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Adeyemi Oluwatobi 1


Diana learns she is from a family of supernatural werewolf slayers with enormous powers due to the equipment that Gerald the powerful mage placed on the werewolf slayers family to destroy Kennedy creatures the werewolves. Diana ends up killing her first love a royal one of the powerful alpha created by Kennedy to destroy humanity. She also kills her first best friend. As the last Whitefield, she is bestowed enormous powers that make her immortal. For two hundred years she spent it chasing the last royals from the family she first slayed. She goes on her mission to find love and meet other last members of other werewolf families to join her quest of destroying all werewolves and royals and finds love. Does she end up falling with a werewolf again and ends up killing him like the first time

Chapter 1 Embracing Her Destiny

Nebraska, Omaha city United States of America Year 1822 (Two Hundred Years Ago)

Diana walked down the steps of her old family mansion to greet her mother Rosemary in the lounge room who returned from her journey from Lincoln City. As she climbed the stairs she thought of last night in the same mansion in her master bedroom that she spent with James her lover. She thought of his naked touch over hers. How he penetrated with his manhood into her womanhood and how she moaned with pleasure. She thought of how naked she stood before him as he caressed her nipples and her full naked body while they made love. James was her first love and she always made love to him passionately. She was still basking in her thoughts when Rosemary's voice interrupted her thoughts. "My sweet Diana looking beautiful as ever come and hug my dear," Rosemary said as she stood up to hug Diana who ran across the several cushions to hug her. "I miss you Mom," Diana said as she sat down close to Rosemary. "I missed you too dear," Rosemary said as her face beamed with bliss, then she examined Diana from head to toe then her face changed. "What happened Mom? your countenance changed," Diana said looking at her Mom solicitously. "It's my family members I went to see in Lincoln city and they would be coming tomorrow," Rosemary said. "What!," Diana said. "Yes so we have to prepare for their return," Rosemary said facing Diana who remained aghast for the moment.

James stood outside Diana's mansion at the exterior area of her master bedroom glimpsing at the window of Diana's master bedroom. His gaze continued as he delved around, his sight not escaping her window trim, grid, header and apron searching for any sign of Diana but she didn't show. James revolved to quit when the window shutter of Diana's master bedroom window gave way and Diana signalled to him to check for a long ladder near the basement. James understood the situation and picked up the ladder, fulling stretching and standing it against the corner post leading to Diana's window. James climbed from the rung of the ladder to the rung locks. Then through the slide rail, he reached the base section with ease then finally reached the fly section where Diana led him to her master bedroom. James stood up gazing around the items in her master bedroom including the panelling, Headboards, Bed frame, mattress, plush Bedding, Curtains, Area rug, and Extra Seat even though he had seen them before.

Diana wondered why James was acting as if he hadn't been in her master bedroom before. "I know what you ponder in your thoughts Miss Diana but I am James' twin brother Jacob and I think have lost my way," James said bowing down. Diana laughed hard at James' joke till James joined her. "That joke was needed trust me," Diana said as she put her arms around James' two shoulders and led him to her master bed James put his hands in his pocket and removed a lovely rose flower and gave it to Diana who sniffed it and placed it on one of the tables in the room."You know I love you dearly, Diana don't you?" James said staring at Diana's large beautiful eyes as Diana stared back into his own large accommodating eyes. "Yes of course, If I don't love you who else would be able to love you as I do?" Diana asked. James smiled as her kissed Diana's lips. "Wait first we have to be quiet because of Mom," Diana hesitated for a moment. "I know right, that's why I entered through the window," James said laughing hard until Diana joined him. He quickly resumed kissing Diana. "Gosh you are so beautiful," James said caressing Diana's beautiful hair then undressed her by unbuttoning her blouse and removing her bra exposing her breast and nipples in particular for him to kiss around. While he unbuttoned her skirt and shifted her pant for him to feel her inside she was also busy unbuttoning his shirt kissing around his hairy chest and removing his unbuttoned trousers leaving him with his boxers. In a minute the both of them were naked as James climbed on top of her. He could feel her wetness coming from her clit and her panting for more of him. He knew it was time for him to feel her womanhood. He slammed his manhood into her clit and rocked her so hard till they both moaned with pleasure reaching orgasm together and laying beside each other naked in each other's arms.

