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Corrupt world.

Corrupt world.



The story hails from a very well known detective who solves cases around L. A. . . . . But one day the unthinkable happened. . . Stay tuned to Corrupt world.

Chapter 1 One

In 2021, after successfully solving a major murder case as a patrol officer, Philips is promoted to detective. His tenure at the Traffic desk results in solving multiple cases of murder and fraud. Six months later, after a stint on the Burglary desk, Philips is promoted to the Homicide desk.

At Los Angeles. It was around 5:30 am that morning, the early morning dew was still on the atmosphere people could be seen walking by the pedestrian bridges while cars could be seen zoom through the asphalt road when suddenly a Ford Mustang vroom through the road with it's wheels splashing water allover the place. Inside the Ford was detective Philips a 41 years old man who was just promoted to detective after successful solving some murder cases. Philips was born in San Francisco in 1980 where both his father and grandfather ran a shipping company. He attended Stanford University. Before the war, he married a woman named Marie and had two daughters with her. odd citation, then maybe we'll get along. Few years after their long time relationship, Marie left Philips with their daughters and travelled overseas without Philips permission. They were both battling a serious situation of trust before they both decided to remain quiet for a while but Philips is also trying to find romance while struggling to cope with his daughters who are now teens.

Philips was tall in height, fair in complexion and had a nasty scar on his left hand.

He was dressed on a black suit accompanied with black loofers.

He zoomed for L.A police department. getting there, he encounters Detective Roy Earle who his the Chief Detective of Vice of their department. He walks up to him hold up a grin on his face, ' yo, long time no see, I have been hoping to congratulate you for you hard work lately but I am even finding it difficult to speak to you ', while patting him on his shoulder. Philips plays along even though he never liked to see his face around, ' yeah, thanks alot ', he walks into the L.A department.

Roy Earle was a chubby fat man with a big stomach. He was average in height, fair in complexion and had a very skin-haircut accompanied with a toothpick on his mouth.

' welcome detective Philips ! ', his fellow colleagues voiced out seeing his face.

He smiles at them and wave his hands at them. As he enters his office he saw gift baskets with different people name on it, he looks at it and became happy, knowing how he is been respected at the office.

Few minutes later an unknown caller tells them about a traffic jam down street and Philips and his fellow officers were sent to the location. ' vroom ', getting there they saw dead bodies of some fellow citizens with blood straining down the street.

He walks up to a dead corpse, ' holy shit, what happened here ', he asked while covering his nose.

' they were just murdered few minutes ago by God know who ', he said.

' alright Stefan let's check it out ', they both walked up to the corpse.

Stefan is Philips' partner while he is assigned to the Traffic desk. He was known to be a very intelligent officer but a very calm guy at the same time.

He was taller than Philips, black in complexion and had a short hair cut.

The person's head was ripped off from his body. ' who would do such a thing ', Stefan asked but Philips was just busy trying to put the puzzles together.

' we can not really tell untill we check out the environment then we can be sure on who we are up against ', Philips said.

Few minutes later Philips was about leaving when a young boy about average in height and was about twelve years old.

He had a worried look on his face while trying to hide his fears. He reaches for his hands, as he touches Philips he felt a very cold touch, he turns around only to discover that it was a young boy.

' hello boy, what are you doing here ', in a soft tone accompanied with a friendly look on his face.

But he remains quiet for a while, ' I saw them, they were two in number, they killed him ', with tears dripping down his cheeks.

He pats him, ' don't worry just go home, it was nothing serious you are just passing through a little phrase that was your time of seeing a dead body, just go home ', he replied.

But he resists, ' no, I know what am talking about, they were here '.


Philips walks up to his car, clutching his key for his car when Stefan voiced out his name drawing his attention, ' we were told to go out for the night ', he said but Philips had something to say, ' bro ', he stares at him, ' there is something I wanna tell you ', Philips said but Stefan refuses, ' just forget about it and go home, later we are all gonna come here tomorrow '.

Stefan walks away from Philips while Philips was planning to check out the scene but with his stomach voicing out for hunger, he had no choice but to go home.

As he enters his car and turned on the radio with his engine slowly starting he heard a loud voice boom through the radio after the hip hop song been played on the radio.

A black American man voice could be heard coming from the radio, the black American man interviewing a white woman.

" hello ladies and gentlemen, we all know about the little G- in this society, they all are really bad eggs, only God is gonna save them all from this piece of shit ", he said with Philips nodding his head to his conversation.

" but wait, you all know that we can not progress in such a society like this unless we join our heads together to battle this, little kids now gangsters ! , I can not believe what the government are doing about this situation, they are taking it lying down like they all are no bodies ", she yelled.

Philips thought about what the young boy said but he already knew the situation on ground but kids been gangsters, this is unbelievable.

" well that's all for today, stay tune to our radio channel for more information ", accompanied with Hip hop jams booming through the radio.


He arrives at his apartment, parking his car at his garage. He walks for his door, before he opens it he heard a flinch coming from a little bush by his side. He slowly walks up to it when his phone rang making him shudder, ' thank goodness ', he holds his chest and enters his house.

