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My taste, My love

My taste, My love



Roselle is a twin who has been living happily with her parents until she finds herself in an arranged marriage by her parents What happens when she makes her twin pretend like her and go for the marriage instead? When things start working out as planned, would she be able to stand her twin getting married happily in her place?

Chapter 1 Marriage

šŸ‘ŒšŸ’— My Taste, My Love šŸ’—šŸ‘Œ A story of a twin šŸ‘­ Episode 1 šŸRosella's POVšŸ I woke up lazily and stretched while yawning away the pain I got from my eight hours sleep. I wasn't surprised at all seeing my lazy sister still in bed, I always spare her but not today.

I took the glass of water beside my bed and went close to her after which I spilled it on her cute lazy face, she jerked up Immediately "What was that for?" She yelled angrily " To get your damn ass of your fucking bed" I said sarcastically " May God punish you " she cursed " But don't blame me after noticing you have five minutes more to freshen up before you go and meet mom huh, you know the consequences of getting there late" I reminded her " Oh shit! I overslept, I have to get there before those guests she was talking about gets there" she said standing up to head towards the bathroom " Four minutes more" I said showing her four of my fingers She immediately rushed into the bathroom and came out after two minutes " Hey!! Did you really get your bath or you just washed your pubic parts" I asked mockingly "Shut up! "She said and focused on dressing up "Don't blame me if the guests can't breathe well after they get close to you" I said going inside the bathroom "It's better than mom scolding me!" I heard her yell I did whatever I had to do and came back to dress up , she already left. I don't know why I like troubling her. We are twenty years old but we still live in one room , not that we can't get our separate rooms but because we can't leave apart. I went downstairs to have breakfast after which I decided to watch television. šŸŒ·Roselle's POV šŸŒ· I went to the venue mom gave me and luckily for me I wasn't late, which means Rosella tricked me. I met mom sitting alone at a table and I joined her. " Hello my sweetheart" she called smiling That's what she calls us but doesn't treat us as that " Hello mom" I replied " Mom what's up?" I asked " Just have patience, it's a surprise" she answered still smiling Just then Dad came in which two men one old one young, they all sat around the table and the waiter brought foods and drinks. We all started eating and Dad broke the silence. " It's been a long time we've been friends Samson but after some months our friendship will be more tight" Dad started "Yes Derek" The man who is older said "Roselle" Dad called out "Yes dad" I replied lifting my head up "This is Mr Samson Houston and his son Raphael Houston" Dad introduced I stretched my hands for a handshake as they accepted it politely " Mr Samson, this is my daughter Roselle, the one I was talking to you about" He added "She's more beautiful than how you explained her to be" Mr Houston complemented " Florence I leave the rest to you" Dad said to Mom " Roselle, Raphael here is a very good gentleman. We thought about it and your Dad and I have decided to get you married of to him" she blurted out I suddenly choked on the food I was swallowing and I suffered for breath " What's wrong Roselle " mom asked as she gave me water which I gulped down and became free. "Mom, I know you and dad knows what's good for me but don't you think I'm not ready for this" I asked against the idea " Sweetheart, you are absolutely ready for everything. Twenty years is enough for you to have your own family" mom assured " Yes Roselle , you don't have to waste anymore time" Dad added I was surprised because Raphael didn't raise up his head throughout the conversation and I guessed he is also being forced into this. I had no choice than to accept it. We concluded everything and mom suggested Raphael and I speak alone, I hated the idea but who I'm I to object it. They all left leaving Raphael and I only , there was silence for sometime before I summoned the courage to say something. "Hi " I simply said "Hello" he replied calmly " I can see you are not happy with this alliance"I said He now raised his head and I noticed him well. He wasn't bad but I wasn't pleased. " Yes but my Dad said I don't have a choice" He replied I guess we are in the process same situation" I said tucking my hair behind my ear " Really?" He asked surprisingly " Are you surprised?" I asked looking at him " Yeah you know girls always wanted to be with me , you are actually the first girl I've met not drooling over me" he said proudly I wondered why girls drool over him because I couldn't find anything interesting about him. " I'm surprised, I don't mean you are not handsome but... I... You never mind" I replied We had other boring chats until we both gave up and went to our separate homes. I opened the door to our room and I saw Rosella reading a novel, I slumped on my bed and gave a loud yawn trying to gain her attention which I succeeded "So what was it all about?" She asked still lost in the book " Marriage" I blurted out "Huh!" She exclaimed throwing the book on her bed " I can't believe it" she added " Then believe it now" I said folding my arms " Hahaha you are going to be a wife soon" she said mockingly " Rosella this is not a joke" I cried " You mean, you will now have to wake up early, prepare breakfast for your husband and Oh No you will have Kids" She continued mocking " Stop it Rosella" I warned " Oh you will soon leave this room for me, who will I talk to and prank,...... hahahaha" she continued " Don't worry because you are next to here the same shocking news I heard" I said lying on my bed " Never" She said followed by a call immediately, she pick the call šŸ“² Hello šŸ“² Yes I'm fine šŸ“² Okay mom, I'll be there šŸ“² Bye " I told you" I mocked " Don't worry I'll bring you the good news of my freedom" She said and headed outside I then closed my eyes to let sleep take me. šŸ§„ Rosella's POV šŸ§„ I went to the venue mom invited me to and I was surprised at the strangers I met with them, I dropped my mouth in shock after recognizing one of the guests. To be continued... "

