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APPLE COVEN: All I Took Was A Bite

APPLE COVEN: All I Took Was A Bite

Rose of Sharon


Don't let what you love most, be the one to ruin you... Let's see how Christiana lived her life.. Christiana Cullen is a College school girl... Very famous and friendly to chat with.. She was loved by everyone and she feel loved.. She's a lover of fruits especially APPLE... But it was later used against her by "MISTAKE"... Her best friend .. Sarah Matt , Sarah is young lady but only came to have fun in a college ..Got a Apple for herself by the road side, went to check on her best friend Christiana Christiana got so excited the moment she saw the apple,, went to wash the apple in an hurry beaming with smiles Just for her to take a bite and chew, she disappear into the thin air in front of her best friend Sarah. Leaving the apple in her presence The question is ???? Where did she disappear to? And who was that old woman? Find out in this captivating novel.

Chapter 1 My Apples

Christiana kept yanking her hair. All she's feeling right that moment is to beat the hell out of her. How could she,how could she do something unspeakable. Being a step sister to someone like her disgusts her to the core.

"Sophie, do you think momma is gonna be happy about this?" She yelled, sitting on her as she laid on the cold ties.

"Christiana get off me." Sophie snapped.

"Don't you have any guilty conscience, I have desired to be in college, but you, what did you do, you went and now what's the results"

"Pregnancy"Sophie said with a scoff.

"Are you really kidding, you got pregnant and you think it's a joke. The opportunity you got some helpless people out there don't have, same as me Sophie" Christiana yell ruffle her hair.

"Can't I get pregnant with someone I love, and it's not that I didn't want you to study, you were the one that said I should go first"Sophie snapped.

"Is it not because things were tight then, the money was not enough for the two of us, well it's good you are pregnant now, I will be able to go school"Christiana said storming out of the room.

"It's just a mistake, I didn't know it would lead to pregnancy. Ohh God" Sophie said, placing her hand on her head.

She continued,

"I need to see Jeffery,"she thought while shaking hands.


Her heels kept making a rhythm in cool beats.

"Jeffery!, Jeffery!,"She screamed.

"(She thought) Where could he be, that's why I don't like coming to his house. It's too big, Jeffery!" She called again.

"Could he be sleeping?"she thought.

Jeffery keeps snoring lazily. Sophie pushed his door angrily.

"Jeffrey!!!"she screamed throwing her hand bag at him.

He flinched back to reality"what's that for" Jeffery said with a sleepy voice.

"Don't you wanna hear it,"she screamed, collapsing on the bed.

"Sweetheart, come over. "Jeffery said, wrapping his hand around her waist.

"Jeffery, please open your eyes,"Sophie said with a teary voice.

"Sophie ee, what's wrong, you know I don't like seeing tears on your face, come on sweetheart tell me what's going on" Jeffery said, pulling her close to his chest.

"Am pregnant Jeffery"she dropped the bombshell.

"You,, are, pregnant,,"Jeffery shuttered a little.

"Don't worry we're gonna abort it"Sophie said wiping her tears.

Jeffery looked at her as if she suddenly grew two horns on her head.

"You wanna abort my first child"Jeffery said still can't believe her words.

"I thought you wanted to abort, sorry Jeffery,"Sophie cried loudly.

"Hey! Hey! don't cry you gonna stress the baby."Jeffery said with a soft voice, hugging her tightly to himself.

"Christiana heard of it, and she's pissed a little"Sophie said, raising her head up.

"Christiana isn't a problem, but your Mom"Jeffery said worries.

"She's against our relationship" Sophie murmurs.

"Yeah, I don't know why she's against it. Same as my Mom, she doesn't like you"Jeffery said with a sad voice.

"I don't want you to be in a bad mood because of our parents, what matters most is our relationship,our love, about us Jeffery. We just have to make them understand."Sophie said, trying to encourage him.

"That's it,"Jeffery said with a smile.

"That's what" she asked, still lost between their conversation.

"Your intelligence, you will always find things to say no matter what"Jeffery said, staring at her beautiful face.

"Jeffery, don't you think our parents knew each other from somewhere"Sophie said.

"You mean they know each other?"Jeffery asked, trying to digest the whole conversation.

"Yeah, they know each other but not on good terms"Sophie said with a pout.

"This is not good, "Jeffery said.

"Because I don't understand, the moment I showed her your picture, she smiled and asked of your name and I told her your name including your surname, she asked if I have your mom's pictures and I told her yes, the moment I showed her your mom's picture her got angry at me "Sophie cried.

"Same, but I only mentioned your full name and she got pissed," Jeffery said, resting his head on the soft pillow.

"The universe isn't supporting our relationship" Sophie cried loudly.

"No more tears left to cry, I will support you in everything Sophie, I won't let the hatred they have for each other come in between our love" Jeffery said, biting her ear.

"That's ticklish,"Sophie laughed.

"You are always ticklish on your tummy, ear and the bottoms of your feet" Jeffery said with a smile.

"Jeffery, I am starving,"Sophie said with a pout.

"Why don't you stay here, I am gonna prepare something for you." Jeffery said, laying her head gently on the pillow.

"Let me assist you Jeff."

"No," he snapped and continued "stay here. I don't wanna stress the baby."Jeffery said, taking a perfect back turn.

In a blink of the eye, Jeffery is already out of the room. Sophie chuckled.

"I love you Jeffrey Gold '' Sophie said dozing off.


"Don't you have the red apples "Christiana asked.

"No I don't have any, I only have the green apples, " the fruit seller said.

"Why isn't my personal fruit seller around?"Christiana cried.

"But it's still the same dear, just a different colour " the fruit seller said trying to persuade her.

