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The Forbidden Pack

The Forbidden Pack

Bimbola Ojuolape


The Alpha of the Silver pack with his Luna are not able to give birth to the future Alpha who will lead the pack. The belief of the pack is that if there's no one to rule them as an Alpha after the present Alpha, it is considered that there will be a doom in the pack. There came a day when the priest of the pack had to consult their Moon Goddess and it is then they knew that sacrifices had to be made. The sacrifice to be made is for the Luna to be slept with by the Rogue who is considered the lowest in rank. After giving it a deep thought, the Alpha had to make it a secret with the Luna and the Rogue that is picked because of the persistent request from the members of the pack to give them their little Alpha, forgetting they have an overall pack who checks after them which is the Sacred blood pack. But will the Alpha and his family be in safe hands when the sacred blood pack come to know about the forbidden thing they do and even if they know, what happens next? Find out.

Chapter 1 1


Have you ever wondered what kind of life and fun you would enjoy if you witness the celebration of the Moon Goddess? Indeed, it was the day every members of the packs always gets to have fun and have all the whole time to themselves whenever we celebrate this particular day and it was the day when the Alpha, Luna, Betas, Omega, Wolves and even Rogues do gather together to celebrate.

Witnessing the occasion was a fun time for we kids then, because we never thought of anything else than to play with the other kids from the pack. It was only then that we have the time to ourselves because we were always separated from our parents because of the occasion so we did have the time to sneak around. It was the occasion of the Moon Goddess, it was when our pack "Silver Pack" was founded by our great ancestors as we were told by the elders of the pack.

We did celebrate the occasion to worship our founder who was the Moon Goddess and it was then that every pack members who were of age gets to choose their mates. They said it is always the best when you choose your mate on that day as it was the belief that the Moon Goddess would have sealed your destiny with your mate so there wouldn't be any cause of alarm for them later in the future on that day.

Celebrations after celebrations as we watched the elders jubilating over being dared with their mates. Even though there were jubilations but there were sadnesses also because not all the omegas or wolves get chosen on this particular day.

I, Ava, was the only daughter of my parent who are the Alpha and the Luna of our pack which is called the Silver pack. I was at the age of seven at that time so everything that was done in those days was rarely new to us and what we thought of it was our playtime but we had every glimpses of idea about what happened.

I was standing outside of our compound when my eyes caught a hold of the room we were always kept during the day of the celebrations and it took me to the memory lane of when I was still much younger than this my present age.

"Ava...!" a voice echoed round the compound and it rang into my head. "I wish the day come so soon again so we could still catch this fun" I murmured, snubbing the person who called for me but before I could empty my mind to disseminate the voice of the person who called my name, someone jumped over me which I knew already to be the person who was calling me while my mind was away. Feeling the warmth and scent of the person, I knew it was my friend Ivory.

"Oh my! You scared me, Ivory. You almost made me fall on the ground" I screamed as soon as I was able to catch up with my breath.

"Aww... But why are you here all alone?" she asked sternly, looking straight into my eyes. "I was actually..." I was trying to cover up when I was cut short by her speech dominance.

"Are you trying to lie again? Okay... Go ahead. Let me hear out your lie if it will suit me" she said frowning while looking at the other side.

"No, Ivory. You know I am not a liar, right?" I stared at her for so long, waiting for an answer but she wouldn't talk or respond to my question so it was then that my mind clicked on something. I hurriedly strolled to the other side she was looking at, and then brought out a small band while waving it towards her.

"You want to catch this?" I jumped up excitedly while waving at her at the same time so she could see what I was holding. Immediately when she saw it, she started chasing me. We ran and ran till we were both out of breath. I stopped on the way when I couldn't run or maintain my speed anymore, with Ivory over two meters feet away from my side.

