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Behind The Silhouette Of A Mute Slave

Behind The Silhouette Of A Mute Slave

Anjzel Ica


Princess Nieva of Kingdom Parzatine had a prophecy and that was to bring forth a powerful descendant that could defeat any kingdom, and that made the other kingdoms to chase her to be their queen. King Narcissus and Queen Rieva, her parents and even the Parzatines risked their lives to save her from the ruthless barbaric warriors of King Amari of Kingdom Perimoze that made their kingdom defeated, and many Parzatines died in their hands. Princess Nieva with her personal companions Daffodil and Deja escaped by using the secret route of Kingdom Parzatine towards Kingdom Cervantez, a mighty kingdom with powerful skilled warriors and descendants. With the necklace that had a fire amulet blessed by a deity around her neck, she would turn out to be a human. She didn't want to be a burden, and to be pitied by anyone, so she concealed herself behind the silhouette of a mute slave while at the Kingdom Cervantez. She pledged that she would take revenge on King Amari with her mate, and to rebuild her beloved Kingdom Parzatine with her own family. Little did she know one of the cursed princes of King Thesaurus of Kingdom Cervantez would be her mate or destined to be with. But her enchanting beauty would be a bane among the cursed princes just to get married to her. Her mate would turn his back towards his kingdom just to be with her, to protect her at all costs, and get revenge towards King Amari. Another wave of bloodshed would happen, and demise was inevitable.

Chapter 1 Escape

BLOOD of lifeless bodies scattered around the white angelic structure of Kingdom Parzatine. The tranquility and euphoria were wrecked by the screams and shattering of bodies that fight for their beloved kingdom. The elders and young ones that wanted to escape were being perished brutally by the heartless barbaric warriors of King Amari of Kingdom Perimoze, because they wanted to capture Princess Nieva. But King Narcissus and Queen Rieva didn't want to give their blessings to let their only daughter marry a heartless king who only wanted to cause disaster in every kingdom.

King Narcissus and Queen Rieva knew that their daughter had a prophecy to carry the powerful child, and they didn't want to let their precious daughter entangled to an incompetent king or leader, and they wanted their daughter to marry her mate or whoever the man in her fate was.

"Father! Mother!" Princess Nieva screamed as her parents fought towards the Barbaric General of the warriors of Kingdom Perimoze.

Her father, King Narcissus swayed his ice sword towards the Barbaric General that was holding a hammer. Her mother, Queen Rieva throwed some blazing shards to back up his father's moves, and also to kill some barbaric warriors.

The Barbaric General mocked cheeky King Narcissus while they were clashing their weapons. "Stop battling, Rotten King. I only wanted your daughter to marry our king, and we would leave peacefully the Kingdom of Parzatine."

"No! I wouldn't let my precious daughter marry that fool king of yours," King Narcissus stated with complete annoyance, and continued to fight.

The Barbaric General laughed in full sarcasm. "Princess Nieva would definitely be caged in the arms of our King Amari. Your fate was to become our queen. Surrender now while we had a little mercy for this ungrateful kingdom or else all of the Parzatines would be wiped out. The Kingdom of Perimoze would rule the whole world!"

"Defeat me and my ice sword before you mock my beloved kingdom. I wouldn't show mercy on you! The prophecy wouldn't fall in Perimoze, and definitely your imprudent kingdom would taste downfall. I would love to behead you and your idiot king!" King Narcissus retorted, and swayed his ice sword to slash the Barbaric General of the Kingdom Perimoze that had a smirk on his face.

"I would love to bring your head to my king. Warriors, don't let Princess Nieva out of your sight or else you would taste the fury of our King Amari. Any intruder that would interfere would be perished. Show no mercy on any civilians of Parzatine."

The barbaric warriors began to move when they heard their superior's order at a fast pace that made the Parzatine warriors alert and clashed with them with the help of her mother, Queen Rieva.

"Princess, let's go!" Her personal companion, Daffodil exclaimed and held her arms. Three warriors of Kingdom Parzatine ushered her to leave the palace, including her two personal companions. Tears shed from her eyes, because she didn't want to run away without her parents while they were fighting for their lives. She wanted to help them, and protect her precious kingdom. Her chest ached with grief.

Her mother, Queen Rieva gazed at her direction and smiled, and mumbled through the wind that only she could hear. "Guard yourself in your journey towards peace and love. I love you, My Beloved Daughter. May the deity of ice bless you."

Daffodil and Deja hooked their arms around her, and moved in a fast motion to guide her out of the castle to escape. With the help of the three warriors of Parzatine who were slashing out the enemies that would interfere with their moves. Another explosion was thrown by their foes that made their palace completely damaged, and many warriors from Kingdom Parzatine were perished. Loud cries and screams for help from the innocent civilians from their kingdom were heard everywhere. She couldn't see where they were, because of the thick black smoke from the explosions. Her heart was shattered into pieces.

