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My Story, My Life Series

My Story, My Life Series

Bimbola Ojuolape


"My Story, My Life Series" is a novel that is centered on Evelyn who is the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Coker but her life got entangled after the death of her parent when she began to experience alot of hardships and some mysteries around her. It's really been a tough experience which made her lived her life hopelessly. She struggled with her tantrums till she met her one time friend when she left her Maternal Aunty's house who caught her with her husband but as soon as she found an helper, it was already too late by then as she discovered she had Alzheimers disease. Find out more in the story as it unleashes.

Chapter 1 1

The weather was cold as the rain kept on pouring down so heavily while hitting on the roofs and producing sounds. It kept on raining that it seemed it was going to drown the whole world and the people living inside it, probably because it knew what I had gone through.

I rubbed my face with my small palms, walking sluggishly out of an apartment where I used as my shelter ever since I left our home. I kept on walking round the lone and silent street which did seem as if it was my leg carrying me with no destination.

Suddenly, it stopped and I was all alone in the rain as my clothes were dripping for water already. I couldn't say anything or move as I was muteless, ruminating through my mind over and over again. I shivered, thinking hard if I could fix the puzzle that seemed not right but no matter how hard I tried, I can't just get it.

I let down the tears which has been hidden around the corner of my eyelid and it kept on strolling freely from my eyes when I saw how I couldn't hold it in anymor, while my heart raced so fast that I thought it was going to pump out and I laid my hand on my chest, feeling my heart as the agony this time around seemed quiet heavy for me to pull off.

As I kept on sobbing alone in the rain at the middle of the road, a car was driving towards me and it kept on horning but I wouldn't leave my spot. I said silently in my mind "Fine, let's end it here" as I was already determined at that time to succumb to the end.

The man droving kept on horning that it angered him and alighted from his car and walked to me.

He shouted "Hey woman! Do you have a death wish? Even if you want to die so badly... You should have done it somewhere else and not here on the road" he yelled at me but I wouldn't leave the spot.

"Oh! Gosh! If you are tired of this life and you are not worthy of the life you are living, then you can just die" he shrugged and turned to leave but stopped when he was about to and made a move towards me as he was confused of what could have happened that I wanted to die this badly.

I was still there muteless and unshaken when I heard someone tip toeing and a hand stetched out to tap me and said with a calm voice "You will allow yourself to catch cold at this rate, young lady".

As he kept on shaking me off from my thought, I wouldn't budge but all what I could murmur was "It's all the same for me". He strained his neck to hear what I was murmuring about but it was to no avail. He then looked into my eyes pitifully and he could see how my face was clouded with tears of agony but suddenly, he stared at my face more and kept on thinking hard about where he once met me. "I think I once met with this lady but where... I don't seem to remember" he whispered and cracked his head but later surrendered when he couldn't remember where we met. But what will I do with this lady now? Because it's dangerous to be out here in this cold night" he sighed heavily as he pulled off his Jacket and wore it on me to ease the cold.

Just then, I sneezed and turned my head to face him but instead, I cried more and more as tears was strolling down my eyes profusely that it was enough to float a ship, making him feel awkward.

He looked at me pitifully, then around the street as he was baffled at what to say. "Young lady, I don't know what it is or what you are going through at the present moment but I would urge you to please be strong because staying out here in the rain all night would not solve anything, rather it will add to it" he said passionatel, holding my hands. "I even wonder why this is my business because this is unlike of me" he said angrily but became calm again.

"But still, I can't afford to leave this young lady out here in this cold and lone street all night" he said while thinking of what to do as he looked at me with pity.

Then, he nodded negatively "No! That's a wrong idea. What if... what if she died in my house? I think I should just leave her here and go my way" he shrugged while making a move towards his car.

Just then, the cold was becoming much for me to bear and my eyes seemed to suck that things were dimmed to me already. I couldn't stand longer but to collapse and all what I could think at the moment was "It's over... All hope is lost for me" and I murmured "help" to the man that even I bet if he'd heard me.

To my luck, he turned to look at me at that time and he rushed to me when he saw I collaped. He carried me inside his car and drove off to a nearby hospital when he saw that was the only option for him to do for me because he thought I might died in his house if he took me to his house and even a whole stranger at that.

He stopped at a hospital and called out to the nurses which they hurriedly brought out a stretcher to carry me inside as I was unconscious but I could remember I was breathing so heavily which seemed like I was fighting really hard for my life so I can live.

They quickly put me under treatment and everyone was rushing and panicking at the same time. All what I could hear was "her BP is rising... Change the direction... Pass the drip to her".

That was all what I heard as I closed my eyes to the darkness and tears strolled freely down my eyes.

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