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The Gray Family

The Gray Family

Johanna Delacruz


You read about Lucille and Grayson, Nate and Pat, and Nash and Maggie, then Lex and Piper. Now you'll read about Lex and Piper's five rambunctious boys. If you thought the original Gray Brothers, the Gray Brothers, and the Gray Sisters were crazy, you have seen nothing yet with this bunch. What happens when the boys get a house guest in the form of a girl? A lot of chaos and hilarity ensue as they trip over themselves to get her attention. The only problem is the girl falls for one brother. Which brother? Read and find out. Author: Johanna Delacruz Publisher:i&i Publisher

Chapter 1 No.1

Crazy is as crazy does


I searched my room for a clean shirt to wear. Picking one up, I took a whiff, and it seemed clean. Eh, it'll work. I pulled it on as Payton popped his head into my room. "Dude, you need to clean this hole up."

I rolled my eyes at him. "It's clean."

"Yeah, for the local dump," he chuckled.

"Whatever," I answered as I walked towards the door. My brother was a twit, and he knew it. Then my other tool of brothers tackled me, which are the demon twins, Patton and Paxton.

They tackled me onto the floor as I groaned. Why me?

"Parker, you need to be faster," Paxton reminded me.

"Being a snail gets you nowhere, brother," Patton added. My brothers are tools.

"Some things never change," Presley commented as he stepped over us.

Thanks for the help, little brother, you putz. After pushing the demon twins off me and pushing, I mean nailing them in the balls, I got up.

"That's a low blow, Parker," Pax groaned, holding his junk.

"Bite me, you tool," I retorted as I flipped them off. I came downstairs as my parents finished making breakfast.

"Where are the demon twins?" Pops asked me.

"They're nursing their balls," I commented as he looked at me.

"Park nailed them in the junk," Payton explained as the demon twins came down the stairs walking funny.

"You're a douche, Parker," Paxton grumbled.

"Language, and you boys deserve it. You know Park has a temper and doesn't put up with your bullshit," pops reminded them.

"He needs to lighten up," Patton told him.

"More like you twits need to get your head out of your ass," Presley told them. Payton and I snickered.

"Cute," pops spoke. Presley shrugged.

"Can we have one day where you five aren't declaring war on each other?" Ma asked us. We all looked at her. Even dad looked at her. Doesn't Ma know who she's talking to here? We're Grays. We always declare war on each other, at least we did.

"Never mind," she sighed.

"Parker, can we get through your senior year without problems?" Pops asked me.

"That's a pleasant dream and all, but let's be real," I replied as I got that look that says, keep it up, and I'll beat your ass. We all got it.

"We are getting a houseguest," Ma announced as dad prayed. If pops were praying, this was never a good sign.

Then we heard the doorbell. Ma rushed to the door along with Pops, and we followed. Yeah, we're nosy like that.

Ma opened the door, and a girl stood there. Whoa. Wait a minute.

"Hi, Selena," ma greeted her.

"Hey, Piper," she greeted her back with a smile. Damn.

"Come in," mom welcomed her as she stepped inside, carrying a bag with her.

The five of us stood there as we looked at her.

"Boys, meet Selena Bradford. Her parents went out of town on business, and she'll be staying with us until they return. Be nice," she ordered us.

Who the hell goes out of town and leaves their kid with some crazy family? I know our parents don't. They don't even trust us to stay home alone. You set the shed on fire one time, and your parents deemed you irresponsible while growing up. Yeah, you don't ask. It's not one of my better moments.

"Payton, why don't you show Selena to the guest room?" Pops suggested as Payton became thrilled to oblige. Figures. The demon twins followed along with Presley.

Okay, we have a hot chick staying with us. I'm sure my brothers have already called dibs, which means I won't even bother.

Let's see, Payton is the oldest and has no problem with girls. Paxton and Patton are horny. Presley has the intelligence that draws girls to him. Then there's me, the screw up who always gets into fights with a bad temper. Yeah, I don't think so.

I went back into the kitchen.

Pops looked at ma. "Why do I have a feeling trouble is brewing?"

"Lex, when a Gray gets involve, there is always trouble brewing," she said, patting his chest.

That was the thing. This girl would affect us all in a way that none of us thought possible, including me.

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