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The Royal Sisters

The Royal Sisters

Rose of Sharon


Prologue In the kingdom of Chill hills, King Justin Brown is an old and cruel King married to three different women all in the name of I need a son... Still yet he didn't give up, he married his first wife... The first Queen is Lola Brown the mother of Tessa Brown ...still yet she couldn't give him a son after five years... So he came in conclusion to get marry to another woman The second Queen is Sabrina Brown the mother of Royalty Brown. The same story that happen to the first Queen, happen to Queen Sabrina The third Queen is Kelly Brown mother of promise Brown. The three sisters love themselves a lot.. Tessa is the eldest daughter, twenty-five years of age.. Always looking after her younger sisters ..she's a great warrior and also good in politics. She's good in everything Royalty is the second daughter and also the bravest when it comes to insolent words.. She's has a lot of talent and also a warrior, twenty years of age. Promise is the third daughter very gentle and shy type, Also in door, She's Eighteen years of age... She's a book worm and love staying in the kitchen The three sister's love themselves as one happy family, same with the Queen's ... King Justin is a cruel king, always ready to take Young, homeless, poor girls and boys as salve. Other Kingdoms trying their best to set a new rule about slavery . King Justin won't seal the rule he rather declare for war. But what happen when nemesis catch up with him but not him directly but through his beautiful and innocent daughters The princesses went for hunting just to have fun outside the outskirt of their kingdom with no guards due to good and skilled they are during war or battle. They were all done having fun not until when they were surrounded by heavy and scary bandits . They were drugged and capture. They got conscious of their environment, later got to know they have been sold into slavery. Yet still suffering all in the name of their fathers past life. How will the sisters cope with a new life living as a slave Find out in this captivating Novel...

Chapter 1 Royal Breakfast 1

The rays of the sun slipped through the small opening of her window. The scorching heat from the sun she doesn't like. She roll on her bed lazily. She consciously moved her hand slowly on the bed trying to lay her hand on something with her eye closed.

she shift her body a little, thinking maybe she's far from it, after all her stress of moving and moving of her body and hand, she finally opened her eyes lazily, her gaze came in contact of her personal maid and also her best friend Fiona.

"What the heck Fiona" Tessa startle in fear

"You aren't supposed to be the eldest Tessa" Fiona said rising up the curtain


"You act childish sometimes,most especially when you are around me" Fiona said sitting on the bed

"Am not Fiona,hold on why are with my phone"she asked staring at her the the corner of her eye

"I know that's what you will pick first, so picked it before you could. I do wonder how you do it when you wake up the first thing you do is to login in and chat. Assuming you can't speak. " Fiona said as she held her hand in akimbo

"Here we go again. Give me my phone"Tessa said yanking it from her

She continued"Have you eaten Fiona" Tessa asked

"Am not expected to eat until my princess has first."

"Hold is this the new rule"Tessa asked in shock

"Yes my princess"Fiona said with her head bow

"Issh. It's Dad right" Tessa said putting a paste on her toothbrush

"Not at all, it's mother maids" Fiona said

"Mrs Claire! " Tessa exclaimed

"Yes,my princess. I don't like her at all" Fiona pouted

"So what did you want me to do" she asked walking inside her multi dollars bathroom, having a blue bulb with a white painting on the wall with a touch of Barbie stickers

"They should change the lady, ever since she got that power and position, she acts bossy I prefer Mrs Evelyn"Fiona said with a long hiss

"Same here, I prefer Mrs Evelyn that idiot old fool" Tessa said with a loud hiss

"But hold on, she can't set a rule without dad's approval."

"King Justin approve of it Tessa"Fiona said

"What, did father actually approve of it"

"Yes Tessa. I actually do my findings myself" Fiona said deeping the dry mop into a soapy water

"Something is going on" Tessa said and halt all of the suddenly

"Between the King and Mrs Claire"Fiona halt all her movement looking at Tessa stupidly

"Trust me, Fiona. Something is going between my father and Mrs Claire, Just last week father appoint her as a palace maid that same week father appoint her as mother maids, something is fishing Fiona." Tessa said with a serious expression on her face

"That's true and Mrs Evelyn, she as being working as a Head of the Royal maid for the past two years. She was brought in here as a slave two weeks after my arrival" Fiona said shaking her head

"But Mrs Claire was brought in her few months ago, and father approving those maid and maids rule isn't his duty but the Queen's including my mother, especially my mom" Tessa said with a little proudness

*Fiona clears her throat*

"Here we go again, mom's daughter" fiona said

"Make it snappy, am gonna destroy the Royal breakfast this morning. Because I can't let Mrs Claire get that position, it's cheating Mrs Evelyn deserve it. "Tessa said with gritting teeth

"Yes, she can't get it"Fiona said with a little sound of happiness in her voice.