Diana saw James out through the ladder James used to enter through her window when her window shutters opened. It was Eleven PM night and Diana was already cogitating on how she would welcome her family members tomorrow. She thought of Aunt Vanessa, and Aunt Veronica they were the scary ones. It was Aunt Viola and Uncle Gilbert she was closer to since she felt they both understood each other. Diana went out of her master bedroom roaming silently through the library, foyer, and billiards room then got to her Mom's master bedroom. She guessed as much that her Mom won't be asleep yet because of tomorrow's situation. She tiptoed silently upon seeing her Mom up on her bed since her room door was opened and tried returning to her master bedroom till her Mom's voice interrupted her. "I heard you two in your room while I was trying to check up on you," Rosemary said startling Diana who stood there stunned. "You would have just brought James through the front door so I would have greeted him instead of going through that stress after all you are already a young woman of twenty-five and he is a very fine good-looking young man whom I approve for you," Rosemary added. "Thanks, Mom goodnight," Diana said timorously as she returned to her room to sleep.

Diana was combing her blue long hair when her extended family members returned while Rosemary was in the kitchen preparing cobb salad with buffalo chicken wings. "Home sweet home, finally!" Veronica said as she exclaimed entering the lounge room and sitting down on one of the lounges. "I told you to knock before entering didn't I?" Viola said as she entered. "Why would I knock to enter my own house," Veronica said. "After all it's our family house we grew up here," Vanessa said entering the lounge room and sitting beside Veronica. "Don't mind them, Big sister," Gilbert said entering the lounge room and standing beside Viola. "Aunt Viola!" Diana shouted as she ran to hug Viola who put her arms across her in euphoria. "Uncle Gilbert!" Diana said also hugging Gilbert. "Hope you have been eating well?" Viola said. "Yes Aunt Mum has been feeding me well" Diana replied sharply. "I trust my sister," Gilbert said as he laughed until both Viola and Diana joined him in laughter. "Aunt Veronica and Aunt Vanessa am so glad to see you," Diana ran to hug Veronica and Vanessa even though they refused to hug back. "Well if it isn't our only niece," Veronica said.

Rosemary came out of the kitchen to exchange greetings with her siblings as Flora Diana's best friend entered the lounge room. "Hi everyone," she said facing everyone in the lounge room. "Hello Flora," Rosemary, Viola and Gilbert said in unison. "Diana why don't you and Flora have fun upstairs while I and my siblings discuss matters okay," Rosemary added. "Okay Mum no problem," Diana said as she held Flora's hand and they both went upstairs to the music room. "Don't forget to come and take your food from the kitchen okay for you and Flora," Rosemary said loudly so Diana could hear her. "Okay Mom," Diana said distantly from the music room. "Hope you would like to eat first," Rosemary said facing her siblings. "Of course," Veronica said rudely as she caught Viola's warning gaze and ignored it.

"Last night James came in through my master bedroom and we had sweet sex," Diana said with elation on her face. "Wow, you enjoyed yourself," Flora said smiling as she pressed a note on the large piano. "Yes it was really beautiful," Diana added. "Excuse me for a moment I need to bring our food from the kitchen," Diana said. "So which means you should go to the dining room meant for me," Diana said "Alright Diana," Flora said. "I hope you would like cobb salad and chicken buffalo wings," Diana added. "Of course my favourite," Flora said. "I know," Diana added again before she left the music room.

