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Billionaire Revenge Mission

Billionaire Revenge Mission



Her parents died , her sister kidnapped and her family broken in just one night ... There was only one name attached to that - Ramos' Ruby Bernado vows to take revenge on The Ramos . Most especially Gael and his father Tiago!. *** She's back ! not just as anyone but as the badass, Icy CEO; Liza De Novo. She's back to deal with those who messed up her life! She'll make them pay , For her shattered family ?, Yes!! For her broken heart? , Sure!!! And her first mission is making the Ramos pay & I'll ruin their lives just as they ruined mine seven years back & Will she accomplish her mission?, Get back her sister and revenge the death of her parents ?? Even if her heart beats for a Ramos?!The one who betrayed her? Find out in this novel filled with Love , Hatred, betrayal , and deep secrets !!

Chapter 1 She's back


I grabbed the small bag which contained about a hundred pesos and sprinted towards the door.

I turned back when I noticed Jade wasn't beside me.

"Jade , please let's get out of here" I whispered to her, walking back to help her up.

"M-om ... Da--d" she stuttered , sobbing quietly as she crouched to the tiled floor.

" Ja-" i couldn't complete my statement before the door was forced open ,breaking in the process.

We turned to look at who just broke in . My breath seized as I saw two men in all black and a mask hiding their whole face ,walk into the room.

'Who are these people , haven't they had enough of our family?!'

Jade tensed up as she slowly stood up, holding my hands tightly.

"Who are you?" She asked in fear.

"She's the one right?" One of the men asked, ignoring her totally.

The other nodded.

" What do you want from us?" I half yelled ,finally gaining enough courage to talk , my hand slowly moved to the ceramic vase on the table.

"Just shut up!" one of them snapped, bringing out his gun.

I quickly grabbed the vase and made to hit his head but he ducked, causing the ceramic to smash on the ground.

'Damn it!

"I see you're stubborn huh?" He smirked, advancing towards me.

" Don't you dare touch me" I muttered in fear.

"I'm not just gonna touch you,I'll kill you" he smirked and grabbed my neck ,slowly increasing pressure on his grip. I struggled to get out of his hold but he was too strong for me. I gasped for breath , tears slowly streaked my cheeks.

Was this how it was all going to end? I still have a lot to do ! I still want to finish college , get married to Gael, have my children and live a simple and peaceful life! But my life was about to end in a blink of an eye!.

"Leave my sister please" I heard Jade cry, dropping to her knees. I turned forcefully to stare at her ,her eyes were already so red and she looked really scared. Who wouldn't?.

As if considering what Jade said ,I saw him smirk through his masks before letting go of me. I dropped to the ground with a slight thud gasping for breath .

I've got to do something. I've got to save us.

The guy motioned to his accomplice and they covered their nose before spraying something on her face. Jade slumped to the floor as a result of whatever they sprayed on her.

"What a-re you do-ing?" I stuttered, trying to get on my feet.

" Shut your mouth bitch!" The guy who held me earlier snapped ,kicking me in the stomach.

" Oww" I groaned loudly , gripping onto my stomach in pain. I stared up at him , my hair covering half my face.

"What do you want from us?!" I yelled ,tears streaking down my face.

He chuckled darkly and made to say something but a loud noise cut him off. He shuffled his pocket and took out a phone.

"Yes boss"

"We got her, we'll be back soon" he ended the call and shoved the phone in his pocket , advancing towards me.

Before I could open my mouth to speak ,a slap landed on my cheeks.

"Just leave me alone! You already killed our parents right?!" I yelled weakly . He didn't say anything,instead he dragged me up by my hair and forced me to sit on a chair before taking out a rope from his pocket .

"What are you going to do you bastard?!" I screamed, struggling to get off the chair but the other guy's hands were holding me tightly to the chair .

"Shut your mouth !" He snapped ,and continued tying me to the chair.

Once he was done ,he stood up. I thrashed my leg about, trying to free myself but the rope already held me down to the chair.

"You bastards let me go !" I yelled angrily.

"You are just so stubborn you know?" He smirked .

" Anyways good luck trying to free yourself while we burn the house down" he smirked and motioned to his accomplice.

The other man carried Jade over his shoulders before walking towards the door .

They made their way out of the room and in the next minute , the house went up in flames.

Seven years later ...

Philippines, Manila...

Monday , 10:00 Am

Liza's POV

I stepped out of the silver limousine holding my hand bag in my right hand . I straightened my blazer. My eyes darted to the huge name label on the top of the building, ' LDN' was inscribed boldly on it.

My lips curved into a slight smirk. Now , this is what I call 'A step closer to victory '

I felt someone hit me and I turned to see Kira , struggling to hold the files in her hands.

"Sorry ma'am" she gave me a nervous smile and adjusted her already messed up hair.

I only glared at her.

The universe knows I'm having a hard time working with someone as clumsy as she is , but what can I do?She's the best I could find and she knows how to keep her mouth shut .

"Did you get everything ready?" I asked instead .

"Yes ma'am" she replied, finally gaining her composure . I smirked slightly and adjusted my nose mask .


I took a deep breath before heading to the main entrance of the building. The guards by the door greeted me and held out the door while I walked in.

"Good morning ma'am"

"Good morning ma'am "

"Good morning ma'am"

The workers greeted me as I passed by. I looked around

'Looks good though but i think i have a lot to do here'

I headed to the elevator and got in.I moved my hands to press the button, when I noticed Kira was still standing by the door.

"Are you getting in or what?" I snapped .

"Oh , I j-"

" Get in," I sighed.

She nodded and walked into the elevator. I pressed the button and the door shut tight.


"Make sure to get everyone there beforehand. I hate being kept waiting"

Kira made to reply but the door burst open and Harper walked in.

"Hey" she smiled

I glanced at Kira .

"I'll take my leave now" she muttered and curtsied before walking out.

" Sooo, what's up?" Harper asked, sitting on the chair opposite me.

Harper is my childhood best friend , she was the one who had helped me find a home after our house got burned years back . She owns the best fashion industry in the Philippines. Average height with those curvy shapes , brown eyes, pink pouty lips . She's got all it takes to win Miss Universe.

"Work , work , work" I sighed while putting on my laptop.

" Yeah , I see," she replied with a small sigh.

I only hummed and turned my attention back to the laptop.

"You're finally revealing yourself today " Harper said some seconds later.

" It's going to top the Trend list" she added with a light chuckle.

"Right?" I smirked .

"And finally, I will get the justice my family deserves -"

" Justice for everyone who has been a victim of The Ramos dirty works" Harper completed my statement before I could .

I chuckled.

"I know that phrase too well"

"So how's your Fashion business going?" I asked ,diverting the topic.

" We topped the best fashion industry list in the Philippines, yet again" she smiled proudly.

"I trust you" I replied , my eyes not leaving the computer. Suddenly, her phone rang.

"Kyle got some leads for us , we will meet at the farm house" Harper informed getting on her feet

I turned to look at her.


"Tomorrow night"

"I need to get going now," she added.

" Okay, we will see later"

She smiled at me one last time before walking out.

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