"Princess, please always wear your necklace with the fire amulet that was given by the deity to keep you in becoming a human, so that King Amari and even the foes from the other kingdom who wanted you wouldn't trace you throughout our journey to escape," said Deja, her other personal companion pulled her by arm, and they run away from the Palace using their agility, and they went to the trees to hide.

Her tears kept on falling while silently crying for her beloved kingdom that was wrecked. She wanted revenge, but King Amari was heartless and more powerful than her. She clenched her fists while shaking in anger.

'Someday, King Amari would taste his own downfall, and also his kingdom. I wanted to see it with my own eyes.'

"We wished that you would be safe, Beloved Princess. We were truly blessed to serve and protect our only princess," uttered by the Second Command General of Kingdom Parzatine, Bracken. He gave her a cloak that hid her identity and a necklace with a fire amulet.

"Thank you, Bracken. I wanted you to be safe too after this, and also some innocent civilians. All of you deserved to live out of here," she mumbled, which made him smile, but there was gloomy in his eyes.

"Parzatine only wished that you would escape from here. We knew that once you crossed-paths to your mate or a powerful kingdom that would hide you from the foes. Our ice powers would fight for your safety until the end, Princess Nieva. Live, and be strong because that would be the happiness of every Parzatines."

Daffodil and Deja nodded in unison and stated. "I agreed. We both swore under the reign of our beloved King Narcissus and Queen Rieva that we would do anything to keep you safe until our last breath, Princess."

Her heart filled with so much euphoria by having a very loyal Parzatine that was willing to keep her safe and swore under the Kingdom of Parzatine, and also to her parents. Their breath hitched when they saw a monster from the Kingdom of Perimoze, and she knew that it was one of the pets of King Amari, and another batch of catapults of ball of fire flew above the air, and another loud booming sound was heard while the ice ground shook.

"This place wasn't safe anymore for our Princess Nieva. Let's defend her at all costs away from peril, until our last breath," he stated. "Deja and Daffodil, assist Princess Nieva to escape safely, and go to the secret route towards the Kingdom of Cervantez. Me and my warriors would block the passage of the secret route to keep all of you safe."

Deja nodded, and helped her wrap herself in the cloak given by Bracken. She stared and swayed at the necklace with the fire amulet that automatically now dangled around her neck like her life depended on it. Her silvery hair turned into dark hair, and her long dress turned into a simple dress without any elegant embellishments. She looked at her reflection to a cracked ice, and she saw a human form of herself. She wished that her parents would also be with her, but she knew very well that her parents would fight their kingdom until their last breath, because they swore to the deity of ice.

Daffodil and Deja used an ice shield to defend themselves from the foes that would dare to advance in their direction while the three warriors were fighting to defend her. Daffodil and Deja helped her to ride the ice sleigh, and it glided fast against the ice towards the secret route to come out from the Kingdom of Parzatine.

She looked back while the ice sleigh was gliding fast, and saw the three warriors including Bracken fighting against the barbaric warriors of King Amari. She even saw Bracken fight against three enemies, because two of his warriors were already defeated. She froze when she saw him being slashed by the foes, but still blocking the way. He even used a chant to close the secret route, and ice crystals blocked it. She lamented her heart's out, and screamed in agony and pain.

'Why all of this happened to us? Did we do something wrong to feel this horrible situation? Where was our deity of ice that we praise? All of my beloved Parzatines were perished, because of me, and I wanted to be with them too.'

She clenched her fists while shedding tears that made her nails dug through her skin, and she didn't mind it. She even heard Daffodil and Deja sob while navigating the ice sleigh with their ice powers. The prophecy from the deity of ice that was blessed to her was a curse not a gift to her. All of the Parzatines sacrifice their lives just to save her. She felt guilty. She fell asleep while blaming herself throughout their journey using the ice sleigh that was gliding fast on the ice.

'I wished that everything was just a dream, and woke up from this nightmare. I wanted to see again the beautiful Parzatine Kingdom that was full of happiness in every civilian living peacefully and with love under the reign of my parents, King Narcissus and Queen Rieva. If only I could turn back time, and change everything.'

PRINCESS NIEVA startled from her sleep, and she saw that the ice sleigh stopped. She saw Deja and Daffodil looking at her worriedly. Their eyes were both puffy, but they showed her how strong they were to protect her from all costs.

