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illicit love

illicit love



Rena left Ethan the love of her life to marry a billionaire, this was because Ethan and Rena were blood cousin. Inorder to save them form pain and anguish Rena married her billionaire husband Fred without telling Ethan about it. What will happen when Ethan finds out ? Will he let her be or come back for her

Chapter 1 His arrival

I was in a panic when I heard that Ethan is back from overseas, I truly missed him but at the same time wish he had not returned. I know my life will never be the same once he is around.

Ethan and I were madly in love with each other, we can't do without each other. I loved him so much that even as a child we feel this butterflies within us whenever we are together. The bond between us was great, it was obvious to those around us but they thought nothing much about it because we are cousins, we cannot get married simply because his mom was my mom's elder sister and such relationship was considered an abomination in our community. He has tried so many times to convince me to elope with him and move to another part of the world where we can be accepted the way we are, but I refused because I am too afraid to take such risks with him.

To save us both from pain and anguish I decided to get married without his knowledge. I got married to the most handsome and powerful man in our community hoping that this will make Ethan change his mind and move on with his life but instead he left the town to overseas the moment he heard about my wedding through his sister Betty. Ever since then no one heard anything about him.

It has been ten years since he left the country, but it seems like yesterday to me. Every day I prayed to see him again. I felt so incomplete without him, I missed him every single day, most times I use to imagine my husband to be him before I could have good sex with him. My marriage was blessed with two kids, yet I always desire Ethan in my arms.

I was brought back to reality when my phone rang again. It was my younger sister Pammy, I picked up the phone

'Hello Pam' I said

'Sis how are you doing' she asked

'I'm fine " I replied

"and you" I asked

'I'm fine. Sis Ethan is back ' she announced

' And he came to the house' she continues

'What! He did what,' I excliamed

'Yeah he said he is going to spend the weekend in your place' Pam said

'No way!", I screamed

'Come on sis why are you behaving like this? He used to be your favorite cousin remember' Pammy said a little bit surprised with my reaction.

'I know Pam but things have changed, I am married now he can't just bang into my house just like that', I tried to defend myself

'Well if that's the case, you don't need to bother yourself. Ethan called your husband to inform him of his coming' Pam said

'He did what!," I screamed again in a horror

He asked about your number mom gave him, he used his phone and told mom that your number wasn't going, he told mom if she can call your husband for him so that he will talk to you. Mom use her phone and called your husband and inform him about Ethan. You know your husband, he talked with Ethan and they both agree that he will come over to spend the weekend with you guys' she concluded.

'No way, Fred can't do such" I said

'But sis I thought you will be happy to see him'

She said

'Of course, I am but seriously one weekend is too long you know how Ethan can bully people." I said. Making it look like it was all about his attitude and not something serious but the truth is, I know my life will never be the same if Ethan is around me

'Come on sis, you guys are adults, not kids he can't bully you even if he bullies others and you know that. Anyways I just thought I should let you know, you know your husband might forget to tell you as usual and Ethan likes to play games on people that's why I called. I will see you when I returned from my trip ok' she said

'Okay thanks bye' I said and hang up

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Other books by Rachy

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The smell of alcohol that emanated from his mouth, was so strong that Meg wanted to throw up. He pinned her down with his strong arms and have his way. Finally, he cum and got up from her. He put on his pant and left Meg in his mess. Meg cried bitterly and gathered what was remaining of her clothes. She watched his seed dripping down her thighs. She manages to find her slippers from the lightning that showed in the sky. It was threatened to rain. Meg did not bother to escape the rain. She deliberately walked toward her home with tears flowing down her cheeks. However, the rain started pouring before she could get home. It washed down the mess in her body and soothed her aching heart. Meg got home to face her angry father. Who has been waiting anxiously for her return? "What kept you so long?" He asked immediately after Meg entered the room, but before Meg could respond, he glance at her clothes and face. "What happened to you? Who did this to you?" He asked in a panic. Before Meg could say anything a piercing sound was heard from the other room, this made Meg and her father rush inside the bedroom where the sound came from. Carolina Meg's mother was the one that out that awful cry. She was struggling for breath. "Where is the inhaler?" Meg's father asked. That question made Meg remember why she left the house in the first place. She left the inhaler when she fell. Now her mother needed it for her to survive. The sound of her mother's cry did not even give her enough time to explain anything. Meg and her father were screaming her name while she struggled with her might. Within a twinkle of an eye, Carolina took her last breath and died.

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