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The ghost Alive

The ghost Alive



this is a story of a girl who died and became a ghost but can turn to a human as herself but discovers that she has been called to by gods to fix and let all people belive and have faith in god. This mission Makes her being shown to the world as gods alive ghost

Chapter 1 Died but Revived

Cath POV

"Mom where are we going?"i asked as mom packed our things

"ohhh where moving to another town"she said

i dont know why but when she packed her things she was shaking i was bothered but i went to my room and packed my things

As we finished i saw a van that has a few mens which maybe helping us move

we went and ride to the nearby town

then suddenly my phone rang it was dad

"Cath were moving ,tell your mom that i will be there at our new home this weekend"dad said and i said okay then hung up to tell mom the news we arrived at the new house

i gasped in surprise as it was amazing

it was big and clean i was not expecting it

already has a few things inside and there was a lady

i thought to myself that we arrived at the wrong address

"Mom is this the right place?,cause there is someone there." i asked her

"ohhh i need to introduce you to someone" and we entered the house

then the lady i saw went to mom and hugged her tightly

i looked at them confused and then mom said "meet your aunt,my sister" i was amazed and shocked but also hugged her

"so this is your daughter i am so exited to have you here"aunt said and mom turned to me

"we will be staying here,i want you and your aunt to bond and know each other"mom said as i smiled

i went to choose a room and picked the room with a nice comfy bed and a bathroom

i locked the door and started arranging my stuff

as days passed the weekends came an dad arrived

we greeted dad happily and ate a delicous meal together

i was really happy that time

i went to go to bed early

but then i saw a few cars parked at the gate i was scared and some men started climbing up the gate and a few of them has guns

i go down the stairs went to the dinning room where they were chatting and eating

"Mom Dad! some guys are climbing over the gate and some of them has guns." they all gasped as dad grabbed his gun and went there

Then i heard i lous gunshot we went to a secret bunker where there were a secrete passage but i did no follow the

instead i went to my dad and peaked on him

he was crazy shooting the bad guys then he saw me and said "What are you doing here it is verry dangerous!" i suddenly heard a siron

my dad was a soldier

then cops arrived and some of the men escaped but i saw one wich aimed at my dad and i ran towards him then

the gunshot and i was hit i hit to the ground really hard and passed out

the next thing i heard was appearing in the hospital and the doctor then black

i woke up to see my parents crying "Mom Dad are you okay.? but othing they said nothing as if they cant hear me the i floted i was stunned to float and saw my body lying there dead

am i dead?!

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