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Isabella found herself at her brother/best friends office with a bruise on her eye when her home was broken into. She knew who broke into her home which made her brother's boss jump into action and move her in. They quickly found themselves into a relationship of BMDS in which Thane would never wanted a serious relationship until he had fallen for her completely. He had to keep her safe from her past demons and presents one after she was kidnaped from his cabin. How will Thane help her heal from her past and present while he trains her his sub in BMDS. Warning: This story contains sensitive subjects such as abuse and rape. For mature audience only.

Chapter 1 Break In

I pulled up the shawl over my shoulder as I walked to a massive mansion, "Mickey, who house is this again?" He smiled as he looked at me, "It is my bosses' family home. And Isabella." I stopped walking up the massive stairs as I looked up at my best friend who is like a brother to me,

"Thank you again for agreeing to take Jessie's place."

I shook my head as I placed my hand around his arm as he walked me up the stairs,

"She is an idiot for cheating on you."

He smiled as we reached the massive doors and a man standing holding the door open. We walked in as I looked around to see that it was a crowd and everyone having their own little conversations as Mickey leaned to me and whispered,

"By the way, that red dress looks incredible on you."

I blushed as we walked over to a group of men.

They were standing in a small circle of five men when Mickey cleared his throat and they all turned to him, "Guys, I would like you all to meet Isabella Johnson." They all smiled at me and shook my hand except for one as Mickey smirked at him,

"And this right here is the boss man, Mr. Thane Sterling."

I slightly giggled as the man stepped forward,

"Nice to meet you Isabella."

I smiled at him and shook his hand when he asked Mickey,

"How long have you two been together?"

Mickey and I looked at each other and laughed as Thane looked confused when Mickey explained, "Isabella is like a little sister to me. My family took her in after..."

I elbowed him before he could say anymore when Mickey and Thane lifted their eyebrows to me as I whispered into

Mickey's ear,

"Please, Mickey not now."

Mickey smiled and nodded his head to me.

I heard the click of the heels walking up behind me and

Mickey when I heard Jessie's voice, "Really Mickey, you bring your sister but not me." Mickey turned around as I backed away almost into one of the most beautiful men in the world, my brother's boss,

"Jessie, how did you get in here?"

She pointed at him as she walked forward, "I wanted to talk."

She sighed and brought her hands to her side,

"I was stupid."

Mickey looked back at me with an apologetic look on his face as I shrugged my shoulders,

"Go ahead, I will take a cab home."

Thane placed his hand on my shoulder as he cleared his throat, "Don't worry Mickey, I will make sure your sister gets home safety." Mickey tilted his head and nodded,

"Take good care of her."

I looked up at Thane as he smiled,

"I will."

I turned towards Thane as I took out my phone to open the Uber app when he took my phone from me.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "What do you think you are doing?"

He smiled and placed his phone to his ear, "Leo, is the car ready?" He paused as he looked at me with a smirk, "Good, I will be ready in five minutes."

He leaned forward as he hung up the phone,

"Your ride home has arrived."

He held out his hand for me to walk in front of him to the door. As the group of men whistled from behind us. I slightly turned my head as I could see him flip them off and I gave him a little smirk.

Thane held open the door as I got into the car then he tapped my leg and moved over with a confused look on my face,

"Thane, what are you doing?" He smiled as he sat next to me,

"I promised your brother that I would get you home safety and that is what I am doing."

I shook my head as I looked out the window, "You don't have to do this." He sighed as I could see his yellow eyes from the reflect of the window staring into my ocean deep blue eyes,

"No, I didn't have to, but I wanted to."

I looked at him then back at the house, "How about your party?"

He shrugged as the car started to pull away,

"I was bored. Plus, this party was my mother's idea not mine."

I nodded my head as I turned my head back to the window watching the trees fly by. I felt his eyes burn into me as my stomach was turning and twisting from him being so close to me. He wasn't touching me, but I still feel the heat off him, I can smell that manly musky scent that smells sweet to me.

I took a deep breath as I smirked at him,

"Mickey and you are friends also?"

He shook his head, "We are actually related."

I tilted my head towards him, "Mickey never told me that you two was related."

He nodded his head, "We just found out that we are cousins." He sighed

"We have been friends for about a year. I brought him over to meet my mother a couple of days ago and she told me that his mom and her are sisters." I nodded my head, "Did your mom and his mom have a fight or something?" He shrugged his shoulders,

"I guess that is what happened, my mother didn't want to get into why they lost contact with them but wanted to make sure that me and Mickey got along." I nodded as we pulled up in front of my apartment building. Thane got out of the car to allow me out as he looked around the building,

"Bella, I don't like the look at this neighborhood for you."

I sighed, "I know but I don't have much of a choice right now."

I slid out of the car and talked to walked up the sidewalk, "You are sure you will be safe here."

I smiled at him, "I will be fine."

I took my keys out of my purse as I slightly turned my head,

"Good night Sterling, Sir." He groaned

"Good Night Bella."

I smiled as I opened the door and went into the hallway. I walked up the stairs and walked to my apartment. The hallway smelled like stale cigarettes and someone drank ten gallon of whiskey as I got to my door and placed my eye to open it.

I walked into my room to change out of the dress as I couldn't get Thane out of my mind. The way he talks and carries himself is something that is not forgettable. I placed my tank top over my head as I noticed my nipples getting hard just thinking about how his lips would taste if I were able to touch them. Just the thought made me melt as I sat on the couch.

I looked around the apartment getting an uneasy feeling when I decided to go to bed as I tossed and turned.

A week later after working at the café, I was walking down the hallway to my room I heard footsteps running from behind me as I got knocked down to the ground,

"What the Fuck?"

This person took my hands and placed them behind me as I tried to fight him off, "STOP!" I was able to turn to see someone with a ski mask on as his fist met my eye. My head went back into the floor as I cried,

"Someone Help!"

I heard a woman's voice from my door, "I called the cops, so you better get out of here right now, asshole."

The man hit me one more time and leaned forward to my ear as he whispered,

"I will see you again, Isabella."

Chills went up my spine as I remember that voice.


I cried as my neighbor came running towards me past the man as he growled at her. She sat next to me as I closed my eyes,

"Isabella, I have the police on their way."

I nodded as I thought of calling Mickey then decided to wait until tomorrow. I had to wrap my mind around that he found me. Brittany: my neighbor allowed me to stay on her couch for the night, so I wasn't alone.

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