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The legend of Laura

The legend of Laura



Laura has always wished she would become a tomb raider and which she did with the help of her best friend Ralph. But things got twisted when she learnt about her past life. Find out in this thrilling story of love, adventure, betrayal and death..

Chapter 1 LAURA

The thunder strike hard as the rain pour down heavily,she ran as fast as her leg could carry her even though she look back most of the time her leg splash into the stagnant water in the ground.

"There she is" One of the men who is searching for her shouted as he sighted her and they all chased her heavily.

she cried hard remembering everything happening.

" Shot her" A man who seemed to be their leader yelled and an arrow was released.

It hit her leg hard and she screamed heavily,falling down into the stagnant water,she tried hard to remove it but she couldn't till they catch up with her.

" This is the end of you princess" A man in a black cloak said with a smirk on his lip.

" Kill her" He ordered in his baritone voice and the solders all shot her ,twelve arrows hit her and she spit out blood writtling in pains.

" she muttered some words and gave up a ghost".













"common Ralph let me be " Laura scream at her best friend .

" What wrong today,you are getting angry easily today,I thought I used to be on your neck without you been angry huh" Ralph pouted.

" Am sorry ,I just don't know what is going on with me this days ,and beside am trying to focus on how to get that ancient jade from the emperor tomb that the Gray mall gave us the work to get,and be prepared it brings in a lot of cash" She winked and packed her books.

" you know this is one of the reasons I love you, how much are they bent on paying" He ask as they walk out of the class.

" Well $100,000 , is it worth or not" she joked hitting him.

" oh my gosh,it worth,common let go check on the map" Ralph nudged her as they walked home.

" Only shit ,you are too sluggish " Ralph muttered and immediately carried her.

" You bastard ,let me down now" She yelled but it seems it all fall into his deaf ear.

Ralph and Laura has been together since childhood,right from the orphanage home ,they both grew up being together as best friends.


" Home sweet home" Laura screamed as she jumped on her bed .

" Stop screaming as if you left home 10 years ago " Ralph yelled at her.

"f**k you" she cursed.

" Here this is the map that is going to lead us to the tomb ,it is located at the South, but according to my research ,there are many traps fully laid there" Ralph said as he munched on his chips eating loudly.

" The ancient jade worth $ 3000000" Laura added and Ralph nodded .

" That is why they are paying us that amount" Ralph said and Laura agreed.

Ralph sat upright and press on the mouse searching fully on the emperor.

" He was born in 1664,and died at 1709" well at least he tried in earth" Ralph muttered to himself earning a chuckle from Elena has she tried taking some of Ralph chips.

"don't ,touch my baby" Ralph pouted earning a big laugh from Laura, ignoring him as she ate out of it

" He got married at the age of 17 with political alliances ,and later fall in love with his wife maid after few months after he was crowned the Emperor.

Their secret relationship was exposed and the Empress got angry,when the Empress was out of the kingdom she used the chances and sentence her to death,the Emperor went rage that he killed his Empress and he wrote down the jade must not be taken off has it was given to him by his heart beat before he killed himself" Ralph explained digging his hand into the paper bag of chips.

" That ridiculous" Laura muttered.

" good night Ralph , we leave at dawn" She added kissing his cheeks before moving out of the living room to her room.

Laura was 5 when she lost her parent,even as though as she is small she could vividly remember what happened that very night , something she couldn't put and hand on ,she tried investigating but left with no evidence.

she has live in the orphanage home till she was 22.

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