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Trapped Between The Billionaires

Trapped Between The Billionaires

Annette's Pen


Scarred emotionally and physically by her previous abusive and toxic relationship with Billionaire Dylan Kingsley, Alisha Brown swore never to fall in love again, or have anything to do with men of his kind. Just when all hope seems lost, in her quest for love, Maxwell Peters comes into her life, like a knight in shining armor. Series of meetings, an unexpected blossoming and a whirlwind romance date is all it takes for Alisha to fall helplessly in love over a man, who is the complete opposite of Dylan, despite being a billionaire too. Her happiness is soon short lived, as Dylan appears from nowhere, resurfacing back in her life, with threats and an insane possessiveness over Alisha as he seemingly wants her back. Will Alisha be able to overcome him? Will her and Maxwell's love be able to withstand all odds, threats, and more?

Chapter 1 One


The sound of the nearby alarm startled Alisha awake, and groaning out frustratingly, she reached out groggily to shut off the offending machine.

She was late and she knew it but at that moment, she just didn't care because there was nothing she could do, other than just prepare for work at her own pace and hope that her boss didn't sack her even though she had resumed two days earlier than her supposed resumption date.

The sad story of her life. Single, depressed and lonely, was the befitting name should she choose to talk about herself in one sitting. Well Alisha Brown was a twenty four year old, struggling lady who hadn't had it easy especially in terms of her personal relationships with the opposite gender, and even the females.

She was unlucky with men and most times, she thought she was under a curse.

Asides that magnanimous failure, she was an ambitious woman who had everything needed to be the perfect woman, and a perfect wife but yet she had been faced with a lot of disappointments and heartbreaks at such a young age.

Having lost her father at a tender age, Alisha was saddled with the responsibility of taking care of her aged mother, who lived at the outskirts of New York City, as well as the rest of her siblings who solely depended on her.

She had taken up two, or would she say three jobs one time like that, just so she could make ends meet.

She didn't want her mother and siblings to lack anything at all, hence taking up the responsibility to cater for them all without even complaining.

''Urghhh... It's yet another day." She groaned.

To say she was tired would be an understatement, because she was utterly and thoroughly exhausted, even after the siesta she had just taken.

There were times when she just felt like giving up, tired of everything but she still persisted whenever she remembered the last words of her father in his sick bed. Those words alone were what gave Alisha the strength to continue against all odds.

'Get up Lisha'." A voice said, jerking her out from her thoughts. The voice belonged to her roommate, Audrey and she actually shared the flat with her.

Her roommate and friend, Alisha was quite grateful that she had a roof over her head, and she had no idea what she would have done if Audrey wasn't in her life, or if Audrey still hadn't saved her from sleeping on the streets, the first time she had arrived in the city.

''But I don't want to." Alisha groaned.

''Then you'll have to tell Mr Gerald why then, or you might as well prepare your lazy butt to get sacked." Audrey laughed, sarcastically and Alisha just grumbled.

Regardless of the expensive joke, she knew that her friend was right. Saying a quick prayer like her mother had taught her to, Alisha rose up from the bed with a small smile on her face. She didn't know what today held but she had a feeling that it was going to be a good day.

''Mr Gerald's got nothing on me. There's nothing he can do." she grinned and Audrey chuckling replied, ''We'll see."

Sitting up on the bed, Alisha brushed her sunny brown hair which she had inherited from her mother, and tying it in a severe ponytail, she started to make her way to the bathroom to do her toilet business.

''What time does your shift begin?" Alisha asked, as she began to brush her teeth. Audrey worked at the general warehouse at the heart of Manhattan.

She was a dispatch rider who was saddled with the responsibility of transporting packaged goods throughout the city. It was a tough job especially for a lady, but Audrey was definitely up to the task, and she did the job well.

''Not until 12pm, so I have the morning to relax. I might stop by at your office though, I want to take you out" She grinned.

Alisha knew since she had said it, Audrey would make do with her words.

''Lucky you. Mine begins at nine and this is... oh my gosh it's eight already. Fuck!" Alisha screeched.

She ran to the shower, wishing she had the power to just teleport to her work place, right this instant because she was running late. She had no doubt that her boss would be angry, livid instead, and she shuddered to even think about how he would surely talk to her this morning.

She was done in thirty minutes, arranging her hair, wearing her clothes in a zoom, and applying a small gloss atop her small rosebud lips, she was soon out of the house.

She told an amused Audrey a hurried goodbye, before running out of the house.

''I hope I get a taxi quickly!" She muttered to herself. She wasn't about to walk a long distance, before she got one that would take her to her destination.

''Taxi." Alisha called, and luckily for her she flagged a taxi soon, getting in without having another minute to spare. ''Where to Miss?'' The driver asked.

''The Madison Tower please." She belted out immediately and smiling at her from the rear mirror the driver replied, ''Right away miss."

Soon the car zoomed off, heading towards her office. Alisha prayed within herself that they didn't experience any gridlock of any kind on the road, or traffic too and like an answer to her prayer, the road was free.

''Thank God!" She muttered all through the ride, checking through the window restlessly and luckily there was no traffic at all. They got to the Tower soon.

Handing the taxi driver his fare, and an additional little tip to appreciate him, she waved him off.

Even though she didn't have much, Alisha never failed to show appreciation whenever the opportunity presents itself, and today the ride had been so smooth it definitely deserved a tip.

''Have a nice day." The driver said before driving off, and she smiled back at him in response.

Time to get to work!

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