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Boss Or Boss

Boss Or Boss



hi this story is about two Ceo in different ised to be best friends now are enemies the other ceo hires a girl to spy on the other Ceo to know what he plans and to know what he is up to

Chapter 1 Loosing a friend

Cyrus POV

i woke up to smell my mothers beutiful delicous meal for breakfast

i woke up sat on my bed and tried to woke my eyes completely up

i looked around my room and saw the time

"whaaaaat! its already 7:50

oh no oh no i am late!"

i ran down stairs and saw mom and dad sitting in the dinning table eating their meal

"Mom dad i am already late for school

why did'nt you wake me up"

"you seemed to have a nice sleep and verry tired

i could not disturb you in your sleep"Mom said

"okay i get that but i am already late"

i looked at the food and it was my favorite food and salad

"Mom,Dad this food seemed to be grand"

"ohhh this is for your great scores in your test and your report already came and i decided to tell your mom to cook something beutiful and delicious" dad said

"ohhh yeah the test is a little

and you will be the newest CEO of our family company soon you will be making games and fun for all " dad said with a proud smile"

i smiled and just nodded

"i would love too dad if its your wish i would love to fulfill that wish"

"cheers to our son"

"And yeah why is yoir math report blank yet?"

dad asked

"ohhh we still did not have our math test its still tommorow"

"get me a perfect score of it and you will have another nice breakfast"

and we all laugh

i got a bath and got ready for school

this is my last year of going to school

once i will finish i will be the next CEO of our company

i got to the gate and ride my limo

At the gate i saw my best friend terrence

"Yo buddy Cyrus Youre late.....i got to fake going to the restroom just to see if you'll be coming school today"

"sorry bout that but i woke up late bro"

"lets go"

as we entered class

the teacher got mad at how i am late

i apologized nicely and respectfully to my teacher

and told me to write a letter of apology and send them to her office

i nodded and went back to my seat

the math teacher axplained on the exam tommorow

after class on lunchbreak

i went to the cafeteria and bought grand food as i always bought but nutricious

i looked for my bestfriend terrence but he was not there

suddenly i felt a hand by my shoulders and saw Rhea

Rhea was my crush since i got here all the guys do

she is kind and smart

"Come eat with me today Cyrus" she said and smiled

i was surprised but followed her to a table with just the two of us sitting there

we ate hapily and talked

the at the entrance of the cafeteria there was terrence standing there holding his tray

then suddenly he looked away at just the time i wanted him to sit with us but before i can call him

he turned away and sat at our usual place

after we ate i stand to talk to terrence

i went to where he was seated but he was not there anymore

i did not know what was wrong with him

so i asked at the guys he was seated

"Did you see Terrence?" i asked

"No he left already"

i went to the classroom he might be already there

but no terrence

then the bell rang

class is starting

i sat on my desk and the teacher entered

me and terrence always has the same classes

but he was not there

i finnished the class and went at the gate to wait for him

but still there are no sign of him

i went to my limo and told the driver to go home

i was still remembering of what could be wrong

abd still i did not figure it out

i went to my room and studied on my math exam tommorow

then after hours of studying i fell asleep

i woke up and remembered all what happend


i took a shower still thinking about Terrence

Where could he be?

after i showered i went downstairs and ate

my meal

Mom was there but Dad was not

Dad probobly had to go work early

we ate and silence

and after i was done

i went to school early

to wait for Terrence

i rode the limo and asked the driver to go

and after several minutes we arrived at the gate i got down and waited for Terrence

after some time

Terrence limo arrived and he got out and i went to him smiling

but he did not look at me even once i was devastated

after some time i decided to let him think before i talk to him

we got to the classroom and the math teacher arrived

"okay class you remember about the test right?" the teacher said and we all said yes

and she handed us testpape

and started answering

all the questions were not that hard

i finnished quickly though

and reviewed my answers

the teacher asked us to pass our testpapers

and annouced that the results will go out this afternoon after lunch

i got to the next class

and after it was done

i went to the cafeteria

and spotted Terrence

"Hey dude what happened to you you avoided me all the time why what happend?"

i asked but he did not reply

he is ignoring me but i sat down beside him and ate our lunch and the results are probobly out now

i went to the place where the results will be put

i saw the names and on top of it is me

i got first place

Terrence got the second

and i looked at terrence but he was looking angry

i followed him to ask if he was okay but no he did not look at me

finaly he turned to face me

"W*** t** f*** Cyrus! stop following me

i dont wanna se you anymore you can have Rhea and the First place but not me sorry man but i dont wanna see you again" he said


now that he told me about it i remembered that he has a big crush on Rhea and wanted to get first place in math

But i broke our friendship

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