Diana entered the kitchen and after grabbing the two plates of food for her and Flora from the kitchen table she could hear her Mom and her siblings talking very clearly. She dropped the two plates back on the kitchen table and stayed at the kitchen door to eavesdrop on what they were saying. "Rosemary you know there is no other option she has to be ready now!" Vanessa's voice sounded rude. "I don't want this for her, she isn't ready," Rosemary said. "You know there is no other option," Veronica added supporting Vanessa as usual. "I hope you haven't forgotten that we are older than you and you are the youngest of us," Vanessa said arrogantly. "And I hope you haven't forgotten that am the eldest amongst you all," Viola interrupted. "Sorry Viola but it's the truth that's why we are all here," Vanessa said. "Have you even thanked her for the food she served you?" Gilbert said angrily. "We are sorry Gilbert," Veronica said. "Sorry for yourself," Gilbert said. "From now on I and Gilbert would handle this issue ourselves with Rosemary and I don't want you both interrupting me," Viola said to Vanessa and Veronica. "She has to take the equipment it's her destiny to slay all werewolves till the last royal werewolf," Viola said with concern. "Alright but I have to be the one to explain things to her before you come in okay," Rosemary. "But it has to be this night," Veronica interrupted rudely. "What did I say about not interrupting," Viola said angrily. "Am sorry Viola," Veronica said with remorse. "It's fine if you want to do it yourself you can take your time we are here to stay for a week," Viola said

"Thanks for understanding," Rosemary said.

Diana returned to her dining room with the two plates of food. She thought about what she eavesdropped on. She couldn't believe werewolves were real. She only read them in fiction stories not to talk of her family line being werewolf slayers. She returned to give Ruth her food. Ruth ate the food with elation and thanked Diana and her Mom before she left while Diana cogitated on all that had occurred today. She thought about when her Mom would explain everything to her.

Rosemary came in later that day in the afternoon to explain the issues to her. "I know you eavesdropped earlier today on me and my siblings but still I will explain everything to you fully since we didn't discuss everything in full," Rosemary said. Diana wasn't too surprised because she knew her Mom knew her well. "Go on Mom," Diana said.

Rosemary sat beside Diana's bedside and began her story. "Two hundred years ago in the year 1622, a powerful mage named Gerald King reigned and ruled this city before this city was known to be what it was. He protected the lives of people and people were safe until another evil powerful mage named Kennedy Hargreaves who was jealous of the noble mage powers decided to go against him." Rosemary paused to observe Diana who was concentrating on her story and she hardly noticed that Rosemary had paused to observe her.

"Kennedy tried facing Gerald severally but lost because Gerald's strength was too great. Greater than his. Kennedy still kept trying but kept failing," Kennedy hated humans, unlike Gerald who loved humans and swore to protect them. So Kennedy finally devised a way how could end both Gerald and the human race.

"Kennedy then used all his powers coupled with his mage ancestors to create a beast-like creature of the night and called them werewolves. He knew for the creatures to exist he needed human help so he placed the abilities on several humans," "He named the Alphas the leader of each pack, the beta, and omega. He also named the strongest of all alphas called the royals. They were the strongest because each pack of a werewolf normally contained an Alpha to lead both betas and omegas but the royals were super alphas with special advanced abilities as members of the pack with a very strong leader and if all royals should die and leave one member the member possesses the powers of all the royals in the family, and of course, their powers were activated until they made their first kill so till they killed someone for the first time they were like ordinary humans,"

"With time the world became full of these creatures and when it was time he sent a vast number of the strongest werewolves the royals with special great powers to attack Gerald. Gerald who had never encountered such creatures was caught unawares. But he used his powers and killed most of the royals not knowing Kennedy had used the help of his ancestors thereby not making him be in the same level as Kennedy at the moment,"

"Gerald in his dying breath struck a blow with all his powers and killed Kennedy who had used all the powers of his ancestors in creating the werewolves making him a mismatch again for Gerald. Gerald then created magic pieces of equipment to destroy these creatures with the help of his ancestors then he divided each piece of magic equipment into eleven different families he called the werewolves slayers. Ours the Whitefield was the first and the leader of all the families we and the immediate families were called the royals,"