Someone bang into the room

"Princess no manners"Tessa called

"Good morning sister" Royalty screamed and hugged her

"And what's good about the morning" Tessa asked

"Oh Fiona, what are you doing here, are you not supposed to be downstairs." Royalty said with a bossy voice

"Heyyyyy" Tessa said shaking her hand over face in other to catch her attention.

She continued"she's my property, I have the right to control her, did you get that or not"Tessa yell at her

"Am Just asking princess Tessa"Royalty said with a little sadness in her voice

"Get out of my room Royalty"Tessa said pointing her index finger at the entrance

"It's not up to that Tessa" Fiona said

"Please sister, I Just want to spend some time with you before moving down stairs"Royalty pleaded

"Just want you out for now, have told you several times not to speak ill of Fiona, didn't I" Tessa yell feeling hurt

"You did,but---

Tessa cut her off"No but, just want you out of here"

"It's fine, I will be out" Royalty said wiping her tears as she moved her legs out of Tessa blueish room.

There was total Silence in the room after Royalty departure.

"Are you fine Fiona"

"Yeah am perfectly good, and you"Fiona asked staring at her

"Am fine. I will like to take my leave"Fiona said

"Okay, I will dress up myself, don't call the maids" Tessa said pulling off her pyjamas

"Okay"Fiona replied from the outside


*Sobs slowly*

"What's making shed tears my sweet princess" Lady Emily(King Justin younger sister) asked, raising Royalty up from the ground

"Aunt. It's Tessa"Royalty wailed loudly

"What has Tessa done this time around"Lady Emily asked staring at her

"She sent me out of her room"royalty cried loudly

"So far I know Tessa she can't send you out without a meaningful reason" Lady Emily said taking Tessa's side

"I was only--- Royalty cut herself off and ran away

"(Sciffs) What's wrong with her" Lady Emily thought and walked away

(Lost in thought) what was that Royalty, you want to spill the beans. Oh heavens Lady Emily will have ordered for Fiona's head, and Tessa" she paused

"She will hate me the more, infact she won't talk to me again. Oh heavens thank God I didn't spill the beans, what will have become Fiona's fate and mine"

A maid knocked on her door

"Princess Royalty the King summon you for breakfast down stairs" a maid yell from the outside

She picked the intercom and replied

"Am coming"


I wonder what will happen in this Royal Breakfast,,, Detective Tessaā¤ļø

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Other books by Rose of Sharon

The Nine Planet

The Nine Planet



Who are the nine planet's ?? They are the supernatural brothers.... They are the supernatural friends They are the gods themselves Earth: is the first and the leader of the plant empire,, he's a sex freak ready to taste anything under the skirt ...he's so power full.. And dark in the heart... He has each and every power of his brothers... He can run into the future, he can disappear, he can see the future, he can stop nature, he has the power to heal, he can wipe away one's memory, he can change anything, his blood can destroy the whole word,, he has to many power.... Jupiter : where we have juppy ..he's very dangerous,,, his smile kills.. Try to avoid it ,he has the power run faster,, he can run into the future and come back,,, Mars: mars is a playful person ready to creak jokes,, pure in the heart... He can disappear and the king of ice Venus: he's very intelligent, and he has the power to see the future .... Saturn: he's a play boy, he will date for one hour and break up with you in next seconds... He has the power to stop nature Neptune: he's a lover of music,,, always indoor, with his guitar. " he has the power to heal with his voice... Uranus: He has the power to wipe away one's memory... But he's a gay Mercury: he's appearance alone, one will think he's a girl,,, but don't be fool by his beauty alone,,,, he has the power to convert or change anything to his own choice.... Pluto: here we have Pluto.... The cry cry Baby of them all,,, his anger alone can destroy a whole nation...his tears can kill and destroy things " Here we have Melissa and Melinda... They identical twins Melissa; she's a light skin girl,,you will think she's a goddess on her own with those flawless and beautiful skin,,, her powers are the same with earth... But she only use it to favour people... Melinda: She a light skin girl, very trouble some, corrupt,, she not that pretty like her twin but she's fine... She has the power,, to create a portal, she can make use of lighten to destroy, she has the power to change to any type of animal or insect she want... The planets brothers decided to open a school,, for the supernatural like them.... But what happen when two of the planet brothers betray their fellow brothers.. Find out in this interesting Novel ... what happen when Melinda curse trouble for the planet brothers on their mission.. But they mistakenly took her twin sister Melissa... ?? How did you think her journey to the planet empire will be??.....

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