out of her pregnancy she was left alone with her pregnancy when she met her best friend Anastasia Meet Kayden Nicholas Brook a billionaire and the CEO of Kayden automobile engineering industry, they deals in all kinds of automobile. He is engaged to someone he hates with passion,but has to bear with the engagement because he is been threatened with someone he loves dearly. what happens when he found out a secret from his past what is the secret from the past what is Kayden been threatened with find out in THE CEO'S BABIES

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