"You are not getting it, there's a difference in the taste, the colour is useless"Christiana said, walking out of the store in anger.

"Why today of all days, I crave it badly,"Christiana cried.

"Christiana!" Someone called her name

"That sounds like Mary's voice" she thought

"(She gasps) is she back with my apples." Christiana exclaimed happily.

She turned back, yes she's right, Mary is back but empty handed. With full speed she ran down to her store.

"Where are the apples, "she asked anxiously.

"Too addicted, not even a good morning Tiana." Mary pouted.

"Am sorry, Good morning Mary" Christiana greeted.

"Your apples aren't ready, sorry for the inconvenience."Mary said, trying to hide her laughter.

Tears streamed down her face,

"The,, apples,, aren't ready,,"she stuttered .

"What hell, can't believe a grown up lady can cry because of an ordinary apple" Mary exclaimed.

"Are you teasing me Mary?" Christiana asked.

"Yeah. I was teasing you earlier"Mary laughed.

"Where are my apples?"Christiana growls loudly.

"They are inside the store,"Mary said, trying to avoid her anger by walking out of her sight.

Christiana stood impatiently outside the store. Pacing to and fro.

"Here is your--- Mary couldn't finish her words when Christiana snatched the bag from her.

"Oh my gosh, thanks for this, use the remaining change to get me some apples " she said and zoomed off ..

Christiana kept chewing the apples happily,

"Finally got it, I can finish a whole bag tonight, probably tomorrow morning. Gosh I can't wait to put them in the refrigerator. " Christiana was still in thoughts when a power bike crushed the bag full of apples from her hand.

"Did my apples just fall off from my hand?" Christiana thought angrily.

She was still staring at the apples which were scattered around, some rolled inside the nearest drainage. With angry glares Christiana looked at the young guy who rode the bike.

"You are dead!" She thought angrily.


Somebody should tell the the stranger to pick his heels

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Other books by Rose of Sharon

The Royal Sisters

The Royal Sisters



Prologue In the kingdom of Chill hills, King Justin Brown is an old and cruel King married to three different women all in the name of I need a son... Still yet he didn't give up, he married his first wife... The first Queen is Lola Brown the mother of Tessa Brown ...still yet she couldn't give him a son after five years... So he came in conclusion to get marry to another woman The second Queen is Sabrina Brown the mother of Royalty Brown. The same story that happen to the first Queen, happen to Queen Sabrina The third Queen is Kelly Brown mother of promise Brown. The three sisters love themselves a lot.. Tessa is the eldest daughter, twenty-five years of age.. Always looking after her younger sisters ..she's a great warrior and also good in politics. She's good in everything Royalty is the second daughter and also the bravest when it comes to insolent words.. She's has a lot of talent and also a warrior, twenty years of age. Promise is the third daughter very gentle and shy type, Also in door, She's Eighteen years of age... She's a book worm and love staying in the kitchen The three sister's love themselves as one happy family, same with the Queen's ... King Justin is a cruel king, always ready to take Young, homeless, poor girls and boys as salve. Other Kingdoms trying their best to set a new rule about slavery . King Justin won't seal the rule he rather declare for war. But what happen when nemesis catch up with him but not him directly but through his beautiful and innocent daughters The princesses went for hunting just to have fun outside the outskirt of their kingdom with no guards due to good and skilled they are during war or battle. They were all done having fun not until when they were surrounded by heavy and scary bandits . They were drugged and capture. They got conscious of their environment, later got to know they have been sold into slavery. Yet still suffering all in the name of their fathers past life. How will the sisters cope with a new life living as a slave Find out in this captivating Novel...

The Nine Planet

The Nine Planet



Who are the nine planet's ?? They are the supernatural brothers.... They are the supernatural friends They are the gods themselves Earth: is the first and the leader of the plant empire,, he's a sex freak ready to taste anything under the skirt ...he's so power full.. And dark in the heart... He has each and every power of his brothers... He can run into the future, he can disappear, he can see the future, he can stop nature, he has the power to heal, he can wipe away one's memory, he can change anything, his blood can destroy the whole word,, he has to many power.... Jupiter : where we have juppy ..he's very dangerous,,, his smile kills.. Try to avoid it ,he has the power run faster,, he can run into the future and come back,,, Mars: mars is a playful person ready to creak jokes,, pure in the heart... He can disappear and the king of ice Venus: he's very intelligent, and he has the power to see the future .... Saturn: he's a play boy, he will date for one hour and break up with you in next seconds... He has the power to stop nature Neptune: he's a lover of music,,, always indoor, with his guitar. " he has the power to heal with his voice... Uranus: He has the power to wipe away one's memory... But he's a gay Mercury: he's appearance alone, one will think he's a girl,,, but don't be fool by his beauty alone,,,, he has the power to convert or change anything to his own choice.... Pluto: here we have Pluto.... The cry cry Baby of them all,,, his anger alone can destroy a whole nation...his tears can kill and destroy things " Here we have Melissa and Melinda... They identical twins Melissa; she's a light skin girl,,you will think she's a goddess on her own with those flawless and beautiful skin,,, her powers are the same with earth... But she only use it to favour people... Melinda: She a light skin girl, very trouble some, corrupt,, she not that pretty like her twin but she's fine... She has the power,, to create a portal, she can make use of lighten to destroy, she has the power to change to any type of animal or insect she want... The planets brothers decided to open a school,, for the supernatural like them.... But what happen when two of the planet brothers betray their fellow brothers.. Find out in this interesting Novel ... what happen when Melinda curse trouble for the planet brothers on their mission.. But they mistakenly took her twin sister Melissa... ?? How did you think her journey to the planet empire will be??.....

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