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šŸ˜± THE DEVIL'S šŸ˜± šŸ¾ TOUCH šŸ¾ [ How To Tame A Bastard šŸ˜] [Jessica's Plight, Aaron's Mission] ***Auckland, New Zealand*** To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed right now. I thought I already met the perfect girl for me. I was stoked seeing Tayla this morning, looking so strikingly gorgeous when she boarded my yacht. She looked demure and virginally innocent in her knitted white dress that covered her beautiful curvaceous body. Her jet black hair was twisted in a knot above her head with soft tendrils flowing at the sides of her face. My excitement died when her hands could not keep them by her sides. She was sexually touchy and came to me quite fast. She initiated our first kiss and gave me the tongue already. I was immediately disillusioned. Another of my first date turn offs. After we had lunch, she refused the kiwi pavlova for dessert and opted for my manhood instead. We had wild sex for the rest of the afternoon. I met Tayla in the New Zealand Entrepreneur Conference last night. I was one of the speakers while she was one of the organizers of the event. She looked so gorgeous, confident and smart. She was also a brunette. Something I had a thing in a woman. Tayla approached me after my speech and introduced herself. We talked for about five minutes, and immediately she captured my interest, so I asked her for a date. But today proved that I was wrong. She did not turn out to be the girl that I expected. She was too wild and sexually aggressive. A bad impression on the first date. Tayla got so exhausted and slept the rest of the afternoon, while I dove off to the crystal clear blue water of the ocean and had a vigorous swim. The water was slightly rough and icy cold on my skin. Just how I wanted it to be. It rejuvenated me, like a new energy - giving me more strength, power and motivation to do what I must do. I was born bearing a huge obligation for my family, that is guardianship of the Latsis' trillion dollars worth of fortune. As the eldest of my three siblings, I carried the responsibility of managing our family's empire. I remembered when I was thirteen, I got so confused about the responsibility that my father, Tristan Latsis kept on reminding me. I bursted at him one afternoon in our cattle farm at Wellington, with a tear stained face. "I thought we're extremely rich and I'm going to keep the family's money! Why am I shovelling this pile of filthy cows' manure? Can you just let our workers do it?" My dad would just say. "To be a good leader, Aaron, you must first become a good servant." "That's so unfair! You separated me from my siblings. They're in Auckland having a grand time while I'm here in Wellington, studying and working my ass as a farm boy. What am I to you, a slave? Sometimes I wonder, if I'm really your son!" I kept on complaining, until one day, I stopped when I enjoyed being on the farm. I learned cattle and sheep raising, dairy farming and managing the whole farm. But when I entered University to study mechanical engineering at the University of Auckland, I missed the farm terribly. I became so lonely and cried for days. I should be happy that I was with my family all the time. But... I could not relate with all my siblings. Edward who was two years my junior was too posh and arrogant. He had a superiority complex and would contradict me in every possible way. Skylar, the only girl, was five years younger than me, and she had her own world. A nerd who wanted to be alone all the time. Her twin, Troy was too hyperactive. He loved adventures and wanted to try new things all the time - including taking all forms of drugs. While studying, dad started training me in running our airline business in Auckland. It was very overwhelming at first, too different from farming. Gradually, the training became more intensive and my responsibilities became bigger and bigger, until I graduated university where I had full hands on the business. Now at the age of twenty nine, I took control of the airline business, while dad went back to Wellington with mom and managed the farm..........

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