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Married to the arrogant CEO

Married to the arrogant CEO



When Annalise Cohen , a seventeen years old college student meets Tyler Pierce, the most handsome, successful and youngest Billionaire in Chicago. Their meeting wasn't a nice one , Annalise can't stand Tyler and so can't he.... But what happens when she is in dire need of money but she doesn't have a dime for that! And then help comes, Annalise calls it "Help in disguise" Tyler proposes to give her enough money to take care of her brother but on the condition- she'll get married to him! What will Annalise do? Will she accept the proposal ?, Even if she can't stand him? Will she get to know him better and maybe *Whispers* Fall in Love?

Chapter 1 Annalise


"Sis, wake up, it's late" a voice yelled disturbing my peaceful sleep.

I turned over the bed squeezing my pillow over my face.

"Please leave me, just two more hours" I muttered

" Sis!!!, It's past eight" the voice yelled again and I jumped up immediately.

" Sh*t" I cursed silently scrambling out of bed.

"What the h*ck Jason, why didn't you wake me on time" I groaned walking towards my bathroom.

" I did, but you were all *two more hours please* " Jason replied in a mocking tone.

" I'll get you later, just go get ready" i replied and shut the bathroom door before he could utter a word.

"I already did, waiting for you to let me get out of the house" he yelled back.

" Give me ten" I yelled back and turned on the shower.

I quickly had my bath.

I got out of the bathroom about ten minutes later, applied my lotions , put on my clothes, a white big tee shirt, and faded blue boyfriend Jean.

I sat on my bed and tied my lace.

I glanced at the wall clock.

"Gosh!, I'm 35 minutes late, Mrs C is gonna cut off my head for sure" I muttered grabbing my school bag which was left open, I hurriedly placed my phone into the bag and zipped it.

I was about walking out of the room when I realized I was still on my hair bonnet.

"Gosh, what the heck is wrong with me today, first I woke up late , now I forgot to comb my hair" I groaned inwardly

I quickly rushed to my dresser , removed the bonnet and combed my hair neatly.

I applied my hair lotion and packed it in a ponytail leaving two tendrils by both sides of my head.

I looked at myself in the mirror, satisfied by my looks I bolted out of my room.

"Finally" Jason groaned when I got to the living room.

"Had breakfast?" I asked walking into the kitchen.

"Yes, I left some toasts for you" he replied.

I nodded and opened the refrigerator, I took out a cup and a jar of orange juice, poured myself one cup and gulped it down at a go.

"Common let's go" I said shutting the door.

"We haven't prayed yet" he gave me a frown.

We said the Lord's prayer .

"We are so late" I muttered as we got into a cab.

"Not my fault" he muttered

Yeah, that's just basically how we live.

My parents had died in an accident three years ago and the 14year old me was left with a nine year old Jason, and our mini apartment.

Since then I have been trying to make ends meet all alone, my mother's relative had helped when my parents just died but immediately I turned sixteen it was just me and Jason.

It hasn't been easy but with God's Love we have been able to live comfortably.

"Okay now Jason, bye , you might probably not meet me at home , so here's the key" I said when he got out of the cab.

I handed him the key.

"Okay sis, bye" he blew me a kiss and walked into the school.

" Let's go sir" I said to the cab man.

He nodded and drove off towards my college.

I'm just so happy that I got a scholarship in college and most things I need are taken care off , if not , I don't know what might happen

Some hours later.....

"Girl you are so lucky Mrs C didn't see you" Nora said immediately we got into the school cafeteria.

I sighed

"What more could she have done than yell " I rolled my eyes.

She's actually Mrs Curran but students being students turned that to Mrs C, why ?, No reason!

"More than yell , babes" Nora replied.

"I'll go take our orders" she said getting up

" Usuals" I muttered

She nodded and walked to the counter.

I sighed watching her leave

That's just Nora, she's been my best friend since forever, her mom was my mom's best friend, even though my parents are dead , her mom never fails to check up on me and I love her for that.

Well her dad, that's another case , her dad left them since she was in middle school and I'll say they are living just fine without her father, infact they are living more than fine.

"I'm back" Nora called dropping a tray on the table.

"Thanks" I smiled taking out my plate.

I took a huge bite out of my burger.

I moaned in pleasure as I munched on the burger.

I think I'll be needing more of this, it will make up for me not having breakfast.

"So mom's inviting you and Jason for dinner Friday night, coming?" she started

" Sure, who doesn't like having dinner" I chuckled slightly

" Gosh!, Thank goodness you'll be there, it's like a family dinner" she gave out a sigh of relief.

I chuckled.

Nora doesn't like family dinners, they usually have those kind of dinners once in every two months , where all the members of the family from her mother's side come together, have dinner and have fun.

Those dinners are always wonderful and I'll love to have one but Nora hates them.

She has a sibling, a senior sister , but Nora doesn't like her at all, she's too sassy and rude and , how Nora says it "bitchy" . Well , she is truly.

And Nora cousins, she also doesn't get along with them , so she ends up being all alone during the dinner.

So the last two time they had such dinners , Jason and I have were invited cause we are also family.

"Earth to Anna" she snapped her fingers in my face.

"Uhm" I tooka sip of my Roselle drink

"You were saying?"

"Gosh Anna, please stop zoning out when I'm talking" she sighed

" Jeez Nora, I'm sorry "

" Fine, I was saying to wear something very nice, I mean Hot!!, Chase is coming for this dinner party!! " She shrieked.

Oh yeah, Chase, Nora's hot cousin, the one she wants me to date , I forgot to mention he's the only one she gets along with.

"How many times do I have to say that there can never be anything with Chase and I" i drawled and took a sip of my drink

" Whatever, just dress nice" she rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to wear something the opposite" I smiled teasingly

"Anna?, Please?! " She pouted

" I'll think about it" I laughed

" Please!! " She begged again

I laughed at her facial expression

"Fine, fine, I'll wear something nice" I chuckled

"Thanks" she sighed

I glanced at my wrist watch

" Common let get going, we don't wanna be late to work" I said grabbing me bag.

" Yeah, work" she rolled her eyes and followed suit.

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