Yuone Williams has masculine traits that would make any woman swoon. Julia Taylor will loathe the man's wonderful beauty on a daily basis. Bloodthirsty, reckless, tyrannical, manipulative, and uninteresting. His flamboyant characteristics blind his students, yet they remain mute. Julia Taylor seems to be a scumbag, a cheapskate, and an unsophisticated woman, yet she is a bold, daring warrior. Yuone was apprehensive of her since she had preconceived notions about the whole university. Because of this, she was singled out by everyone on campus. He singles her out because he despises her bravery. She's always the victim. Unless they are correct... Do you have opposing viewpoints? What if the woman he's been bullied for so long aids him in his first love? She will not love a man who would make her life difficult. Will they repel one other like a magnet's opposite when they grasp how things change?
"Ouch! Wait a minute, freakin' chick!" With her eyes rolling, the lady in high red stilettos, torn jeans, and a tank top glared at me. She's enraged.
"I apologize. It wasn't on purpose; I was just-," When she tosses the fruit juice she was drinking before I bumped into her here on the ground, I'll simply explain myself.
"Oh! What were you thinking?" I began furiously, staring at my sticky-juice-covered garments.
'I've still got a class later!'
'What the heck is going on?!'
'You obnoxious b*tch!'
Those are the phrases that are now circulating in my head.
"You don't have the authority to do this! I know I ran into you while reading my scientific book, but this is excessive!" I yelled at her fiercely, but I don't believe she was upset by anything I said.
She speaks as though she has already won the war. A cloud of smoke on her face, together with her crimson lips and arched brows, makes me want to start World War III.
"Now, you know where you belong," she said. The lady acknowledged this and even took my identification.
"Julia Taylor–Wow, what a wonderful name for a victim like you," she said, laughing as she tossed my identification on the floor.
This is an average day on campus for a normal student. I tried to fight, but I still don't have the strength to fight for myself–even if it's simply to win a debate. I knelt on the ground to collect my ID after she went away, and I heard her yelling at me.
"Hey, you scumbag!"
"Know my name–I'm Loreta Louser, and it's much too good to meet you to start my day," she added, chuckling as she turned to face her way.
"What a b*tch," I said as I retrieved my book off the side of the road.
I don't mind that a lot of people are staring at me. There are a lot of predators on this campus, as well as a lot of prey. And due to my good fortune, I became one of the prey, a victim of the bullies. I sighed and adjusted my spectacles before walking inside my dorm as if nothing had occurred. This was a regular day on campus for the sufferers like me.
The instructors and campus coordinators all jumped in to assist the tormented pupils. They just want the money that the school gives them. That is why many bullies raise their spirits in order to bully more individuals.
I examine my reflection in the mirror next to my door. My heavy eyeglasses and the fact that my hair is now unkempt may convince them that I am weak, that they can bully me, but I am not! I'm not as wealthy as they are to dress the way they do, but I'm not a wimp! I'm fed up with being bullied.
I want to take a break from all I'm doing, but not for my own sake; it's for them. I examined the literature that I had brought with me.
"Those freakin' bastards can't even finish their homework when they can f*ck the females they want," I said, trying to take a breather.
In order to internalize and calm myself down, I completed the part of my morning habits in the restroom. I tried to take a bath as quickly as possible since I knew my next lesson would begin in a few minutes.
"Should I alter my hairstyle?" I started unconsciously.
"Will it be my spectacles or my dress?" When I came to a halt in my attempts to alter everything, I questioned myself in the mirror.
"Why should I?" you may wonder. I grinned and murmured to myself. I clenched my teeth and glanced in the mirror.
"Why should I alter myself for the sake of others? This is how I look and how I feel, therefore I should keep it that way." I shouted it passionately while wearing my spectacles.
Even still, strolling here in the corridor makes me nauseous, like if I were an ordinary student carrying all those books I mentioned before. Observing a large number of pupils being tormented, it seems like everyone is accustomed to it. The girls who have a lollipop in their mouths and the females who smoke in the corridor both giggle loudly. I try not to look because I don't want to get into any more disputes, and I'm over it.
