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CEO's Only Woman

CEO's Only Woman



Blaire Ruiz, 22, is a normal university student who has dreams for herself. She's an orphan and she's striving hard to survive and to reach her dreams. Because of some circumstances, she met Dylan Adizer, 27, - a man who has a high status and a noble man. After spending time together, they fell in love with each other. Their lives wasn't easy as they expected, their love for one another was tested in so many ways. But despite of all the challenges they had experience, in the end will they be able to say 'Us, Until Forever?'

Chapter 1 I'm not qualified

It was a normal day and Blaire was peacefully sleeping in her small apartment when she heard a loud knock somewhere. She slowly opened her eyes and that's when she noticed that the loud knock was coming from her door.

She lazily stood up and fixed herself quickly before opening the door. It turns out that the one who's knocking was her landlady.

Oh my god! She must be here to asked for the rent payment but I don't have enough money yet, Blaire thought.

"You must be aware why I am here. You told me last week that you'll be paying today." The landlady spoke up straightforwardly.

Blaire just bit her lip in frustration, she indeed said that she'll be paying today but she still doesn't have enough money.

I just hope she will accept my money even if it's just a half payment.

"Mrs. Garcia, you see I still don't have enough money to pay you but I have some money here, can I pay half of the payment then when I already have money that's when I'll be paying the partial amount." Blaire pleaded.

Mrs. Garcia looked at her and sighed. She felt pity for Blaire because she knew that she's an orphan and she doesn't have someone to rely but herself. She didn't want to make things more difficult for her so she just nodded.

Blaire felt relieved. She immediately took her money and gave it to Mrs. Garcia.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Garcia. I swear I'll pay the left amount once I find a new job." Blaire said sincerely.

Mrs. Garcia just smiled to her and made her way back to their house.

Blaire went back to her bed and was lost in her thoughts. Today she plan to roam around the city to find a new job that's suitable for her. She looked at the time and saw that it's already 10 A:M in the morning.

She began to prepare herself to go out. After an hour, she is already prepared to leave.

She wore simple black dress and a white sneaker shoes. Blaire is a woman who is good at fashion and even though she lacks money, you won't know about it. She always slay everything that she wears.

Blaire remember, you must find a job today no matter what happened. You have so many expenses and clearly you need money. Blaire told to herself.

She walked forward and every time she sees a restaurant, a boutique, and some shops, she asks them if they are in need of a worker. Blaire has been walking for almost 2 hours but couldn't anything.

Grace decided to rest so she went to a near park to give herself a break. She bought a water and a biscuits for her snacks. While she was eating, her phone starts to ring.

It was her friend, Amari.

"[Hey, what's up?]"

"[Blaire, where are you? Did you already found a new job?]" Amari asked gently.

Blaire sighed helplessly before answering. "[I haven't. I found some hiring shops but they have the same reason for not accepting me as their worker.]"

"[Oh, really? What reason?]" Amari asked curiously. Why won't they hire her? Blaire clearly is a hardworking woman. They are wasting such a good worker, Amari thought.

"They said I'm not qualified because I looked like a person who haven't done hard things and a person who didn't experienced any hardships! Amari, can you believe that!? They judged me without giving me a chance to prove myself!" Blaire ranted. She didn't even know whether she would laugh or cry.

Amari on the other hand had the same thoughts with her. Right now, the only thing Amari could do to her dearest friend is to comfort her. "All right, don't mind them. You'll eventually find a job sooner or later. I'll help you!"

Blaire smiled genuinely. Good thing she had Amari on her side.

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