"Ehmm..." I said breathless and looked back at Ivory. She was exhausted also and she was trying to revive herself from the long race we had in minutes. "You almost caught me though" I fell on my knee and stretched my hands to and fro. It was very heavy and I could hear sounds as I cracked the joints of my hands and legs. I watched Ivory did the same also. "You had long legs, you know" she said while laughing hysterically to hurt my feelings. Anytime I did her something wrong like this, she would say so while thinking that it would hurt me when it was otherwise. Moreover, that was because she didn't know how to curse at me, so she would made that statement instead. "I know, right. This is not your first time telling me but I will always take it as a compliment for my beauty" I joined her laughter. "Oh, I see... Beauty indeed, Ava!" she smirked and then rolled her eyes at me. "Yes... I am a beauty, you know" I said while checking myself out to show her my flawless beauty. "I know, right" she laughed and then continued after clapping her hands together "I have said what you wanted to hear from me... so I did right, right?". "No, you did wrong. But you actually said the truth though, I never forced you to dance to my tune" I grinned and replied her instantly. "Oh! Really?" she asked with bewilderment. "Yes really... But before you say anything else, thanks for the compliment Ivory. I do appreciate a lot" I answered while standing up from the ground with smiles on my face because I knew I won over her already. "You are welcome..." she stood up hurriedly without completing her sentence. I had already lost my sense at that time that I couldn't know if I were to run or to wait but I had to surrender instead because she was already in my front. "So I caught you, right?" she asked rhetorically while tightening her grip on me.

"Yes, I know... Even though, it was a foul because I won you over already" I uttered and burst into a deep laughter. She was furious and she grabbed my hair into her hands while shaking my head. I couldn't let her have her way so I carried her and dropped her back to the ground when I couldn't maintain my stand any longer. We both fell to the ground on the way and she hit me lightly with her hand continuously before I managed to slip away from her hold. "Come here now" she ordered while cleaning up her dress.

"Oh my... You have scattered the hair my Mother packed up for me this morning with a hair bond" I said while rubbing my hair through my fingers. "Aww... So sorry about that but I am not that deeply sorry at the same time" she laughed.

"Don't worry, you will see what I will do for you" I pretended to be angry with her. "I will be waiting, my dear Ava" she replied with a smile. She then suddenly spoke out after some minutes "So what were you doing standing all alone over there before?".

"Oh yeah. I was actually looking at the room we were always kept when we celebrate the Moon Goddess" I said with smiles on my face while looking across the compound to the room.

"Aww... That's true" she answered and traced my eyes to the room direction "How can I forget that so soon?". "Yes, you are right. It was always fun with the other kids from the pack with us in the room" I turned my gaze back to Ivory.

"It will be more fun this time around that we are twenty-two year old, right?" she asked smilingly.

"Yes, you can say that again" I answered her with excitement written all over my face. "I think it's 4 months from now" she said but I could see the look on her face that she wasn't sure of what she said.

"Nope, it is 3 months and 15 days from now Ivory" I corrected her while I laughed a little at her.

"Oops, thanks for the correction but have you been counting the day to the occasion since?" she asked out of surprise.

"You can bet on me" I giggled. "I hope you are sleeping like this" she laughed.

"Look at you... I am" I uttered and we both burst into a deep laughter. We were still laughing when we heard someone calling for me outside. "Ava!" the voice echoed louder.

"Who is that calling for you?" Ivory asked, looking towards the direction of where the voice was calling from.

"We are both here so how do you expect me to know?" I asked her also and then asked further while rolling my eyes up "Am I an overseer?".

On hearing that, she burst into laughter while covering her mouth with her hand in order for her not to shout or provoke the person who was calling me from outside. I also joined in her laughter because there was a saying that laughter does spread and it was then that the voice sinked into my brain.

"Oh my! That must be my father" I hurriedly stood on my feet but I sprained my feet on the way, making me want to fall on my back but Ivory moved closer to me and helped me up.

"Oh, thank you" I greeted her and answered the voice who had been calling me since "Yes, I'm coming right away" while running towards the direction of the exit door, with Ivory following me from behind.

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The Forbidden Pack

Chapter 1 1