I strolled through my class and sat in my chair after placing all of the books on the allocated chair of the persons who owned them. Because I know he'll be here in a minute, this is the class I despise the most.
When I heard a lot of my block mates silent for a bit, I thought to myself, "I should simply keep myself busy for-."
'He's arrived.' That's the only thing that comes to mind when I think about it.
'Yuone Williams–the one who usually makes my day harsh and all–is here in this room.'
I clenched my fist and didn't dare to glance at the person approaching from behind.
"Oh! Julia Taylor!" she exclaims. As soon as he spoke my name, I closed my eyes. He's just arrived, and it seems that I'm the only one he sees in this location.
'Do they seem to him or not?'
I'd want to ask him that question now and then, but I'd rather keep my lips shut. Even if I tell them I'm bold enough to answer all of their questions, I know I'll still be bullied in the end. I didn't dare to glance up and just disregarded him as if he were a breeze.
"What the heck, Julia isn't here? Is she deaf or something?!" He began yelling at the whole class. I wish I had the ability to freeze time or speed up the ticking of the clock. Before gazing at him, I took a deep breath and sighed.
"What's the matter, Yuone?" With an irritated expression on my face, I courageously questioned him. I don't want him to notice if I have even a smidgeon of a scared expression on my face. I'd want him to tattoo on his forehead the fact that I, Julia Taylor, will never be terrified of him.
Oh! He even peered at me inches away from my face and said, "I thought Julia was deaf now." He grinned as I ventured to glance at him.
He grinned and remarked, "What a bold girl."
When he put his hand on my face and asked me to look at him straight, I shouted, "F*ck off, you don't have the right to touch me."
"Why? You don't like it? Many of the females on campus fantasize about me holding them," he said, whispering something in my ear.
He grinned as he continued, "Not only in the face." This guy irritates me so much; he's not just a terrible lad, but also a pervert! I chuckled as I glanced at him with my horrible face.
"I am not one of them, Do you know how much I dislike you? " If I admire a guy like him, I'll be one of the horrible people.
No way! If it happens, I simply want to die. Instead of an irritated expression on his face, he moved forward a little, causing the other student to mumble and look. His face was inches away from mine.
"What are you up to?" I inquired, and I'm not sure why I suddenly stammered.
I pulled him away when he said, "Looking at your rosy lips, I didn't notice these qualities of yours back then." He smirked and put his hands on my desk, returning his gaze to me.
"Would you want a kiss?" he inquired, which caught me off guard.
He walked up to me and behaved as though he meant what he said. I'm so stunned right now that I can't even look away from what he's about to do.
Is he taking himself seriously?
Oh, my goodness!
Is he going to give me a kiss?!
Are you serious?!
Chapter 1 My Typical Day In The Campus
Chapter 2 You'll Know Me
Chapter 3 I'm Just Getting Started
Chapter 4 First Spark
Chapter 5 Yeah, He Used To Saw A Lot
Chapter 6 I Will Be Ruthless
Chapter 7 He Thought I Assume
Chapter 8 Let The Game Begins
Chapter 9 They Are All My Bullies
Chapter 10 Such A Bad Boy Indeed
Chapter 11 I'll Shut My Mouth
Chapter 12 Why Do You Keep On Bothering
Chapter 13 Still Can't Get Over With It
Chapter 14 Change
Chapter 15 What's Happening
Chapter 16 Hesitant
Chapter 17 Yssa
Chapter 18 Talk To Me
Chapter 19 Yssa's Untold
Chapter 20 Anxiety And Disorder
Chapter 21 Her Very Own Decision
Chapter 22 The Truth Untold
Chapter 23 The Predator Somehow Became A Prey
Chapter 24 The Siblings
Chapter 25 Confrontation
Chapter 26 Live Your Life
Chapter 27 MVP
Chapter 28 Friends
Chapter 29 Rivals
Chapter 30 He Did It Again
Chapter 31 He's The Bully
Chapter 32 Don't Come Near Me
Chapter 33 What's The Catch
Chapter 34 Fall
Chapter 35 Incident
Chapter 36 Gone
Chapter 37 Help
Chapter 38 She Knows Him
Chapter 39 Taking Me
Chapter 40 Her Father