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Killing Hope

Killing Hope

Nina N.N


"I have been searching for years to find her. I've been dedicating my life to make her my weapon. But when I saw her again for the first time, She wasn't the girl she used to be She changed. She forgot who she was." She loves the smell of rain. He craves the dark. Will he manage to pull her into his deep world, without breaking himself? "The best way to keep a prisoner, is to make them think that they are not in a prison." May contain triggers. Read at your own risk!

Chapter 1 Nina

3 years ago:

"A bird that sings,

only sings for themselves"

by Nina Lee

The blood was running through my hands. It felt cold. The clingy smell rushed through my nose, my mouth and my whole body.

"DO you really want this Hanna?"

I stare down at the nearly naked body, facing me with the back. The body I loved. The body I needed. The body I craved. The body I gave my whole soul too.

"Make it quick," the wispering voice answered. I wish I could. I really wish I could. It would have ment anything to me to be selfish and contine opening the line on her neck.

She would deserve death. Even more for the way she hurt me. But I couldnt. Yes, I am a very selfish person. But today was not my day. I just couldnt.

Chapter 1 - Nina:

I have no idea where to start this. What do you expect from me? What will you think about me?

I care so very deeply.

Well, i could start by talking on forever and ever who I am, where i came from, what i am like... but that will probably bore you.

And like I said... i care about what you think.

So I'll say nothing, remain silent and let you see for yourself. you'll realize the scariest thing about me is that i am the result of an happy childhood. Let me tell you my story. Happy disaster, get ready for my downfall.


The moment i set eyes on him, was the moment i lost my strength and willpower for living for myself. A slight change appeared. But only a small one. As his dark green eyes set onto my face, and my skin started burning underneath i started living for love. Everything i protected myself from. Shattered. Broken. And only by a set of eyes. I always thought I'd be stronger.

But let me explain the setting to you first, so you can imagine the scene. A beach. A cloudless sky. The sound of the waves splashing against the shore and birds chirping. Not many people. Summer season was over already. Me, standing there without any shoes, only a loose shirt and kneeling shorts and him, standing in front of me with these god dam eyes.

I blink a few times. Is this real? Why is someone like him speaking to someone like me? I know that i am special, but usually special people don't get the luck. We have to look out for ourselves. Probably, that he is now standing here means I'm not so special after all. He looks at me. Had he just said something. Oh..."umm... excuse me, wou'd you repeat that please?" i stumble over my own words. I usually not this disoriented.

His eyes glare with fire. It didn't suit his calm body movements. Without answering me, he comes closer. And closer. I stop breathing. His scent... like a childhood memory i used to know. Home. He smells like home.

Without hesitation, he takes my face in his hands and it felt like a dream and his lips pressed on mine and i was a bird flying again and i... Oh wait, no... he presses his hand against my neck. And that was it.

We stood like this for a feeling hour and confusion shock my head. Why was a stranger pressing his hands against my neck on a beach? And why was i okay with it? "Excuse me... what are you doing?"

my hands gently land on his very muscular chest and i try to push him away. "shh, don't move. Your bleeding. I'm feeling if an bloodline got damaged and suppressing your wound." I freeze after these words slip out of his mouth. His voice felt like old memories of blood everywhere and broken bones. Blood. BLOOD. Stay calm. It's okay.

Now that he mentioned it i could smell the tingling, salty smell. It glids through my nose, my body and my whole soul. I hate the feeling that spread in my heart. Warmth. Hope. The feeling of joy and Adrenalin fulfilling my body. No! No!

He takes his hands of off me, and i see red. BLOOD RED. Everywhere on his hands.

All i see is red. The white couch is sprinkled in blood. The square tiles one the floor are not viewable due to the dark colour. I open my mouth. I try to scream. Silence. Slowly i look down at my hands and feet. I try to understand what i had just done. I try to feel guilty. But I don't. Why do I not feel guilty? "let's go Nina. Someone is eager to meet you." The one-pitch-to-high voice of my best friend echoes through the halls. I know she is standing right behind me. I turn around to face her. She puts out her hand and smiles. I take it and smile back. For her. I tell myself; as we walk outside, with blood dripping from our clothes; EVERYTHING FOR HER. And maybe, maybe one day she would do it for me.

"Does this seem normal too you?" I get into shock mode. What was that kind of a question. His head tilted and he looked... worried? Well, he tried to at least. "i mean by that if it's normal for you to get injured and not noticing anything until someone tells you?" i slowly shake my head. "Are you okay... you kinda look all green and puffy," his voice low.

Oh... now that he mentions it. Stars start forming Infront of my eyes. "in... fine," i gasp. "are you sure? You kinda look like you are about to faint." His hands, blooded hands grap onto my shoulders.

"Yeah, you might wanna catch me. I kinda feel dizzy." In Slowmotion i glide to the ground, holding onto my neck. When I pull my hand from it, look at the blood on it and realize what i had just done, my world turned black.

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