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Trapped with Morgan

Trapped with Morgan



The smell of alcohol that emanated from his mouth, was so strong that Meg wanted to throw up. He pinned her down with his strong arms and have his way. Finally, he cum and got up from her. He put on his pant and left Meg in his mess. Meg cried bitterly and gathered what was remaining of her clothes. She watched his seed dripping down her thighs. She manages to find her slippers from the lightning that showed in the sky. It was threatened to rain. Meg did not bother to escape the rain. She deliberately walked toward her home with tears flowing down her cheeks. However, the rain started pouring before she could get home. It washed down the mess in her body and soothed her aching heart. Meg got home to face her angry father. Who has been waiting anxiously for her return? "What kept you so long?" He asked immediately after Meg entered the room, but before Meg could respond, he glance at her clothes and face. "What happened to you? Who did this to you?" He asked in a panic. Before Meg could say anything a piercing sound was heard from the other room, this made Meg and her father rush inside the bedroom where the sound came from. Carolina Meg's mother was the one that out that awful cry. She was struggling for breath. "Where is the inhaler?" Meg's father asked. That question made Meg remember why she left the house in the first place. She left the inhaler when she fell. Now her mother needed it for her to survive. The sound of her mother's cry did not even give her enough time to explain anything. Meg and her father were screaming her name while she struggled with her might. Within a twinkle of an eye, Carolina took her last breath and died.

Chapter 1 One

Meg was done with her work earlier than usual, she works as a delivery agent in one of the delivery companies in Northview. She has a few orders to deliver, one of which was a game player.

The owner's address was written on top of the parcel it was on the same street as Nathaniel so she decided to deliver that last, she intends to surprise Nathaniel who has been begging her to come over to his place for a long time now, but she was too busy to attend to him.

After the death of her mother, Meg decided to keep herself busy. She started working as a delivery agent partially to save up money for her college, but mainly for her to forget about her pain. The work did not permit her to have time with Nathaniel or think much about her mother's death.

Meg stopped at Nathaniel's door after delivering the video player. She knocked but get no response, she was surprised to see the door open as soon as she pushed the handles.

She slowly closed the door behind her and moved inside. Meg saw clothes on the floor, she picked them up, Nathaniel's clothes and female pants, her dress was carelessly laying on the chair, her shoes somewhere at the door then came the piercing moan that was sounding through the room.

Meg gradually moves close to the room and pushed the door open, but she was shocked because of what she saw. Nathaniel was on top of her best friend Chelsea. The hurt of betrayal did not allow her to reason clearly, she furiously separate Nathaniel from her. Chelsea jumped off the bed in shock. She quickly grabs the quilt and covered herself. She went behind Nathaniel and hid.

Nathaniel was greatly angered because Meg has spoiled his fun. He stood up facing her without bothering to cover himself up.

Meg rushed toward Chelsea and raised her hand to slap her, Chelsea, on the other hand, closed her eyes to receive the slap, but receive none. She then gradually opened her eyes to see Nathaniel holding Meg's hand. He ferociously pushed her hard to the wall. Meg fell and curled up like a ball.

"Don't you ever, raise your filthy hands on Chelsea again. Don't you ever try to hurt her? Her drop of tears is worth more than your entire worthless life." He groaned.

Meg felt like the ground should open and swallow her up. She felt humiliated, hurt, and betrayed by the two people she loved and have given everything to.

"When did things go this wrong? She asked herself still looking hateful at Chelsea her best friend as she stood behind Nathaniel looking innocently with her large brown eyes. Her smooth olive skin leaned behind Nathaniel.

She looks so gentle and fragile like a China plate that would break at any little push. She looks weak and Nathaniel was willing to give her maximum protection from people like Meg.

What else remains, actually nothing.

"Chelsea you will pay for this, Mark my words, " Meg said as soon as she got on her feet pointing her index finger directly to her chest and ignoring Nathaniel.

Chelsea sniff her nose and whimpered. This brought a thunderous slap on Meg's cheek without saying, any more words Meg walked out of the room that she helped Nathaniel to rent.

Walking out of a relationship that she has found herself building for more than a decade since she was a little girl. With nothing and also losing a good friend at the same time. She pitiably left the house still holding her cheek. She allowed the hot tears to freely dance down her cheek

To think that she empties her savings just to rent this apartment for Nathaniel in hope that they are going to settle down soon breaks her heart. She even persuade her father to help him find a job in their company which he did. To think that she picked Chelsea, from the gutters, clothed her, and help get her a job so that she can feed herself makes her cry even more. Meg left Nathaniel's house and headed straight to the bar to clear her mind off her pain.

"Give me another drink" Meg yelled at the waiter as he pass through her table.

She decided to chill out in the bar before going home. However, she had zero tolerance for alcohol this was her first time drinking something strong and it affected her without wasting any time.

The waiter brought another glass of cocktail for her. She gallops it down her throat. Meg closed her eyes as the drink burn down her throat.

Across her seat was Morgan Howard, he has been seating there for quite a long time. He was out to celebrate his thirteenth birthday which he had stopped celebrating for a long time. However, he was drunk before he knew it. He staggered and went to the stage the moment he saw Meg dancing.

Meg turned around and saw the handsome man that stood beside her. The man was staring at her with interest. Somehow, Meg found herself enthralled with his handsome face. He held her hands and started dancing with her.

Meg was drawn to his magnetic allure and the deep cinnamon scent mixed with alcohol that emanated from his body all made her body to reacts in some funny way.

Gradually without any shame, Meg found herself bringing her mouth to his lips. Morgan did not haste to receive it. He ran his hands through her body which brought more pressure on both of them.

Meg has known Nathaniel for a very long time, but she has never felt anything like this around him. She felt like she has known this man for quite sometime before as if they were made for each other. She put her hands around his neck and deepen their kiss. Her whole body was on fire and she truly wants to quench the fire.

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