As he walks in, he enters his room and the scene slowly fades away.


Ring, Ring, he tilts up his head and uses his clenched fists to hit off his alarm clock.

As he sits up on his bed he was looking tired and exhausted, you could tell through the expression on his face.

At the front of his wall was a Paris Saint Germain football team banner accompanied with a picture of himself hanging over his door top.

He walks up to his kitchen and served breakfast to himself.

As he was getting to his living room, he sights a tv news channel displaying yesterday's event on the news channel.

" so now you all have to be careful now that the unknown gang members are now loose, have a good day and good morning America ", in a nice tone.

Immediately he heard, he dashed through his door zoom off with his Ford.


He aggressively slams the door and walks up to Roy Earle in his office, " clinking sounds coming from the door ", ' what the hell Roy ', he yelled.

Roy looks at him with a serious look on his face, ' what is up with you this morning ', he asked.

' you, you are up with me, why did you not tell me about the jail break ', in a high tone.

' what are you talking about ', in a suspicious tone accompanied with it's look.

He aggressively hurl his chair to the floor and asked him again but this time with his hands lunged to his collar, ' you better start talking or I will fucking deal with you '.

He stares at him and burst into laughter, ' let go of me ', he broke free from his hold, ' I can see that you are already going insane, you better get hold of yourself before I help you with that ', Roy said in an aggressive tone with Philips already becoming aggressive.

' can't you just learn how to put yourself together huh, let's say they broke out but I did not know about it till after the last year investigation, I thought it was better we kept quiet for a while and try to resolve it without the government help ', he said to Philips with Philips blood boiling hot.

' just get out and let me think alright ', he commanded but Philips was too strong headed until one of the officers unknowingly opens the door.

' Sir !, You are needed downstairs ', in a firm tone.

Roy stares at Philips with his eyes red as flame, he walks up to him, ' we are gonna discuss about it later ', in a low tone as he whispers it to his ears.

As he walks for the door, Philips holds a frown on his face.

Philips was angry about the fact that Roy never told him about the event nor his fellow colleagues but also tries to cover it up.


' vroom '.

A train dashed through the railway with Philips sitting down on a bench, he seems to be expecting a visitor when suddenly a young boy walks in wearing a baggie shirt and a blue coloured jeans.

He was also hiding his face from the public.

' what was keeping you busy, I was already falling asleep here ', Philips said in a sadistic tone while skimming through the newspaper pages.

' I had to fly through some walls, I noticed that I was been followed by some of your dudes on the uniform, are you trying to take me to jail ', In a scared tone as he slowly walks backwards in fear. As he noticed he rose up on his feet and slowly walks up to him, ' hey calm down, no body is gonna kill you, not now ,' in a serious tone accompanied with it's look.

' just tell me about the gang team responsible for the killing ', he asked.

The young boy turns out to be the twelve years old kid he was talking to about the event at downtown.

' no body knows their leader but we do know about their plans '.

' and that is..'.

' don't you get, no body knows them, we only know that they are all rich spoilt millionaires or even trillionaires pricks, it's better we back off for now and stay on the safe side before we end up dying off like dogs ', he replied.

Philips nods his head, ' nice one kid, but when they come for you I will not be here to protect your ass you know why, cause I don't give a shit ', in a high tone.

' hey, hold up dude, it is not like that, we all love our lives we can not just waste them on stuffs that would not benefit us nor the society we live in '.

' just give me their names ', he pressured the kid.

He was lost in thoughts and had no choice but to let out the cat from the bag.

' am not going die now but am gonna tell you something that you don't know ', he said in a low tone.

' they are not alone, they are all in a kind of secret society ', the young boy said.

Philips plays attention to the boys words.

' my dude told me that they are all linked to someone in the police force or something, you can not stop them, it's better you just retreat '.

' tell me your friend's name ', Philips said.

The young boy was shocked to hear it coming from his mouth, ' no, am not gonna give it up to you, you and your guys are all gonna kill him, am not going to let you kill him, he is like my brother ', the young boy said.

Philips became frustrated and began to raise eyebrows to the young boy trying to fake a surprised look, ' I promise you, am going to offer him protection, I swear nothing is going to happen to your friend ', he pats him on his shoulder and he stares at Philips face......

He kept quiet for a while before he went on saying, ' Moses, he was the mafia billionaire downtown ', the young boy said.

As Philips heard his name he was shocked to discover that Moses was the guy the young boy was hiding from him.

Moses was a very dangerous gangster, he was arrested few years back after detective Philips solved the money laundering scheme but it seems that Moses had his ticket to boom out of prison during the breaking.

He fakes a whole new attitude, ' have he ever hit you or abuse you for no reason like that ', he asked with the boy staring at him.

' why would he hit me ', he asked.

' cause this guy is a very dangerous gangster, how you know about that', he asked in a low tone accompanied with a surprise look one his face.

' I know but I don't give a shit, he feeds me and cloth me he even gave me a roof to live above my head but there is one thing I wanna tell you, he was not responsible for the killing, it was another clashing group, it's better we all forget about it for now ', the young boy walks out on him with Philips thinking about Moses certain good behavior.

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