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Shadows of her memories

Shadows of her memories



The feelings of when she was killed by the hands of the man she love, and 300 years later they were reborn but the most interesting part they all remember their actions in their past life, Elena remember how she was killed by her boss in her past life. But right now she will make sure not to have anything to do with him, especially she was his personal assistant. Excerpt * * * " I will do anything to marry you" he said as he took his step slowly towards her. " I won't allow that" she said as she took her step back. " You will baby" he whispered as he trapped her in between the wall. " Let me go" she yelled. " even your screamed is getting me turn on " He chuckled as he bring his tongue out licking her earlobes making her gasp. " Tell her that Ralph of a guy to stay away from you or else" He stopped then smiled slamming his lips on her inviting lips. This story is trilled with jealousy, betrayal, love, over possessiveness.


" No please I didn't do it, I am not the one who did it please believe me " She pleaded with her knees on the ground and a tall handsome man looking at her in disgust.

" You killed my mother" He yelled.

" please I swear I love you, I can't kill your mother " she said as tears flow out, the thunder not helping as she kneel inside the cold rain, her beautiful face has turn pale, her nose red.

" You shall die, with the way you killed my mother " He said sternly with his bloodshot eyes.

" It was Selena, please believe me" she cried harder, as the thunder strike hard.

" She is innocent she saw you push my mother off the Cliff" He yelled taking the small knife in his boot, he slash her neck making her widened her face in shock.

" Ask my mother for forgiveness with this he pushed her

" Her eyes was wide opened as the last tears on her face drop on the bloom wet flower making it dried.




" Noooooooooooooooooo" She screamed as she woke up with her face drenched with sweat.

" Gosh not again " She groaned as she stood up from her bed going to the bathroom to wash her face.

" I will never allow this to happen " she whispered to herself as she look into her reflection on the mirror.

" She left the wash room and went to sleep back.

Grrrrrrrrrrrr, Grrrrrrrrrrrr, Grrrrrrrrrrrr the alarm on the table beside the bed rang, she groaned.

" Not again, you this stupid alarm" she yelled throwing it away.

" First the dream woke my beauty sleep up, and now you this alarm again" she screamed roughing her mercy hair already.




" Elena, come down now you will be late for your interview" miss Lopez yelled.

"Am coming in a minutes mum " She said as she pack her credentials going to the living room.

" good morning mum" Elena greeted as she kissed her mother's cheek.

" Morning baby" she replied touching her hair.

" Mum I told you not to stress your self, don't you remember what the doctor said, it not good for your health " she scold her mother as she sit down on the dining table taking her cereal which her mum prepared for her.

" Dont worry I will be fine okay " Her mother said taking her seat beside her daughter.

" Don't worry mum, I will make sure you get well okay, you still haven't carry your grandchild mum" she teased making them burst into laughter.

" Come home early my love " Her mum yelled for her to hear as she opened the gate.

" Sure mum " She yelled back as she ran to the street immediately she saw a cab she board on it.

" where to maam" The cab driver ask.

" To John's bakery " she replied as the car screeched speeding out of the street.




" How much is it" she ask looking at the cab driver.

" 2 dollars maam" he replied and she deep her hand inside her bag bringing out the money giving him.

" Thanks " She said and walk into the restaurant.

" Hey babe" A voice was heard you are late today, he said facing her.

" I know is the boss around " She ask.

" No we we're told we are having a visitor today come on go change" he said pushing her, his hand wrap around her waist.

" Ralph, are you following me to the dressing room" She ask pushing him back.

" If you want I will, you know....

" Shut up stupid flirt" Elena whisper as she left him behind going to the dressing room.







On the 50th floor, the CEO office, a man was seen his back was facing the door as he could look through the busy street since the company is built with glass He could look into the street his leg cross to the other side as he rest his butt on the desk, his long fingers tapping the desk as if waiting for something very important.

" Boss" hi assistant Dean called.

" What is it " His deep sexy voice was heard as he move his head to his shoulder.

" This is the file of the girl you ask me to find about " Dean said said as he stretch his hand for him.

" Drop it and leave " He said grumpy with a little excitement in his tone.

" yes boss" Dean replied as he drop it and leave.

Immediately he left he rush to his seat and open the file her first picture he saw makes his heart skipped.

" Elena Lopez, 22 years of age, hmmn" he said to himself and smile.

" I really made a mistake, if only I had not taken the rash decision If i had listen to you, I will be happy with you. " His voice came out low as he touch her picture caressing it.

Xavier Braxton a young billionaire, who is also the most handsome man in A city, the Greek god just like the way the girls do call him.

" Some call him a gay, as they never see him with any girls.

The models, daughters of the share holder in the company and other heiress of their father company has tried to lure him, he has not fall into their trap once.

His only aim was to amend his mistake, and that is his girl, the one his heart yearn for.

He picked up his phone and dialed his assistant number.

" Prepare my car we are going to the john's bakery " He said and cut his phone.

He picked his coat and kiss her picture again.

" I pray you don't remember me" He whispered and left his office going to his private elevator waiting meant for only him.

He came down and enter his Lamborghini and his assistant drove to his destination....

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