She sat properly from the dried leaves, and gazed around. She felt warm, and long gone from the cold feeling she loved the most when she was young. It was very peaceful unlike in the Kingdom of Parzatine. She suddenly wished that she could save all of the Parzatines too. "Could we go back to the Kingdom of Parzatine to save my parents and also the other civilians that were still alive?" she asked.

Deja sighed before answering. "We were far away from the Kingdom Parzatine, and now on the route towards Kingdom Cervantez. The ice sleight melted, because of the heat of the ground. We should use a horse or a wagon to proceed."

The nightmare was truly the reality. Her body became weak, and she felt hopeless. She couldn't do anything to save her beloved kingdom, and she left them while they were fighting for their lives. Another batch of tears fell from her eyes, and groaned in annoyance.

Daffodil moved to hold her hands, and whispered. "Princess, don't belittle yourself. The whole kingdom of Parzatine wanted you to escape, because it would be a complete disaster if King Amari caged you into him. King Narcissus and Queen Rieva planned everything if the foes would dare to seize our beloved kingdom. They wanted you to be safe, and away from the heir of any kingdom that only thinks only for themselves. We do believe and also the whole Parzatine that you would be delighted if you marry and have a family with the man you love or your mate, and not forcefully be abducted to get impregnated by a delusional heir. Definitely King Narcissus and Queen Rieva would be grateful if a powerful mate of yours would take revenge for you. Don't lose hope, because we were both at your sides."

Her heart clenched. They always wanted what was best for her, even though they sacrificed their lives just to save a princess like her. Daffodil was right. She wanted to have children with the one who was destined to be with her until the end, but because of the prophecy, many heirs of every kingdom that was very hungry for power began to wreck her life and even her beloved kingdom. The Kingdom of Parzatine was the last frontier around the boundaries, and many kingdoms dared to seize them, because of the coldness. They were all dumbfounded that the Kingdom Perimoze had been triumphant in wrecking her beloved kingdom, and killed many lives of Parzatines. She promised to herself to get revenge on King Amari of Kingdom Perimoze in the future, and rebuild her beloved kingdom with her own family. She had high hopes, because of that.

"I'm still grateful that the both of you stayed with me, and I would do anything not to let you down. I had a planned, throughout our journey I wanted us to had a facade to be a slave," she said that made their mouth agape.

"Princess, we wanted King Thesaurus to acknowledge your arrival in the Kingdom of Cervantezā€“ā€“"

She shook her head that made Daffodil stop. "I wanted them to know that I'm dead, so that other heirs wouldn't chase me anymore. I didn't like the Kingdom of Cervantez pitying me, and being a burden to them. I would want to live normally while waiting for my mate to arrive at the Red Blood Moon like in the prophecy stated. My life wasn't like before, and I wouldn't let both of you take the risk to defend me and perish too. The both of you were the only persons I had that were so precious, and reminds me of Parzatine. Please, don't leave me throughout this journey, and I swore that I would definitely rebuild our kingdom in the future."

Both Daffodil and Deja's faces filled with sorrow, and their eyes swelled in tears. She sighed, and stopped herself to be emotional again, because she needed to be strong for them.

She knew that they would be against her decision, she wanted to live normally without any royal treatment, because her enemies would definitely know that she was still alive, and hiding under the roof of Kingdom Cervantez. The war that Kingdom Parzatine encountered caused a trauma to all of them, and she pledged that it wouldn't happen again because of her.

Deja kneeled while crying. "Princess, please forgive me for disobeying your words, but I wouldn't let you to be a slave of Kingdom Cervantez. They were powerful to protect you against King Amari and the other enemies that would abduct you for their pleasure. Let King Thesaurus know of your arrival, so that he could set out a doughty defense and care instead of you being a slave in their kingdom."

She sighed, and smiled. "I didn't want to bring shame. I could do anything, so don't be petrified of what I'm planning to do. I didn't have my ice crown above my head, therefore I'm not a princess anymore, because my kingdom has been diminished. I might be worthless, but I didn't need to be burdened, and to be pitied by anyone. I wanted to suffer too in my own way, and that was to be a slave. My words were sealed with finality."

They knew that once a kingdom had diminished the civilians or even the princess and all royal delegates would be automatically be a slave of the seized kingdom or if they abscond and went to other kingdom to offer themselves as their slave. She perceived that this was the start of her second chance to live, and she wouldn't waste this moment.

'Mother, Father, and my beloved Parzatines, bless and guide us throughout our journey. I wished that I would see the man that was destined to be with me to stop the delusional heirs of every kingdom that wanted to chase me to be their queen and to bring forth their spawn. Behind the silhouette of my facade being slave, I promised to continue the Parzatine legacy in the future, and to retaliate my anguish towards King Amari and his kingdom.'

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