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The Thousand Droplet

The Thousand Droplet

Da Golden Wealth


The Su family has been known as the guardian of the Hukuo waterfall and was famous because of this. The village, Fangjing have been peaceful and prosperous, near and wide, people love and patronize the village. The Su family was the only family that worshipped the Hukuo goodness called Sunü and at every thousand droplet of water from the waterfall, a new creature will be formed, to rule the land to prosperity till another is formed. But war crept in to Fangjing village and all the Su families was killed expect Qianfan who managed to escape death and ran with some villagers into a thick forest, dividing the village and city. He found a lady he loves in the forest but things didn't go as expected so they didn't end up together. Qianfan married a powerful lady who happens to be Ai's (the woman he really loves) enemy. Qianfan's wife gave birth to a baby boy while Ai gave birth to a baby girl, both fell in love, despite their age difference but the riff between the two families torn them apart. Qianfan remembered his culture and took his son home so he could continue but it turned out that he was not his father. Qianfan got an heart attack and almost died. Soon, the Hukuo goodness grew furious as she hasn't been worshipped for years and sent a human like creature to find the Su desendant. Su Qianfan was aged already so his child was needed to carry on but the creature went to Ai's family, rather than Su's family. Ai's daughter fell in love with the creature and they made a bet which led them back to the waterfall. Qianfan found out that he had a child with Ai and went to apologize but she refused.

Chapter 1 The war

Su Qianfan's POV

I ran as fast as my tiny shivering legs could carry me, I ran for my dear life, along with some other villagers, we kept on running for hour till I was out of breath and decided to rest. I stopped in the middle of the woods, panting and grasping for breath while the heavy wind took no pity on me and blew heavily.

I saw a pile of leaves, it was under a well shady tree. I thought it was going to give me a little warmth as I was partially naked and cold from the heavy wind and running. I mustered the little strength left in me and dragged my weak legs to the pile of leaves. I sat comfortably on it and rested my head on a stone for support. Suddenly, I heard the clinging of chains and before I could sit up to think or get conscious of the situation I was in, a net fell from the tree and I was trapped in it. I tried all my possible best to free myself but the net was just too strong for a weak man like me. I cursed the people behind the war that happened in Fangjing. I soon gave up on trying to set free myself as my whole body was failing me so I decided to take a rest rather than the stress. I woke up to the tear-shaped drop of water that landed softly on my face, the cold was now too much for me to bear and my body began to shiver. I adjusted myself to a more comfortable position so I could be a little warm, then I began to hear distant conversation and footsteps approach. With every step approaching, my heart skips a beat as I was in darkness of what awaits me. It got even worse when someone flashed a torch as my direction, nobody could know I was there because of the way I kept mute and tried to stop my body from shivering except if they were the ones who set the trap.

They finally got to where I was, four average men. They were covered in thick foreskin clothes and big boots. Three of them had full, thick and long beard while the last one who was holding the torch was beardless, he shone the torch at me and they communicated in a language I didn't understand. They began to drag the net and I screamed out in pain as they dragged me. The shortest among kicked me and shouted at me, I assumed he was telling me to keep shut but who could shut up in my situation, I felt fire burn all over my body and the pain grew worse. My back and but hurts and I could feel blood oozing out of my body. The beardless guy talked to the other men and convinced them to let me walk rather than them dragging me and the agreed after much pressure from him. He approached me and helped me to my feet but the net wasn't making it easy for me. He signalled me go lean on him for support which I did and he helped me to where they were taking me.

Some guys took me from them and threw me in a cage after removing the net, I felt a little relieved. I called out to of the the men and begged in for water in a sign language but they all laughed at me and left. I was so tired and exhausted and soon dozed off. I felt a hand touch me from my sleep, I wanted to open my eyes to see the person but I was too weak. The person brought me out of the cage, sprinkled some water on my face, I slightly opened my eyes and it was the beardless man, he offered me water to drink and I drank to my satisfaction. He handed me a bag and signalled to me to leave.

"Why are you helping me?" "Are you ready to die? The moment I saw you, I knew you are not like the others who try to steal from us and you don't deserve to die but the others doesn't think so. And I am the only one that understands English here, no other person will help you if you lose this opportunity now. They are preparing to kill you tomorrow and feed on your meat. I packed some food and water for you, run as fast as you can." "Thank you. If ever our path cross again, I'm Qianfan."

"I'm Fenhua, Xie Fenhua"

I took the bag from him and ran as fast as I could. After some minutes of running, I became tired again, I looked up at the sky, it was dawn already. I looked for somewhere a bit safe, sat on a stone and opened the bag. Fenhua is such a good person, he packed some clothes, food and water for me. I opened the box of food and ate part of it with a lot of water to sustain me. I continued my journey and the sun soon set up high and its ray was giving me the warmth my body needed.

I saw a river afar and rushed towards it. I dropped my bag, brought out my bottle and filled it up to the brim and dropped it at the bank. I entered the river, it was a shallow one so I sat down and washed my body thoroughly. I was much into the pleasure I was giving from the warm water that I didn't know someone was at the bank, she cleared her throat, I looked at her quickly covered my penis with my two hands. "Close your eyes" I yelled at her She smirked at me and turned back.

I hurried to where my bag was, brought out the clothes and wore it.

"Hmm" I cleared my throat as a signal that I'm done

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