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mhiz topzy write


PROLOGUE Meet our male lead Calvin Buernevista:he's a single father,cold and arrogant ceo of the Buernevista company, He's filthy rich and handsome that all girls are dying to be on his bed but dare not. He's also known to the underworld as the Mafia Lord. Meet our female lead Katryn Berneldo:a 22yrs old beautiful damsel, charming and kind,you can mistake her to be a model at first sight. She works as a waitress but everything changed when she was offered a contract to be a substitute. Can she win the ceo's son heart? Can she change the Cold and arrogant ceo? What will happen when the ceo dead wife returns? What will happen when many secret are revealed? Grab your popcorn 🍿 and find out more in the story.



(Being a substitute)

💮(At the Buernevista company)💮

DEREK pov:

I want to see my dad,i said.

Young master, your dad is in a meeting, claire dad secretary, replied.

I don't care,i want my dad now,i said angrily scattering the files on dad's table.i know you must be wondering why people are scared to come close to me or to touch me,well am Derek Buernevista the only young heir of the Buernevista family,am 5yrs old,cute, handsome and smart.well some people do say am too smart for my age but trust me am not,am the carbon copy of my dad though am still young, enough of the story about me let go back to the present.

Bring me my dad now,i said again.

Young master, you have to stop this, claire said trying to stop me.the door open revealing my dad.

What the hell is going on here?dad asked.


I was in a meeting when john inform me that derek is creating a scene in my office again.i look at everyone in the meeting room and said "meeting adjourned", leaving the room immediately.i know they must all be surprise but i don't give a damn about anything else except my son well i care about my son soo much that i could do just anything for him every oneelse is not that important,i know you all must be wondering why am referred to as the cold ceo,it all happened 2yrs ago when i lost my beloved wife leah in a car accident before the incident i was the most sweetest and softhearted person u have ever seen, enough of the story.

I walk into my office and saw my files on the floor.

What the hell is going on here?i asked.

You finally decided to show up dad, derek said.

What the hell did you do to my office?i said and gritted my teeth and clench my jaw.

I did nothing dad, derek said.

Then explain these,i said pointing at the files on the floor.

Well i just decided to give your office a little bit decoration, isn't it nice dad?, derek replied.

Where is your nanny derek?

I fired her, dad derek said.

You fucking did what,why?i asked shockingly and frustrated.

She was too clumsy and annoying, derek replied.

This is the tenth nanny i hired for you this week,i said.

I don't want anyone dad,i just want my Mom,derek shouted running out of the office.

Go after him and make sure he is safe, i said to claire.

Okay sir,she said and left the office immediately.

(At Bluebell restaurant)


I just arrived at the restaurant when clara called my name.

Katryn the manager want to see you in his office now,clara said.

'okay, thanks,i said heading straight to his office.sir, you called for me,i said immediately i entered his office.

Yes miss katryn,i called to tell you that we no longer need you here anymore,he said.

What do you mean sir?i asked confusedly.

You are fired,he said.

But why sir ?i did not do anything wrong.i said trying hard not to make the tears in my eyes to fall.

Am sorry miss katryn i have no other choice but to do as i was told,he said sadly.

I understand sir,i replied.i left his office sadly,i pick up my bag and left the restaurant.

ANITA pov:

I feel so happy when i heard the news from katryn's manager that he have already done the job i give him to do, i feel soo proud of myself because i just make katryn life miserable.i know u must be wondering why i hate katryn soo much well it because she got to have everything why i don't,well you can say it jealousy but i don't care,i just want her to disappear from our lives and never to be see again.

"This is just the beginning dear katryn,i said to myself while sipping from my wine 🍷.....

This is just the beginning ooo

Guys what do you think about this episode?


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