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Loving You Is My Bad Habit

Loving You Is My Bad Habit



A Billionaire CEO, his greatest wish was to get his celebrity crush to fall in love with him and through his attempted death, he gets a chance. * Jeremy pulled the arm of the lady and yanked the face cap off her forehead. Immediately he did so, his lips parted into a slight gape and he literally froze. The lady who had just tried to kill him was no other than his very own celebrity crush, Maya Dreams! He recovered from the shock quickly, dropping the face cap to the floor and moving steps closer to her until her back was against the wall. "Since you walked into my life yourself in this manner, I am not going to let you go, never!" "You will live with me for three months or else the world will know about the pretty Maya Dreams being a killer, do you agree to my terms, Maya Dreams?" She seemed slightly confused before her small head bobbed a positive response. "I do." He grinned. * It was wrong for him to take in the lady who had just attempted to kill him but he could not hold it. Loving her was his bad habit, one he knew was going to be hard to stop.

Chapter 1 Who Is She

Jeremy adjusted his tie in front of his mirror. He was sure he looked good enough to go to work now.

He was 28 and the CEO of a gaming company, the New Continent.

His gaming company was the biggest not just in his country but across countries. He was a billionaire who did not care showing it to the world just how rich he was.

He stepped away from the mirror and his eyes caught sight of the huge poster on the wall.

It was a poster of her, Maya Dreams, the lady he was crazy for.

Jeremy had never been a fan of movies, he had never been a fan of actors and actresses but not until he stumbled upon her, Maya Dreams.

He was crazy for her and was her biggest fan. Whatever movie of her was out, he was always the first person to get the movie.

It was one of the things he had once considered childish but he could not stop himself.

She was his celebrity crush.

"One day, I am going to meet you, Maya Dreams" he said to the poster and walked out of the room into the small passage that led into the elaborate living room.

Jeremy had tried so many times to arrange a meeting with Maya Dreams but it had never worked out. No matter how much he offered to see her, his money could not buy him a chance to have a single meeting with her but it just made her all the more special to him.

"Good morning" a lady was seated on the sofa in the living room, Sona.

"You are here already" Jeremy mumbled.

"Yeah" Sona got off the sofa.

She was his personal assistant and also his best friend, their friendship dated way back to when they were still in highschool and even now, their relationship had not suffered a bit..

"Can we leave for work now? That is if you are done talking to Maya Dreams this morning?"

Jeremy chuckled. Sona knew about Maya Dreams being his celebrity crush but she never thought much about it.

Celebrity crushes were normal and never turned out to be real anyways.

Anyone with eyes could see that Sona had feelings for Jeremy but Jeremy seemed to be the blind one as he never seemed to notice that fact.

"Let's go" Jeremy mumbled and walked away with Sona following closely behind him.

They both got into the backseat of the car and the driver drove the car.


"You know what you should do, right?" A hefty man asked.

"I do know" the lady replied with an air of confidence.

"Good, Liana. Having trained you for years, it is time for me to show the world how much I can affect it" the man smirked while the lady remained with a blank expression.

Liana seemed cold and expressionless, a face cap rested on her head and her head was slightly bowed making it almost impossible to see her face.

"Your very first target will be him" the man brought out a picture from his pocket.

"Him, Jeremy Daniels."

The lady stretched her hand and took the photo from him and took a look at the man in the photo.

"This will be your first time outside. I need you to do it perfectly, kill him without thinking twice when you get the chance. His address and all you need will be sent to your phone, okay?"

"Okay" she replied and turned to leave.

She walked away from the dark room into a car park and got into the car.

Once she got behind the wheels, she removed the face cap to reveal her face. She had the same features as Maya Dreams, she had the same look with the celebrity but the only difference was that there was a small mole just below her nose.

She revved the car into motion and drifted out of the car park, out for the very first task she would be dealing with, for the very first human she will actually be killing.

For years of her training, she had never eliminated anyone. More professional assassins would shoot the weak ones amongst them down instead of letting the stronger ones killing them.

Her phone beeped with a message. Liana took her phone out of her pockets with her right hand, her left hand on the wheel of the car.

The message had been sent to her. All of his information was now with her.

She screeched the car to a screeching halt and almost immediately revved the car backwards, making a turn and driving towards the location of her first victim.

She drove speedily, tearing through the streets.

According to the information she had, Jeremy Daniels would be home by eight pm. There were only few minutes to eight now and she had to get into his home before him.

In no time, she could see his mansion in front.

She screeched the car to a final halt and smirked.

She picked her face cap and wore it on her head.

She tucked her knife into her boots and got out of the car.

She would only be allowed to use a gun after she had successfully eliminated her first three targets.

She walked towards the building and saw two guards standing guard by the gate.

It took almost no stress from her to knock both guard out.

Her lips curled into a smile, seeing how strong she was compared to those who called themselves men.

She walked into the mansion after dragging the unconscious body of the guard away from the house.

She looked around the living room, marvelling slightly at the beauty of the place.

For five years of her life, Liana did not see the outside world directly. She could only see it through the videos they were shown.

She touched the wall, the sofa and let out a shivering breath.

Some memories pushed into her head but Liana pushed them backwards.

"I am an assassin now. I am going to be one fully when I kill my first target. I am not supposed to feel anything or be emotional" she said to herself and walked towards the passage that led into the room of Jeremy.

She got into the room and shut the door behind her gently.

She ran her hands over the poster there with widened eyes.

"Why is a poster of me here?" She asked herself until she realized the difference.

The girl in the poster had no mole under her nose.

"Who is she? Why does she look so much like me?"

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Other books by plankiechan

Desired By The Demon Prince

Desired By The Demon Prince



"Wh... What are you doing?" She stuttered out her words in a soft whisper as his hands caressed her face gently. "What do you think I am doing, Jia Li?" His deep, hot voice questioned her. His voice made Jia Li gulp down, he sounded so hot, so sexy. "I am... I am your father's bride" she pulled away from him with the last resolve inside of her. "I might be truly too young for your father but... But he is the king and you are his son and..." she began rambling. He threw his head backwards, his hair flipping. "I do not care" he pulled her back to him. With his face leaned close, eyes gazing into each other and his arm wrapped around her waist. "If you don't want this, it's okay to run away" he whispered huskily to her and Jia Li gulped down hard. Her mouth went dry but she made no attempt to get away from him. Her decision was made clear. Their lips met, entangling them into a romance never meant to be heard of. * Born on the night of a dark moon, he was bad news enough. His mother, his father's favorite dying during his birth was more bad news. For these, prince Xuhai was isolated and avoided by every other person in the palace and was called the demon prince. An isolated life stripped Xuhai of feelings and emotions. All he wanted was to become king and prove everyone wrong about him but the day he set his eyes on her, Jia Li, his life goals changed slightly. He wasn't only going to become king, he was going to build a love life with her but that wasn't going to be easy, not when Jia Li was his father's young bride and his elder brothers all want the same throne seeks to sit on. (An historical romance)

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Loving You Is My Bad Habit

Chapter 1 Who Is She
