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Fight for Dominance

Fight for Dominance



Peter was working on one of the biggest account for their company when a very tempting offer was made to him. $100 million. Just like That. To make that amount of money working as an auditor would take him of 20 years. Considering no further explanations were given, several questions were running through his mind, was it a trap? bribery? token of appreciation? etc... With just 48 hours to make the decision on taking the money or not......... Would he take the money. The decision he makes sets off a chain of events that change not only his life but those of several people around him.

Chapter 1 The Offer

Greed is good! No it isn't. But some people are doing it, why not me? What if I get caught? How have others been doing it without getting caught? What about the honest ones, how do they do it? What are the consequences if I take it or fail to? These are some of the thoughts that were running through Peter's mind at the end of a busy and strenuous day.

Earlier in the day while conducting an audit for one of their clients, Peter was approached by some of the company's leaders with an offer he couldn't turn down. Or could he? One hundred million dollars? Who in their right mind could turn that amount of money down? Especially if it was not to be shared with any other person? Let alone tax free. And for him to make that much money in his career, it would take over 20 years. Tell me, can you? He had just been given forty eight hours to make a decision.

The irony of the whole state of affairs is that, he did not even know what the reason behind the offer was. Is it something he was supposed to do for the multinational company? Was he being rewarded for a job well done previously? If so, why was the money offer coming up now? Was it an offer for a new job with the company? Nooooo, that would not be likely. Was it some illegal activities the company was involved in that could be revealed during the audit?

More questions without answers were running through running through Peter's tired mind since the offer was presented.


In the same evening while attending a stupid party for formality purposes, Qooch an employee at Nothing is Impossible Inc. was also wondering whether the young man whatever his name was would take his offer. If he did not, he knew not only would his bosses fry him and throw him into the woods, his flamboyant and cocooned lifestyle would come crumbling. Only God and the devil knows where he would land if the young man bailed out on him for one reason or another. For now, he would try his best to avail his services to the auditor or rather potential employee/colleague.


The only reason Peter was attending the party is mainly for his friend, Qooch currently an employee at Nothing is Impossible Inc. Most importantly, he also did not want to let his newly acquired "friends" (since he was still not certain) down since they had come through for him when he needed a source of income. The one aspect he disliked of such parties is that there were dress codes associated with such events. For this ball party, ladies were expected to be in evening gowns while the gents were to be dressed in black suits, white shirts and black bow ties. God! How he hated bow ties and the formality of the whole thing. He always wondered why these rich folks had to require people to be in certain attires when attending their parties. He even wondered if he came in a tee shirt and shorts what would be the big deal. So long as he was present and could interact. But no he had to play by the rules. Set by who and for whom he could never understand. You should not get him wrong, not that he did not what to attend the gatherings. It is only that Denisque did not get the logic or even the importance of all that especially if people were going to spend the whole time either talking with one another, or dancing to different kinds of music.

All in all, Peter believed he looked profoundly ridiculous in such attires, more so tonight for two main reasons. One, he perfectly knew unlike ties that were of different sizes with regards to length and width thus provided a wide array of choices to pick from, bow ties just hung around the neck. Sometimes the bow ties were too tight for adjustment and at other times too loose to complement one's dressing. Secondly, after work he had just run home to change hurriedly. Later on, he came to realize he had pulled out a white shirt with an ink stain on the front left side that had refused to go away. He had even tried to use the different advertised cleaning products and detergents including Omo, Persil, Ariel, Sosoft, and Sunlight in vain. So, if he happened to remove his coat for any reason the questioning looks that would be sent his way would be enough to send him home.

Interestingly, if it were not for his boss at the Solutions Oriented Accounting Firm, Peter could be home enjoying the latest series that he had acquired the day before "Designated Survivor," "Locke & Key" and "Blind Spot." This is while slowly sipping the Johnnie Walker Whiskey he had spent close to $50,000 in a bid to not only fit in but also acquire 5 bottles for storage purposes. Some of his friends had also recommended "Empire" as one of hottest current series but he was yet to acquire it. The main reason for acquiring this type or rather brand of liquor is because occasionally the newly acquired "friends" visited and enjoyed having the drink. The fact that the prices on the Johnnie Walker products differed based on quality thus ease of differentiation also implied the "friends" could easily disappear if they detected foul play. Considering in his line of work he needed them for one reason or another, Denisque had to try his best to keep up. However, normally, Peter had a high preference for a beer or wine.

Taking a deep breathe, he picked a glass from of champagne from one of the waiters at the party to keep himself occupied and was about to take a sip when something caught his eye.....or can we say someone.

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