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Hope's adventure: the demon war.

Hope's adventure: the demon war.



After Allen Hope and the his fellow hunters arrived at The west country Exmoor, they discovered another different type of demon hybrid. . . . Hope now faces off his true rival, the demon king.

Chapter 1 S 2 chapter 1.

Demon of the night....

It was lonely and shaking from the wind, with it's clinking sounds like grinding teethes.

Stand at it's front was Hope and Ino, they were looking exhausted as they staggered fro, with each step telling a tone of mourns.

' we are here, it's high time we meet the commander '.

As they were about working in, a loud sound boomed through their ears.

' hey stop right there, I said stop ! ', in a clear tone.

Ino lucky repositioned himself as he was about to land a blow on all of them but they were out numbered.

' wait, don't do it ', Hope pleaded.

But Ino hesitates and moves forward unsheathe his sword and took an inch forward.

" attack ! ".

They all dashed for both of them, Ino was in their midst, he grins at their faces and ' vroom ', his sword slices through their flesh, leaving them unharmed but bruised.

Their bodies drops to the ground.

' who are you, what do you want from me ', he moves back seeing fear in his eyes.

' am not gonna bite you, just tell me who's your lead, is it Giaus or the commander ', Ino asked.

' mmh..., Am not gonna say a word to you, kill me if you wanna, I don't care anymore '.

' then if it's death you want, it's death you will get ', he rose up his sword above the ground and was about landing blow when a loud voice noised out.

' stop your foolish act '.

They all look back to discover that it was the commander.

' cease them ', he commanded.

As they were about been apprehended, Giaus intruded.

' let them go, they are the students, maybe they managed to escape through the gate, let them go '.

They were all quiet for a while with the commander staring at their faces as if they killed someone, but Ino wasn't holding back this time he would kill the commander if given the chance to.

' ok, let them go but get ready to explain to me who you are ', he turns his back and walks out on them escorted by his guards.

Giaus expresses relief as he walks away from them.

' thank goodness his gone, his bad news ', he stares at Hope and Ino.

' who is your friend ', Giaus asked.

Hope looks away, throwing his hand to his side.

' Ino lucky, we met in the forest, his also a demon hunter like me, can you believe it ', Hope rejoiced.

' I know is Ino, I just wanted to be sure ', Giaus replied.

As Ino heard, his mind was occupied with anger as he lunge for Giaus.

' you bastard, you left me to die after everything, you are heartless, I wish I could just kill you after everything you've done to me, I wonder why you are still alive after your sins ', Ino lucky poured out his mind on him.

Giaus moves back a little and went on saying, ' it was not my fault, we were not aware of the training, am sorry you lost everything but we all face a common foe, be a brother and help me defeat the demons '.

' you are not my brother, you are my father, stay away from me before I loss it ', Ino walks away from him as Hope tries to complete the puzzle of their conflict.

The commander moves to and fro in his office, having an angry look on his face.

' Sir'.

' what is it ! ', he yelled.

' Sir Gaius is here to see you, should I let him in '.

The commander turns his head around, ' yeah, let him in ', in an audible tone setting off a suspicious environment.

The man finds it to be disturbing but he did not care about his real intention.

The door slowly opens as sir Giaus walks into the room, sensing the odd atmosphere he decided to keep his cool while trying to get over the conversation.

' hello sir Giaus, I am not a great fan of your work but I would not say that you are doing a bad job, but ..... ', the commander said.

' I don't like what you do, you are fucking me up and I don't like that ', the commander concluded.

' hey, I thought you said you were planning to rescue the rest students from the forest but it seems you were just playing around ', Sir Giaus turns his back against him.

' ok, I know I was too harsh earlier but this academy belongs to me and they are not yours, when I say yes it should stand as yes, not when I say yes you are busy pulling another trick on me ', the commander said.

They both had a rough conversation till the commander decided to cut it short by walking out on him at that moment.

' am gonna burn down that forest and rescue my students but for my own reasons, to save the upper land from the demons ', he walks out on Sir Giaus.

' what, don't do that, it's suicide, if you do it several students will loss their lives it's better we just send a rescue team for them ', Giaus questioned.

' it's non of your business, just stay out of my way ', the commander locks the door behind him.

Unknown to them that Ino lucky was paying attention to their conversation the whole time.

' his gonna burn down the forest and kill my Elle, I would not let that to happen, instead am gonna stop him before it's too late ', he soliloquies to himself as he walks away from the commander office.

Me while, Hope meets with Alvin and Angela in Alvin's room.

Alvin was lying down on his bed, trying to regain himself after the demon incident that happened to him.

As Hope walks in, he could not help it to say hello. Hope moves up to him and Angela holding a big smile on her face.

' Hello bro, it have been several days since we have seen each other ', He smiles at Alvin as he stares at him.

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