"This equipment when equipped by each family made the family members be immortals and live long with supernatural powers like super strength, super speed super hearing and others similar to the werewolves themselves but each time they passed the equipment to the next family member and it's no longer in their possession, in few days the age they have been cheating finally meets up with them and they get old and due early," For instance I have been Thirty give years old for two hundred years now same as my siblings with their respective age. "Kennedy in his dying breath, also summoned the help of his ancestors to make more of his creatures and made his creatures to hunt these werewolf slayers especially the royals were dangerous against the werewolf slayers,"

"Gerald still in his dying breath created an afterlife for himself so he could still direct and help us through contact with his pieces of equipment then died," "So did he help you all from his afterlife?" Diana said interrupting her Mom. "Yes dear, he once appeared and told us that the last werewolf slayer of each werewolf slayer family starting from the royals were to be the ones that would finally rid the world of all werewolves including the royals,". "I was meant to be the last Whitefield werewolf slayer as the last born amongst my siblings, but I ran away from my destiny because being a werewolf slayer meant not giving birth," Rosemary said and paused observing Diana.

"So, that's why my siblings are here, I abandoned my destiny and had a child, you of course you know your Dad, Fredrick died of illness,". "Although it didn't mean I abandoned my mission completely for some time I was the werewolf slayer but when I discovered that I couldn't bear a child with Fredrick I had to abandon my destiny and bore you am so sorry I tried to avoid this even though I knew it would come to this,". Rosemary said as tears flowed through her eyes. "Don't worry Mom If it's my destiny I would embrace it," Diana said as she hugged her Mom wiping her tears from her eyes." Thanks dear, tomorrow you should be ready to face my siblings so they can give you the pieces of equipment tomorrow and so you would be ready to start your basic training. Rosemary said as she rose to leave. "Alright Mom good night Mom," Diana said. "Goodnight dear," Rosemary said smiling at Diana as she exited Diana's room.

Flora quickly covered her nakedness after transforming back to a human at the back of the wine bar she works in. She had wanted to tell Diana about the abilities she got as a werewolf since she killed a man who was sexually harassing her in self-defence but she couldn't since she used her super hearing abilities and heard all the discussions from the lounge room through her super hearing so she knew who Diana was or was about to be. Someone who was destined to slay all werewolves and not to talk of the fact that her abilities were bestowed by an evil mage.

The most surprising thing was that Diana's boyfriend was a werewolf to be but he hasn't transformed because he hasn't killed anyone yet. So she has been keeping watch on him for Diana's sake so he wouldn't change and Diana won't have to kill him. She watched him most especially since he hasn't been visiting Diana recently because Diana informed him about the presence of her extended family and he visited the wine bar to have a drink.

The next day Diana got the full information about the story from her extended family. "Dear, this is called the scurrier it's the name of the sword Gerald gave to our family along with boomerang knives spelt to return to its thrower and a necklace containing an amulet that protects its owner," Viola said handling the pieces of equipment to Diana. "And most especially this is the cloak," Gilbert said handing her a long beautiful silk red cloak. "It contains great powers. It can make the owner invisible and disappear," Gilbert added. Diana was amazed such great powers were bestowed to her that she hasn't gotten before.

"We still all have some pieces of equipment with us they are what is keeping us from going to the afterlife to be with Gerald because we still have a week to train you before you are ready," Veronica said. Diana was amazed. That was the first time she had talked to her calmly. Diana hoped that it would last because all her extended family would be involved in her training and she wouldn't need a rude approach to the training.

Present Day Nebraska Lincoln City Year Two Thousand And Twenty-Two.

Diana sat down on her chair at the wine bar she went to take wine and took a sip of her wine. She had begun her journey to search for the last royal of the first family of royals she had slayed first for Two hundred years. She showed the female picture in her hand to one of the customers who drank wine beside her a young tall fair handsome thin man who shook his head to express disapproval that he hasn't seen her. Diana looked around and when she saw a woman putting her hands in a man's manhood massaging it she changed her mind. Diana later used her superhuman connection with the werewolf to listen to a particular voice." I know you can hear me and have been looking for me being outside come get me have been looking for you too,". Diana immediately put on her red cloak and head for outside.

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